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Hi to everyone,
Here is a link to my CD website page which shows a selection of photos of Alison Elliott in different outfits.
http://www.routebus537.veryold.net/Alison CD.html
This http link needs to be copied and pasted as I notice that clicking on the URL doesn't seem to work. You need to copy all the URL from http: to .html
My website is also listed on my profile page.
The most recent photos are shown first followed by others which were taken as far back as the 1990's
For many years, just before Christmas, some of the office staff at Southern House, Croydon had a "Dress down day" or should it have been a "Dress up day" when all proceeds went to the Woking Homes. In 1990 the theme was "School Days" I won second prize, a trophy and a box of 6 Mr Kipling Mince Pies for my school girl outfit which I wore all day at the office and at the same time I was being paid for doing so. The schooldays theme was an excellent chance to dress up, and mingle amongst many other colleagues when it was time for the judging and the prize giving.
Also during the 1990's, my Wife was the warden for sheltered housing for the elderly. There was a Christmas Party held each year and I was able to become Alison the Waitress, I also acted as Postman Pat delivering Christmas Cards and finally during the party became Santa Claus handing out presents to everyone. Obviously I really did enjoy being the waitress serving food and drinks! This was a really good excuse to dress to impress and many told me I made a good girl!
Please have a look and I welcome any comments.
Alison XxX
Awesome photos. Every photo has such a sense of complete freedom. It's extremely refreshing to see you so happy an confident in who you are.
Thanks for posting those.
Love ya;
Hi Lisa,
Thank you for your kind comments, I wasn't sure if anyone will have a look.
I also appreciate what you have said, it does boost my morale.
I do get frustrated when I cannot find the time to crossdress, but when I do put on my favourite black knee high boots , black hold ups and either my leather mini skirt or red tartan mini skirt, I feel so relaxed.
Alison XxX