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Larks Among the Loiners - Part 6

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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The concluding bumper sized instalment of my night out in Leeds.



The End is a “lavish” bar with an “elegant drinking space” located in Hirst’s Yard just off Briggate. Pretty swanky, too, judging by the images on its website. And shamelessly overpriced, judging by a number of online reviews.

Hirst’s Yard itself is a very narrow cobbled passageway. So narrow, in fact, that you can touch the walls on either side at the same time. Reaching The End involved a walk of around 50 yards. As I took a few steps into Hirst’s Yard the sound of men’s voices echoed loudly down the passageway. Sure enough, I could see two or three male figures hanging around further down the passageway, apparently right outside The End. And I could tell from their body language that they had already seen me.

I recently read a great piece of advice on CDH. It said something along the lines of “if you’re out and about and you’re dressed as a woman, be sure to also think like a woman”. In other words, keep yourself safe from possible danger. Instantly resolving to heed that advice, I turned on my heel and returned to the safety of the main street.

It was a bit frustrating that I couldn’t tick The End off my list, but I later learned that, like Bar Fibre, it too was closed on Wednesdays. If I had taken the risk and walked down Hirst’s Yard, there would have been no chance of a quick escape if the men had decided to turn nasty with me.

What to do? It seemed that everywhere except Viaduct and The New Penny was now closed. Also, my legs were moaning at me again, so I decided to return to my hotel room. As I entered the hotel lobby I was greeted with a cheery “welcome back” from the receptionist, which was nice. I would make sure to give them 10 points on the customer feedback questionnaire.

Back in my room I unbuckled my shoes, took them off and wiggled my toes, then put the kettle on for a cup of coffee. Some time later – about 2.40am, in fact – I felt ready for the next and final part of my night in Leeds.

The New Penny, located in Call Lane, is reputedly the oldest continually running gay pub in the UK. Because of its 4am closing time every night of the week, it’s also the place people head for when everywhere else shuts. Known by the locals simply as “The Penny”, it’s another fairly small, traditional pub, with a Drag DJ operating beside a small dance area. Mirrored walls at each end of The Penny gave an illusion of greater length. This being a Wednesday the bar wasn’t crowded. I recognised a few faces from Viaduct: there was the tall MTF trans, still pulling off her outrageous moves for her two friends in front of the Drag DJ; and there was the youngish man with Middle Eastern features. He saw me come in and, after I’d bought myself a drink, beckoned me over to sit with him and his two friends.

Presently he introduced himself. I’ll call him Dalal. (My fictitious name convention falls down here, because I can’t find a Muslim name beginning with C.) More small talk ensued, and Dalal told me a bit more about himself, where he lived and so on. The name Dalal means “gentle, kind, pleasant, friendly’, which fitted him well. His friend (I’ll call him Eddie) proved to be quite a colourful character, gleefully telling me that he’s been barred from The New Penny at least three times for being “naughty”.

The music called to me, so I told Dalal I was off for a dance. It was here that I finally saw another crossdresser – a small, unshaven man in a leopard print dress with a pink bow attached to his bald head by an elastic band. Clearly one of the regulars, he looked like he was having fun.

Dalal hovered nearby while I danced, talking with someone I didn’t recognise. After a quick trip to the ladies’ I returned to my seat, closely followed by an attentive Dalal. After some more small talk, Dalal began complimenting me on my appearance, and finally told me he liked me and was “definitely attracted”.

Feeling flattered and disappointed at the same time, I gave Dalal a polite refusal. “I’m a crossdresser, Dalal,” I said. “I like to look like a woman, but I’m not looking for a relationship - of any kind. I’m just here in Leeds for a nice evening, to chat with some nice people.” I waggled my hand at him to indicate I thought he was one of the "nice people".

Dalal accepted this with good grace. After a few minutes I stood up and went for another dance. The Drag DJ played Murder on the Dancefloor, which was appropriate, because my feet were killing me. Dalal was out of his seat again, no longer hovering near me but chatting to his friends.

I sauntered over to the slot machine by the door and stood to do a bit of people-watching.

“Hello again,” said a familiar male voice to my left. I turned and found myself looking at the smiling face of Barry the Crossdresser Presser. There was a bottle of Peroni in his hand. Where had he come from? I suddenly got the notion that he’d been stalking me ever since our first encounter in Queen’s Court.

"Hi," I said. "Fancy meeting you here."

“Have you had a good night?” he asked. I replied that I had. “Well, I’m heading back to my hotel now,” he went on, “and I’d like you to come with me. It's not far. And I’ve got a bottle of wine.”

“No thank you,” I firmly replied, and repeated what I’d told Dalal only a few minutes earlier. Barry’s face took on a comically confused expression, but, like Dalal, he seemed to take the rebuff well. All the same, I kept looking behind me when I left The New Penny shortly afterwards.

I’d fully intended to stay at The New Penny until 4am closing time, but my feet and legs were begging me to reconsider. There was also the fact that I had to go to my office meeting at 9am, which meant getting up at 8am. So, with a lot of reluctance but feeling very happy with how my night had gone, I returned to my hotel room and redrabbed. Wig-off time was 3.30am, which meant I’d enjoyed eight unbroken hours as Jacqueline Larkspur.

And loved every second.

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(@Anonymous 94505)
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Posts: 225

@jacquelinelarkspur thanks for an interesting, enjoyable and educating read. Only over the hills for me so may try a visit. Not sure I have your confidence to go slow though.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497


Thank you for reading it!

Worth a visit, and sure to be even better on a First Friday if you can manage it. As for confidence, mine was a bit shaky at the start of the night before leaving my hotel room. But once you're outside it's amazing how your confidence soars!

(@Anonymous 94505)
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@jacquelinelarkspur We might bump into each other at LFF sometime.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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That would be wonderful!

(@Anonymous 94505)
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Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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Hi Jacqueline

Thanks again for sharing your night out with us. I enjoyed every bit! I'm so glad you had a wonderful, safe night. It was very fun reading, but also inspirational as well. 


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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497


Thank you, Denise, for reading it. I'm so pleased you enjoyed my story. It was a very special night for me.

I know that the adventure I had in Leeds is part of everyday life for a good few of the ladies here, but I think that's the great thing about the Crossdresser Heaven site; we all follow different paths in doing what we do, but are united by our understanding and support for one another. And there's always something to be learned!

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
Posts: 5221

@jacquelinelarkspur How on EARTH did you manage to keep going for that long, at that pace, at that time of the week?

I'm surprised that your feet survived intact ... and also that you were in a fit state for your 9 am meeting 🙂

If we do get to hit the town together at some stage, I really don't think I'll be able to keep up ...


Ellie x

PS - It would have been an added twist if you'd got to your 9 o'clock only to see Barry the Crossdresser Presser sitting opposite you 😮

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1005

@ellyd22 Now that would have been some end to the tale…….

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497


Not the end that Barry was hoping for.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497

I'm a North East lass. We're like Duracell batteries up here.


"Fit state" might be pushing it ever so slightly.


If we do ever get to hit the town together, I'll make allowances for you! ;P


PS [Jacqueline shudders]

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
Posts: 5221

@jacquelinelarkspur I'll make sure I've got some Kendal Mint Cake in my shoulder bag; that'll keep me fully fuelled until the last bar closes.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497

[Jacqueline checks back through Ellie's recent posts]

  1. Tunnock's Teacakes
  2. Jaffa Cakes
  3. Kendal Mint Cake

I'm thinking I might be detecting a bit of a theme developing here...

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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@jacquelinelarkspur In fact I last had a Jaffa Cake in about 2019, my last Tunnock's Teacake was probably while I was still in my teens and I've never tasted Kendal Mint Cake.

Biscuits and sweet things are past memories for me ... but it doesn't stop me dreaming of them 🙂


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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1005

@ellyd22 Don’t worry love, I’ll try and come along too and escort you back to the hotel for 7:30 pm so you can get some rest 🙂

You never know, Barry might be around…..

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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He might bring two of his mates.

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Barry, Larry and Harry ??

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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He might bring two of his mates.

Ick ick ick 🙁

We'd have to form a defensive circle, like bison.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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You never know, Barry might be around…..


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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497

@ellyd22 Barry, Larry, Harry and Ick? There's four of them now? We need back up, girls!

(@Anonymous 94505)
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@jacquelinelarkspur I'll help. Give Ick a kick.

That's the Manc coming out in me!

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Well you certainly had a great time, I've finished my tea and teacakes. You conducted yourself very well with the admirers and the passage boys, thinking like a woman. I admire you for going it alone and a ten for you as well as the hotel receptionist.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Thank you, Angela!

The passageway incident was the only moment of the evening that I felt genuinely concerned for my safety. The men could well have turned out to be harmless, but something about the tone of their voices made me not want to risk it.

This must be what real women feel quite a lot. It's not fair.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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@jacquelinelarkspur I go out all the time but never done clubs, perhaps due to age, actually there is no perhaps!

I was so overcautious in my early forays but soon overcame it navigating through things as I assimilated into the streets. It is wrong for women to endure abuse, we read of horrific incidents but it is just general sexist abuse and harassment, but even men have problems just walking home from a club on their own as I have had the odd punch thrown at me in my younger clubbing years. 'Wot you looking at' - Whump.

Luckily I haven't had any incidents out and about for many years now. 

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I'll give it to you, inappropriate on this forum as it might be, but you have balls. I'm looking to step out soon but it'll be in daylight and not on my own. I wouldn't even like to go out at night, on my own, in the big city as a bloke and I'm nearly six feet tall and fairly well-built, to think you did it en femme, well, kudos to you and well done.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Thank you, Rebecca!

I'm 5'10", and I know that no one is going to believe for an instant that I'm a real woman, though I do my best to present as one. All my big public outings so far have been in LGBTQ+ friendly places, where there's always an inherent sense of acceptance and safety.


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@rebeccabaxter If you present yourself with confidence, it will help to keep some predetors away. They look for signs of weakness or timid people.

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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Hi Jacqueline,

Thanks for sharing your adventure with us, I was captivated right to the end, you must have been exhausted after all the places you visited, 

I shall read it again and note all the names of the places you visited incase i get the chance to go, 

Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Hi Rozalyn, thank you for reading it!

There are a few cobbled areas in the Leeds Freedom Quarter. Not the best surface for walking on in heels, as we all know! 

Do check out the map on the Leeds First Friday website, it really is very useful for finding your way around!

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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 2075


Thanks very much Jacqueline, I shall certainly do that, if i get to go I'll upload some photos to CDH X

Hugs Rozalyn X 


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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Looking forward to your own story... and pics!

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Eminent Member     Christcchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
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Hi Jacquline

just finished reading about your adventures in Leeds and as Ex-Brit it was lovely to hear of streets I have walked one many years ago

and I must say your story made me a bit homesick but also quite jealous of your great night out

with your style of writing, I'm looking forward to your next adventure as Jacquline


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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Thank you so much, Diane! I'm glad it brought you some happy memories.

I had to wait quite some time for this particular adventure, and who knows when I'll get the next opportunity. But I'm working on it!

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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All I can say is what a Lark! Thanks for sharing.

You can always fall back on writing if you leave your corporate gig!

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Thank you, Lea! Saw what you did there!

I'm glad you enjoyed my story. It's very special to me.

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Jaqueline -

Just finished reading your whole adventure. What a wonderful evening for you, glad you were able to have that experience. Hope you get to repeat it soon.


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Thank you for reading, Suzanne!

My circumstances make the chance of an early repeat a bit vague, but fingers crossed!

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Duchess Annual
Honorable Member     Missoula, Montana, United States of America
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As I said earlier Jacqueline, I love to be you for five minutes but especially not while your sleeping after a night like that. You must have been so exhausted. Thank you again for such a great read!


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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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After removing my makeup and packing away all my things ready for checking out in the morning, I got about three hours sleep. But I slept like a log.

And although my legs were aching the next day from all the unaccustomed walking - and dancing - in heels, I was still on too much of a high to feel tired!

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Noble Member     Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
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Congratulations Jacqueline,  well done!     Marg

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Thank you, Marg!

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Estimable Member     Barcelona , Barcelona, Spain
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What envy! Fantastic night. And very brave of you. I am very boring as a man, but it happens to me like you. Carla wants to be different. If I ever travel to the UK, the first thing I will do is go to Leeds, and try to replicate your night.

Kisses from Carla

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Thank you, Carla! I was very nervous at the start of the night, but all my fears vanished as soon as I left the hotel. It was a wonderful feeling of relaxation and freedom.

If you do ever come to England and visit Leeds, try to make it on the first Friday of the month. You will meet more crossdressers to chat with.

Canal Street in Manchester is another very good place to go, and there is also the Pink Triangle at Scotswood Road Newcastle-upon-Tyne. They are very safe places for crossdressers.


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