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As some of you know, I have been going to my Church as Cassie for almost a year now. As I got into Church an older man asked me why as he was pointing at me and my dress. Basically I said I needed to try this and find out where I was going with this. I also said I could tell him where my head was at at this moment but in a few minutes I might be thinking about it alot differently.
It has been almost a year and finally had the discussion about why I was doing the dressing 👗 as a woman.
He was very nice about it and I thanked him for it. It genuinely made me think deeper for myself WHY.
Something I will be thinking about for myself and explaining to the next person that asks.
I suppose life is like writing a book and to explain it all there are the five'W's and an 'H' for good measure.
WHO am I
WHAT am I doing
WHY am I doing it
WHERE can I do it
WHEN can I do it
HOW can I do it.
A simplistic overview of many lives. Once the first three are understood by you then the others follow.
We never stop and ask ourselves why we dress en homme, so why do we feel the need to ask why we dress en femme. It is just part of us. While we want to be accepted for who we are, remember that those who have a problem with it are the one's with the problem , not you.