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[Closed] Missed chances

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(@Anonymous 91593)
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Life can include some regrets , some of which can stick in your mind. 

Mine was a girl I went out with in my early twenties . She was a very sexy and pretty liberal individual.

The first chance I missed was one occasion when I was considering staying over and I jokingly said I couldn't because I didn't have any clean undies or a toothbrush with me. Quick as a flash she answered there was a new toothbrush I could have and she would loan me a pair of her knickers . I joked I didn't want the boring cotton ones to which she grinned and said wouldn't do that. 

I wrote that off as a joke comment and conversation but it stuck in my mind particularly when a couple of weeks later one Saturday night we were getting ready to go out. 

She couldn't decide what colour tights to wear including a "new" colour shed just taken out of the packet . She wanted me to try them on so she could see the colour . Being firmly in the closet and oh so macho I declined and immediately regretted it. 

 We split a while later and I have moved on but  I have always wondered in the back of my mind "what if" . 

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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@kayt Oh Kay how many missed chances can many of us count. In your case it was probably seen as fun in a relationship but if it went on and led to an admission the dynamics can change very quickly as some girls here would testify.

But then life is full of 'What ifs'

(@Anonymous 91593)
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Posts: 183

@kayt regrets I also have a few and can understand your reticence as I would have done the same. It would have been a different time and in my 20s I was more 'male' if you can understand that.

Given the chance now, we'll 'in like Flynn' comes to mind.

(@Anonymous 91593)
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@melaniejames "more male" an excellent term.  Me too , although after a hard day being macho I missed it when I couldn't go and relax in femme mode . At least that has moved on. 

(@Anonymous 91593)
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@kayt back then it was more a case of what nobody knew, it only they did a few eyes would have opened. Moved on for sure.

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(@Anonymous 91593)
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Think we all have had a what if moment in our life at some time , as I get older I try to give things a go , not going to hurt anyone else .

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(@Anonymous 91593)
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@sugden that's a good way of thinking. We could have had such fun from an early stage in my life . My main thought is had she sussed me somehow or had I by pure chance bumped into a sexy woman I got on with who fancied some crossdressing games. I'll never know.

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Unless your refusal in these cases was the root of your breakup, it seems unlikely you missed out on your 'destiny'. It may have been a fun thing to explore, perhaps speeding up your self discovery, but such is life and the paths we choose. 

Just as likely you'd have stayed in that relationship for the wrong reasons and while learning more in this regard, had some negative outcome in another way. (shrug) The grass is not always greener 😉

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(@Anonymous 91593)
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@melodeescarlet I will never know. It was certainly my behaviour for a multitude of reasons that finished the relationship , not her. 


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(@Anonymous 91593)
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Joined: 1 year ago

Hi Kay!

Some regrets & missed chances?

I would guess by the time we reach our senior years there are many.  Some people call it reflection on our life.

The path not taken, the job offer turned down, the lost phone number given to you by that pretty girl you'll never see again, an opportunity to meet someone missed, etc. 

Worse yet, we will never know, at least on this side of eternity, how these chances would have turned out? 

For us, as CDs, the crossdressing always plays into our lives along the way. I shared the secret with a few GFs, prior to getting married.  Some women are very much into it, some are not, and everything in between.  We see the stories on CDH all the time. 

One GF guessed correctly I was a CD, an intelligent girl, she easily read the hints I gave.  The relationship was intense but did not last, and I was not the first CD she dated.  She purchased some of my female clothing for me.  I could not handle her controlling personality which led to the termination of our relationship. 

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