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I am sitting here dressed as a woman, a man cross dressed and I feel as if my male self is fading away as these woman's clothes I sit here in and boots and tights and mini skirt and d.d silicone breasts make my male self perish away and I don't care I can't fight any more against her because she's sat here now triumphant and smiles a knowing smile as she begins to dominate my life. Anne.
I felt the same way this morning. I can’t put the genie back in the bottle. Thank you for sharing.
hi anne. I find its no use trying to fight it, just let yourself go, be who you are, enjoy the experience and pleasure.
fiona xx
Love that Sweetjane, can't put the "Janie" back in the bottle, nor would I want to!
Stay as long as you like, darlin'. We're thrilled to have ya.
Nothing like the feeling smooth skin beautiful makeup and the smell of your farorite perfume dressed the way you feel 😍
<p style="text-align: left;">As I'm laying in bed reading your story, in chastity, i dont care, i cant fight it either</p>
Anne I know the feeling. Its as if my femme side is the real person I am and when dressed up she takes over, suppresses who I really am not and I feel like the woman I was meant to be. I think at that time why do I even want to return as a man when I can be this wonderful, happy, exciting, caring, sexy person. If there was a magic pill to permanently change me at those times, you bet I'd take the pink one.
Sometimes, I'm mentally bursting to get out and be me forever, no more discreetness, no more hiding. One day!