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My first pair of shoes

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Most everybody remembers their first love. Or their first car. (I do too)

I remember wearing my sister’s and my mom’s shoes. And buying at least a couple pairs on a second hand (foot?) store.

But these days the ebbs and flows of fashion brought me back to my very first pair of high heels bought new at the store. I’m going to go back in time... 35 years! (Gosh Gaby! You are freaking old!)

Freshman year at college, away from home, walking past a shoe store. 1984. You other old timers, do you remember that round of neon color clothes and shoes? I sure do... I had just got my allowance for the month, and after telling myself one and a million times that it was a crazy idea, I went into the store and asked the sales lady for “those high heel shoes, orange neon at the display” in a size 7 (equivalent to a size US 9). “A present for my sister”. Can’t remember much after that. Very likely there were giggles and comments from those around us, and no, didn’t try them on there.

But took them to my apartment (shared with others of course) and finally got to be alone for an hour or so and wore them for the first time. Brand new pair of shoes. Excuse me, MY brand new pair of high heeled shoes!

How many more after those? Way too many... and if I remember correctly, they ended up going up in flames, along with the few other things I had back then, in one of my first purges. 😢

ah the memories!!

Gaby 💜

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I totally forgot about those shoes. I do miss the 80s.

My first pair that were purchased by me were a pair of basic black pumps from Payless. Sadly they were lost to my first purge as well. Thankfully during my second purge I saved a pair of my favorite boots. I couldn't bring myself to throw them out. They were a beautiful pair of black thigh boots that I purchased from a place called the Wild Pair at my local mall. Yes I still have them.

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I'm glad you have been able to keep those boots!

My last purge was... intentional, maybe some 20 years ago? Unintentional, about 5 or 6 years ago. Long story...

Gaby ♥

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Sammy, fire red huh? You hussy! *LOL* Just kidding!!


Gaby ♥

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Eminent Member     Linwood, New Jersey, United States of America
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Early 90's kid here I have a vage memory of that fashion trend mostly because of reruns of sitcoms that had the young actors in that latest fashions.

My first pair of heels was also in my freshman year of college, a pair if 2 or 3 in black booties with buckle detailing.  Still have them and they are on if my most wore pair if heels.

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I was 4 when I wore my first shoes. They were pumps I borrowed from my mother. I liked wearing them with pantyhose and a shirt that looked like a short dress. I outgrew them by the time I was 11.

At 17 I bought myself a bunch of platform wedges. At 18 I was dressing fully fem and got myself a bunch of sexy pumps. Even now, years later I only wear platforms and pumps.

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Great story doll

i remember mine was a pair of pleaser black pumps. I had to order them off eBay and have them delivered to my friends house. I was around 14 but i would wear them just with jeans. I knew then and there that patent leather was not for me! LOL i need all genuine leather and that is what i base my collections off of now. I remember it like it was yesterday...

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Hello Gabriela; Thank you for sharing your fond memories. I think our first pair of high heeled shoes always holds a special place in most "gurl's" heart. I bought my first two pair of shoes almost one year ago. The first a black patented pointed toe pump with a 2.5 inch heel. The second a shiny white open toed shoe with a 3 inch full wedge. I got them at Payless, I'm so sad that they closed. It's unfortunate to hear that a purge fire claimed your first shoes, but we always feel better when the shoe bug bites us.


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