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I've been dressing now for almost a full year, and have refined and improved both my look and my presentation. I've been out and about several times, by myself and with others, and am feeling pretty good about being Leah.
My one drawback has been that I use a realistic face mask to hide my full beard. It's generally comfortable, but I live in Maryland and it really gets hot after a while. This week, my wife was on vacation with her sisters so I got lots of quality Leah time. I dressed up fully except I left off the mask when I wasn't going out. After a few days I hardly noticed my beard, and for the first time I am contemplating shaving it all off. I even slept in a new nightgown with my wig and breast enhancers on, and the overall experience has me wondering if I've turned a corner, or more accurately, crossed a line in my CD journey.
The fact I am even considering shaving the beard indicates to me a deeper level of desire and commitment to being Leah much more often.
Any thoughts?
Leah Santini
Hi Leah Very interesting deeper commitment , I think I could use some deeper commitment
Rhonda xoxo
Hi Leah
I suspect that by putting your thoughts in writing to the girls on this site you may well have already made that decision to turn the corner - even if you don't fully realise it yet. It may be a cliche, but if you do decide to shave your beard, it will grow back if you don't like it. A word of warning though - if you do shave off your beard, Leah may well decide that you stay clean shaven!
Do let us know what you decide to do.
Diane x
thanks for sharing.....good luck with your decision!
Leah......in for a penny....in for a pound. Take it off...take it all off. The beard is a part of a former life, you have gone almost all the way....cross that finish line sweetie.
All my best....
Dame Veronica
Beards grow back... (obviously there are exceptions)
Leah, Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I think your face mask is a brilliant means of dealing with your beard. It eliminates shave time and razor irritation. Also, you can revert to your male mode anytime. However, I agree with you. The more we accept, embrace, and live our fem lives. The more we want to reduce our male features and enhance our feminine beauty. I shave my face almost every 2 days due to my male mode employment, but I no longer see it as a requirement of my male life. I see it as keeping Brittney ready for when I can completely be her. Hope to hear any updates from you, since you posted this about this time last year.
I have a beard when I'm not Rachel. I love it. But it was a hindrance when I was 'in the closet'. It's hard to find an excuse to shave off the beard that you've had constantly since your wife knew you. And I don't feel comfortable dressing with it.
Once I came out, it still took her a couple of years to get used to me without a beard - between sessions I grow it back still, though.
I've never had a good beard and shave every day to prevent in grown hairs that I use to get when I would go a few days in between. However I've never shaved my arms or legs. Those are much easier to hide as you probably know. I'd give it a go. Maybe prep the wife you are thinking of shaving it off before doing so.