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where I work is for sale. Because of this, I have to accompany the potential buyers with the broker and give answers that he cannot. I do this as my male persona. As soon as the potential buyer (GG) walked in to tour, I was instantly attracted..... to her shoes!! They were (very high) high heeled black velvet pumps. She was very well dressed as well, and attractive in herself, but I couldn’t stop checking out her shoes. I wanted to compliment her so bad but held back and luckily was able to put my sunglasses on to continue to check her and them out. All I could think during the tour was “I want those shoe and where she got them!”. So jealous.
just wanted to share since I don’t have anyone to tell face to face. Thanks for reading!
This happens to me all the time! Tops, pants and jewelry, but mostly shoes. Luckily there are a lot of online shoe sellers with elaborate websites, so most of the time I don't have to ask the woman where she got them!
Lori 💋
Ohhhhhh me too. I see women wearing pretty dresses and knowing they're wearing soft comfy undies underneath. I get so jealous. Then I see pretty toes and sandals and am happy for them! Great post!
Hi Ashley
Your post about shoes and the way that you couldn't stop looking at them reminds me of the way that tight fitting jeans on a attractive girl do the same thing to me.
So I guess that we both have something in common
Keep on looking and dreaming and I will to
Many thoughts to you
I know the feeling, Ashley. A summer ago, I met my little sister for lunch. She looking stunning in her dress, which I told her. But I really wanted to ask from where she had gotten the dress. It is hard, not being able to share such thoughts with those about whom I care the most.
MacKenzie Alexandra
I love nice shoes as well. If I were able to wear great shoes daily, I'm sure it would get very expensive quickly. Women are so lucky to be able to wear them whenever they want. I am so jealous...
I often wonder how I would look in something I see on someone else. I just had a similar experience while stretching at the gym. The woman next to me had the cutest yoga pants with her nails and toes in a coordinated color. I was so jealous and went on-line to see if I could find them.
I wished I had the courage to compliment her and ask where she bought it.
Lol the first time I feel in love with a purse. I was at hot topic, I saw a Batman Harley Quinn purse. I was so excited I quickly asked the sales girl its price. Too bad I chickened out then and only bought the wallet.
Now I have way more courage.
Hi Ashley!
Great story! That is how I landed up with the sexy little loafers I am wearing now. Was in a story and a young gal ( who is very sexy) who works there was wearing them. I complimented her on them and she told me what brand they were, how she had to additional pairs in other colors, where she bought them......I was at that store a week later trying them on, then buying them!
Go get you a pair and get the rush of that feeling when you are slipping your stocking feet into those sexy heels!
Love that!
Just this morning my physical therapist for my knee had on a blouse I loved. Satiny and blue. I also thought to ask if wearing high heels was ok or not but did neither.
I work with some very fashionable women. How often I've noticed something they were wearing and wanted to compliment them, but held back because of workplace rules.
Out shopping or running errands, I've gotten more confident to share my compliments when I see a woman wearing something I admire, often heels or dresses. I've noticed that most women are very appreciative of compliments, and several have told me how it really made their day!
"Can't hurt just being nice!"
Whilst doing a task with one of my young and attractive co-workers I did remark on her pretty shift dress and how it suited her. I’m older so can hopefully get away with it! She replied and I kid you not ‘ you should try wearing it, it’s a job not to show your knickers...’ omg, if only she knew 
nd yes I did!
“My Sister Eileen” 😀
“Those are great, and my wife/gf would love them! May I ask where you got them?”
I know the feeling Ashley. I have had similar feelings. I will see a girl in think, I love her nails and makeup or I love that dress.