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May I See Some ID?

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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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I've been stopped by the police at roadside checkpoint. They spring up now and then checking for illegal diesel use and vehicle condition checks etc. I was in Cerys mode. I was asked to leave the vehicle and go into a mobile office so they could check my details while the car was checked over... I later found out they were doing drug searches as well as vehicle checks.Obviously my driving licence is in my real name and the picture is of male me. This was my first experience of being stopped as Cerys, and I had only been going out on very rare occasions. I was on my way back from visiting my counsellor. One of the few places I would go to as Cerys back then. This was scary. Today, it wouldn't matter a bit. I regularly go out as Cerys. I recently lived as Cerys for 5 weeks.

Another occasion, not as scary, was when I was collecting my motorhome from the storage facility.
I went as Cerys. To get in we press a keyfob against a reader, and the barrier opens. To bring the motorhome out, we have to stop at the security barrier, and hand the fob over with our security pass. This has a picture of the male me on it. This day, I was in full Cerys mode. Hair and make up done. I handed over the card. The security man looked at it. The looked at me. Then at the card. Then at me. Then he checked the pass number on the card matched that of the security sticker in the windscreen. He gave me a knowing smile and lifted the barrier.... I only went over to put some things in the van ready for a trip away, and I noticed it was low on fuel, so I decided to go out and get some..... Forgetting I was in Cerys mode 🙂


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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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Twice now when checking in at a motel, after they ran my credit card in Cassie's name I was asked for an ID. When I showed them my drivers licence with my male name and picture there was a moments hesitation, a look back and forth between my face and ID. Then they accepted the ID and my day went well.

.. Cassie

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Famed Member     San Bernardino, California, United States of America
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Yes, that’s the thing. Even if I get a credit card with Angela’s name, I still won’t have any photo ID for her. So if someone asks, I would still have to produce my male ID. But from your experiences, it sounds like it would still work out OK, so that’s good to know.

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Famed Member     New York, United States of America
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When I first started going out, I had to hand over my male license to pick something up at a store. The older female clerk looked at it, looked back at me, looked at it, looked back at me, again looked at it, looked back at me somewhat perplexed. I politely and gently informed her that "yes, that is really me in the photo". She completed the transaction but still had that perplexed look on her face as I thanked her and I left.

I got a good chuckle out of it because it was a funny scene. I got to wondering if that was the first time this poor lady had ever met a real life crossdresser. I'm sure a lot of people are surprised when they first meet a trans lady while some are often unsure exactly what to say in such a situation.

Since then I have used my license dozens and dozens of times without anyone blinking an eye.

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So I was asked for my i.d. when I went to an lgbtq bar, I figured picture nit matching appearance was common for that venue so didn't pay any mind to it.

The second time I was at j.c. penny as well picking up an order. The gentleman asked for my i.d. I will admit I got flustered and just said I didn't have it with me, he asked if I had a credit card with my name and I said I didn't bring my wallet with me. I batted my eyes and gave a smile. He said it's ok I trust you and proceeded worh the transaction. He complimented my purse and I left. I'm not sure how it would have played out if I gave him my i.d. probably the same as you, just complete the sale and move on.

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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Angela, that's just it most people don't care. By the way this is in a'red' state. As long as you don't behave super outrageous, most people just don't care.


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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"I batted my eyes and gave a smile." Alex

Alex could be either a male or a female name, so getting a credit card in your femme name shouldn't be a problem.

The only time that I wore false eyelashes was a few weeks ago at our Pride Parade. At some point, when chatting with my wife, I batted my eyelids at her a few times when she was focused on my face. That made her laugh... 😁

When will I get a second chance to do that?

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Famed Member     San Bernardino, California, United States of America
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If my salesperson had been a man, my panic level probably would have been elevated dramatically. But it’s nice to know that batting your eyes and smiling was an effective strategy.  Of course, Alex, you have a kind of trustworthy girl-next-door appearance anyway, so I can see why he trusted you in the end. I’m not sure all of that would have worked for me — and I hope I never have to find out.

”I’m sorry officer. [bat bat … smile]. Was I speeding?”

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Trusted Member     Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States of America
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I had a similar experience returning from Miami at the airport. Now mind you, I flew from Dulles to Miami, boarded a ship, and cruised for an entire week as Jasmine. When working my way through TSA at Miami Int for my return, I handed my ID to the male TSA agent. He looked at the ID and then at me and said "this is not your ID". I assured him that it was my ID. "That picture is indeed me", I told him. The female agent next to him, looked at my ID, and then at me and whispered to him, it's her. As I was leaving the kiosk, he checked out my breasts and my legs as I walked off. Though there was a minor inconvenience at the kiosk, it was great to know that I was passable. As I progress more and more as a presenting transfeminine lesbian, I find I do better at hair, makeup, and clothes. My advice is: Ladies..don't give up and try to get out there the way you want to. Before you know it, you will have the confidence to go anywhere as your feminine self!

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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
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No, it’s not the waiters fault I don’t pass.  Even with a pro makeover, I’m still a guy in a dress.  That’s why I go out in places like vegas where you a just part of “ the circus”, nobody cares.

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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
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See my reply to Terri.  Not his fault I don’t pass and look the part.

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probvavbly ther is a floor limit above which they need to make security checks.

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Sorta late to the party here.  Didn't read all the comments in this long thread so apologies if I'm being repetitive.

I think most banks will now issue a 2nd card with a femme name.  I did it with AMEX years ago.  It was easy.  I've used that card extensively.  There's little risk for the bank once they verify your identity, which can be done over the phone.

It's pretty rare that anyone will ask to see an ID.  Chip technology and contactless payment systems have mostly eliminated the need.

There is another step you may take if being asked for your ID is a concern - changing the gender marker on your ID.

Many jurisdictions now allow an X gender marker for non-binary people.  This is what I did when I renewed my CA drivers license a few years ago.  It's come in handy for a couple of transactions and plenty of times when traversing airport security.

Hope this helps.


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Famed Member     San Bernardino, California, United States of America
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You’re not being repetitive at all. These are very helpful suggestions.

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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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I actually have written on the back of my CC "Check ID". However, in either guy or gal mode, this almost never happens. lol

However, I have occasionally been carded to get into bars/clubs (isn't that so adorable?!). Mostly it's routine, but one nice older lady always says: "Handsome as a fella, pretty as a girl!" which is always nice to hear, so there's upside! 😉

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