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Larks Among the Loiners - Part 5

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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A new thread for Part 5 of my story about my night out in Leeds. I should have done this with each instalment, to make it easier to find and follow. Silly me!



Viaduct was even busier than before. The thing I’ve always noticed about gay bars is how happy and carefree people seem to be. The sense of fun seems heightened somehow, and there’s a greater feeling of welcome.

I made my way along towards the dance floor. My eye was caught by a movement to my right. It was Barry the Crossdresser Presser, leaning against the wall, bottle of Peroni in hand and leering straight at me. I responded with a polite smile and a nod, and carried on to the dance floor.

There were around ten others on the dance floor, pulling shapes to the heavy beat club anthems. The Drag DJ had flicked up the volume considerably since my earlier visit. I looked around the room for signs of any other crossdressers, and saw my own reflection in the mirrored wall. I looked radiant, even if I say so myself.

One of the other dancers turned to face me, a big friendly smile on her face. She moved in closer and we gyrated around each other, happily bumping bums. She was an amazing mover, and I was reminded how much dancing styles have changed over the years.

“I’m Jasmine,” she yelled at me over the music. She pointed at her two companions, a girl and a boy. “This is my partner and my brother. We’re celebrating my 30th birthday!”

“Happy birthday!” I yelled back, hoping my femme voice was holding up against the din of the music. I told Jasmine my name.

“Hiya, Jocelyn!” she replied.

“No,” I said. “It’s Jacqueline. Jocelyn’s the storm!”

Jasmine laughed, and we carried on dancing. After a few more songs I went to the bar and ordered a white wine, then moved into the quieter courtyard area. It was decidedly cooler, being partly open to the outside air. The room was lined with wooden picnic bench tables, all of which were occupied. To my left a group of young men stood drinking and laughing, and to my right a tall girl (who I took to be a MTF trans) was entertaining her friends with some outrageous moves.  I found an empty seat opposite a youngish man with Middle Eastern features. The chill in the air made my legs shiver.

This young man gave me a smile. We chatted pleasantly for about half an hour, exchanging general comments about this and that. Small talk is something which I’m not good at normally, but as Jacqueline I seem to have no bother with.

It was 1am when I asked my new friend (whose name I didn't know) if he could tell me what time The End closed. The End was another bar on my list, up at the top of Briggate. I was informed, a little uncertainly, that The End closed at 2pm. I gave my thanks for the information and left Viaduct to walk up the slight incline of Briggate.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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@jacquelinelarkspur That was such a feelgood instalment 🙂

I'm so glad that Barry the CP didn't attempt any more crossdresser pressing. He's a wrong un' for sure. On the plus side, he's adding a lurking sense of malice to the narrative, and that's helping to build the drama 🙂

Have you thought about who's going to play all these people in the movie adaptation?


Ellie x

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497


Well, obviously me as me.


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Duchess Annual
Honorable Member     Missoula, Montana, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Jacueline, I'm loving your story and so looking forward to parts 6-? I just wish I could be you for five minutes, not five minutes while you were asleep, I want to experience the fun five minutes.


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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497


Thank you, Sherri, that's a lovely thing to say! 

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Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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Hi Jacqueline

I'm so glad your fun night continued and you enjoyed Viaduct without unwanted attention. I love how your confidence level seemed to increase at each point after those first tentative steps early in the night. 😊 



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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497


Hi Denise!

It really was an amazing night, despite it not being as busy as Friday nights are. I get very few opportunities to venture out of my own home, so I was determined to make the most of this one. Everything just clicked into place after I gave myself a good talking to about getting out of the hotel room!


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