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I really dislike this part

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Reputable Member     Middlesex, New Jersey, United States of America
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So I spent most of the day dress and feminine, and now it's time to be my male self again. This is when I have to do something I really hate. No, it's not becoming a male again, though that is disappointing. The part I hate is cleaning the brushes, and I do have a lot of brushes to clean. To save time, I clean the brushes while taking a shower to remove the stubborn makeup and perfume. Is there any part of crossdressing that you dislike?

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
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Hi Edie! I really HATE hand washing panties and bras and slips so they don't get faded or ruined in a wash machine. Then there is the mess it makes in my "den" with handing lingerie all over the place. Heaven help me if someone drops buy to visit LOL.

Dame Veronica

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Reputable Member     Long Island , New York, United States of America
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I can relate to your feelings. I remember the 1st time I went to Fantasia Fair years ago. When it came time to change back to my male persona I became depressed. But as I drove away I said I am going to come back next year and I did.

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What I really dislike is removing my heels! I love wearing my heels and walking in them so much I actually think I have a high heel fetish. I mean, I do look at the shoes a woman is wearing all of the time and if they are high hells I daydream of how it would feel walking in those heels. Then I look at the rest of her outfit and try to figure out everything underneath. So maybe not a fetish but adoration of high heels, a fascination, a romance with high heels............. All I know is when I take them off I am depressed and for the rest of the day all I want to do is put them back on. TTFN💋👠


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Hi Edie!

My least favorite part is putting clothes away. Trying to organize, fold and protect everything. It wouldn’t be so bad but I always dig out so much stuff and travel with way to many clothes.


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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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My only comment is "all of the above".

The harshness of male underwear fabrics compared to that of the female, the need to hide it all away from my SO and the lies I have to tell.

The hand washing does not bother me so much, cos I get to "play" with all my lovely lingerie. Hanging it in a locked shed to dry is a pain, a/, the secrecy and b/. cant do any "ATM" cos I just painted the walls in the Shed. Dont want THAT "perfume" smell in my "intimate apparel"



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Noble Member     Long Island,, New York, United States of America
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When I had my first makeover, it was a wonderful experience of being pampered and treated as a true lady. Karen was very patient and showed me makeup techniques ...Then it happened.... "Cinderella" had to change to her alter ego... That was so hard to do!!

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What I dislike most about my feminine side is having to let Allyson revert to her male personna. Putting her things away always makes me so very sad. Mentally Ally is always present. Seems like every woman I come in contact with even to the point of girls in TV commercials I wonder why that I wasn't born as the woman I want so much to be😇

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I think the most annoying part of my life is shaving.  I live in an area with a warm climate to I wear shorts and skirts a lot.  I just won't bare skin unless everything is baby smooth.  That includes arms, legs, torso, the nether parts, and and anywhere else hair grows.

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I think the most annoying part of my life is shaving. I live in an area with a warm climate to I wear shorts and skirts a lot. I just won’t bare skin unless everything is baby smooth. That includes arms, legs, torso, the nether parts, and and anywhere else hair grows.

Oh to be shaved over every inch from the cheek bones down! Right now I only shave from the belly button down including the nether region and flip side. I also shave my arm pits and the top of my chest from nipples up so I look better in a bra:). TTFN


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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
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The shaving for me is such a hassle , having to everyday but dressing also as for the little times available .  It's such a enjoyable time spending the time getting all dolled up, but only for a short while then have to put it all away. Upsetting to say the least but always anticipating the next time.🌹

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You know I wanted to think about this part before I posted. I think the main thing I dislike doing is plucking my eyebrows and doing my eyebrows with make up! lol I don't know why I just do. I really love make up too, but I can totally see why some of us may skip this part periodically lol xD



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Estimable Member     Virginia, United States of America
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While I love it all, the thing I like least is what I have to wear to appear feminine vs. what I wear to feel feminine. Girdles and waist cinchers and hip pads and all the other compression garments and pads that make it look like I have a waist and hips vs. silky gowns and lingerie that make me feel like a Hollywood starlet. I do like breast forms though...hmmm...

It's all good, just some is easier and more comfortable than others.



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