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Just a little thing...

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Reputable Member     Kansas, United States of America
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I like having painted nails. I began painting them only when I dressed, which for a long time meant in secret. As I have learned more about and accepted my feminine self, and having shared that with some close family and friends, I decided that painting my nails would be a small way of dressing while in drab. I began by painting the pinkie on one hand. I was more concerned than I should have been that everyone would be fixated on my finger. As it turned out, no one said anything. Confidence gained. I added the other pinkie. The world didn't explode. More confidence. I continued adding more fingers, and now I have both hands painted a good deal of the time. I have mostly learned not to care what others think, although I do have to keep remind myself of this. I have received positive comments from some of the people I have shared Kendra with. I have not received any negative comments yet, but I have noticed some questioning/surprised/confused glances from people while out shopping, at restaurants, etc.

Tonight, I went to pick up supper. As I drove to the window and handed the woman my card, she said, "I love your nails, by the way." I smiled and thanked her. She was the first 'stranger' to comment on them. I got my food and drove away, the smile still gracing my face. It was just a little thing, but it meant so much. 

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Posted by: @kendrawhite

I began by painting the pinkie on one hand.

I think I'd start with my middle fingers....

Black with a white exclamation point on each.


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Reputable Member     Kansas, United States of America
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@emilyalt A built-in comeback for negative reactions 😆

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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@kendrawhite  @emilyalt 

I think I'd start with my middle fingers....

Black with a white exclamation point on each.

Emily ... you should definitely copyright this idea!

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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@emilyalt LOL, Thanks for a good laugh Emily Laugh Cry LOL

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@kendrawhite A few days ago, I saw a young man with shoulder length hair. He wasn't crossdressing, but his thumbs were painted with blue sparkle polish on one thumb and a similar green polish on the other thumb. That's a first for me seeing this.

Another time, I saw an effeminate young man that was dressed very unusually and he had long painted  fingernails on both hands. He was definitely not presenting as a female nor a male.

We never know what we will see out in the wild.



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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
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@harriette I use to keep my one baby finger painted in the colour I had on my toes and the rest with a base and top coat of clear. I do keep my toes painted of French tips for probably over 2 years now . My new found love is press on nails and I find they work great and have had many compliments when wearing in either femme or male mode.

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Reputable Member     Kansas, United States of America
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@cdashley I'm going to have to try clear one of these days

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This is great to hear Kendra! It is so hard for all of to stop being concerned with what others think - it's human nature. Plus, if we're honest with ourselves, most folks are too caught up in their own business to notice other people. Regardless, it must have felt nice to get that compliment. I bet your manicure looked lovely, BTW 😊 .

Denise ❤️

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@denises924 Sometimes I wish people would react out loud because I'm curious to know what they're thinking. And thanks for the compliment!

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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@kendrawhite that sounds like a fun thing to do Kendra. It’s great that you ha£ the confidence to do it, and to get compliments have felt great

(@Anonymous 76954)
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@kendrawhite Kendra that sounds so great and it is so fun to have someone acknowledge that detail in a positive way.  When wearing open toed sandals with cherry red toenails I have had a few women comment on how much they love it and how cute they are.  Always makes me feel great to get that reinforcement.  Such a little thing can really make your day!!

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Hi Kendra

I wear clear nail varnish all the time during the week now. Even though it's nowhere near as noticeable as colour (which I use at weekends) I was worried at first that people would notice and comment, especially at work. Not a soul ever has.

Summer's when my toes join the party as well 🙂


Ellie x


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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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@kendrawhite Kendra, isn't it the best when you get a compliment from someone out of the blue.  Since my nails are done most of the time I try to spread the compliment first.

I know a compliment like that makes my day and I see on others faces that that compliment makes their day also Smile  


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Reputable Member     Kansas, United States of America
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@loneleycd That's a great reminder to spread those compliments! As a natural introvert, it's daunting to initiate those exchanges, but I'd love to make someone else feel how I felt!

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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@kendrawhite Yes, I went to my Tax man this afternoon and complimented the receptionist on her lovely nails, they were a half inch long with lovely hearts 💖 on them.

I hope I made her day. 


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Honorable Member     Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
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Yay, Kendra!

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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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Good for you! I'm glad you had the confidence to do that! 

I keep my toes painted 365 - bright glittery red - in guy or gal mode. Never gotten anything but compliments. 🙂

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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It isn't as unusual as once was. I know some years ago Goths would wear black polish and even a few new wave and punk before that along with makeup. Nowadays with all the genders that are proud to be out it is quite common. There was a lad who was presenting as whatever gender at a hardware store. The makeup was sparkly around the eyes and the rest was perfect and along with painted nails was very nice. I even walked up and complemented the look. He/him/she/ her/them/they took it nicely and thanked me saying I looked good too.

Win win.

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Kendra -

How fun for you and to have received a compliment from a stranger even better. 

I get my toes done in color when it isn't sandal season and my fingers done in clear. The reason for the toes not being done in sandal season is to keep the peace with my wife. She is fine when I get it done in the winter months but is worried about what others will say at other times. I have used press on nails and love the look, much less work than polishing and removing all the evidence. 


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Reputable Member     Kansas, United States of America
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@cdsue It felt so good! Living alone has its downsides, but being able to dress freely is one of the good things. I'm glad that you have an understanding with your wife.

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Eminent Member     Clovis, New Mexico, United States of America
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I also love to have my nails polished, but most of the time, I can only have it done a couple of times a year when my teenager is out of the house.  They're not aware of my dressing.  This past week, my wife and daughter were out of town which allowed me to stay dressed most of the week which included polished nails and toenails.  I think it's one of the heights of being in femme mode.  

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Reputable Member     Kansas, United States of America
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@tyralawn There is just something so affirming about looking down and seeing that splash of color!

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Eminent Member     Clovis, New Mexico, United States of America
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@kendrawhite I completely agree.  It can be a confidence booster.

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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One of the great joys of being a transitioned trans girl is the fact my nails are always done 24/7!  And yes, it is so nice to notice the colors while I am typing at my computer during the day!




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