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I like having painted nails. I began painting them only when I dressed, which for a long time meant in secret. As I have learned more about and accepted my feminine self, and having shared that with some close family and friends, I decided that painting my nails would be a small way of dressing while in drab. I began by painting the pinkie on one hand. I was more concerned than I should have been that everyone would be fixated on my finger. As it turned out, no one said anything. Confidence gained. I added the other pinkie. The world didn't explode. More confidence. I continued adding more fingers, and now I have both hands painted a good deal of the time. I have mostly learned not to care what others think, although I do have to keep remind myself of this. I have received positive comments from some of the people I have shared Kendra with. I have not received any negative comments yet, but I have noticed some questioning/surprised/confused glances from people while out shopping, at restaurants, etc.
Tonight, I went to pick up supper. As I drove to the window and handed the woman my card, she said, "I love your nails, by the way." I smiled and thanked her. She was the first 'stranger' to comment on them. I got my food and drove away, the smile still gracing my face. It was just a little thing, but it meant so much.
Good for you! I'm glad you had the confidence to do that!
I keep my toes painted 365 - bright glittery red - in guy or gal mode. Never gotten anything but compliments. 🙂
It isn't as unusual as once was. I know some years ago Goths would wear black polish and even a few new wave and punk before that along with makeup. Nowadays with all the genders that are proud to be out it is quite common. There was a lad who was presenting as whatever gender at a hardware store. The makeup was sparkly around the eyes and the rest was perfect and along with painted nails was very nice. I even walked up and complemented the look. He/him/she/ her/them/they took it nicely and thanked me saying I looked good too.
Win win.
Kendra -
How fun for you and to have received a compliment from a stranger even better.
I get my toes done in color when it isn't sandal season and my fingers done in clear. The reason for the toes not being done in sandal season is to keep the peace with my wife. She is fine when I get it done in the winter months but is worried about what others will say at other times. I have used press on nails and love the look, much less work than polishing and removing all the evidence.
I also love to have my nails polished, but most of the time, I can only have it done a couple of times a year when my teenager is out of the house. They're not aware of my dressing. This past week, my wife and daughter were out of town which allowed me to stay dressed most of the week which included polished nails and toenails. I think it's one of the heights of being in femme mode.
One of the great joys of being a transitioned trans girl is the fact my nails are always done 24/7! And yes, it is so nice to notice the colors while I am typing at my computer during the day!