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Long weekend

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Estimable Member     Baytown, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

What a great weekend this has been. My So and I had planned on visiting a new thrift store. It was huge and I found three tops and a skirt. I also picked up a curling iron and a nice wicker basket for my makeup. Before we left a male store clerk asked me if I need any help as I was looking through dresses. I just said no thanks I'm looking. As always on the weekends I'm in my panties, pantyhose and ladies jeans with satker shoes. Then off to a shoe store for some ankle boots I've been waiting. Had to return the boots today for a larger size. I'm usually a 7.5 but the boots were too tight in the toe area. While waiting for the store to open went to a retail clothes store. While there I found a luck brand top in my size for $4. Next stop this Sunday taking So's grandma shopping. Wore my new boots around the store for  3 hours. Pick up insoles and now they fit and feel wonderful. The boots have a 1 1/2 heel and with long boot cut pants no one knows.  Saturday night I tried on the one blouse I just had to have with a black skirt and curlled my hair. This blouse is an Ann Taylor silk blouse in a nice floral paterind. I already have a black Ann Taylor skirt and this morning ordered some Ann Taylor pantyhose. Ann Taylor is my favorite brand.

Hope everyone else is having a good long weekend.

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Posts: 1766
Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Nicole, so glad you had a great time 🙂 . You are a girl after my own heart!! we call them charity shops here in the uk, but i shop at them all the time. Very cheap clothes, good brands too at knockdown prices, what more could a girl ask for?

Shoes and boots can be difficult sometimes because of the size variations and the fact that womens sizes dont equate to mens too. I have to always go for a wide fitting because i am blessed with bunions and tight fitting shoes are really uncomfortable!! 🙂

Love, Fiona-Ann xxxx

Posts: 2296
Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Sounds like you had fun and a great experience. Good for you.

Posts: 907
Prominent Member     Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hello Nicole; Thank you for sharing this story. A full weekend of shopping for bargains, nothing could be more fun.


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