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My first anniversary

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Doesn't time fly?  My first anniversary was a week ago today and I missed it!

This last year has been just wonderful.  I have made good friends here, bought quite a few items of femme clothing and accessories to slip into when I get the opportunity and discovered a very welcoming and friendly community here.  Thank you CDH and all you girls for the support I have received.

On the downside, although I am slowly getting better at applying makeup it is still something of a mystery to me (and eyeliner remains impossible) - but a girl has to keep trying 😀.


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Prominent Member     Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hello Diane; Even though I'm new here, I want to wish you congrats on your 1st anniversary on CDH. I assume that is the anniversary you are talking about. I feel milestones, anniversaries, and personal growth can be meaningful to a crossdresser's or transgendered person's journey. I agree, applying make-up correctly can be a mystery. It's nice it hear that you are slowly getting better. Please don't get discouraged about your eyeliner, like you said try and practice. Also if you can, reach out to beauty stores or salons and professional beauticians. They can and will teach you tips to use with your eyeliner. As I have no make-up skills, I had a full make-up session at Ulta Beauty and it made a world of difference in my fem look.

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Congratulations Diane. As time goes by we embrace the accomplishments and of course the struggles. But through all the this feelings , happiness, peacefulness and love it brings to ones soul. A better person, more aware of others and true to one's self. Happy first year with many more ahead. ..  hugs

Stephanie 🌹

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Happy anniversary Diane!


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