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I was 11 or 12 when I noticed girls at school starting to wear bras.
I got curious and tried on my sister’s bra on the sly (Mom’s bras were too big for me) and enjoyed the experience … a white training bra with a bow.
Over time I tried on her other bras until I could have my own bras.
How did you try on a bra for the first time?
For e - it was on a whim. I only have brothers and girl's underwear were a bit of an attractive mystery. I had a same-age female friend who offered to show me hers - which I accepted. After showing me she said that I should try on a bra to get a feel for it. I did and when it was hooked in place I was hooked! Quite exciting. Even now, as a senior, I enjoy the feeling of wearing a bra.
Hi Marie,
I was about the same age as you when i tried my first bra on ,it was my older sisters bra, I'd tried her panties on and one of her slips so i progressed to trying on one of her bra's, wearing a bra gives you a feeling like no other, I sometimes wish i could wear one all the time,
Hugs Roz X
I first wore a bra when a girl put a bra on me as a joke. I think I was in my early teens,
I was about 13 or so, found a sexy pink 34C bra that I had to have. the rest is history
I was 11 or 12 and tried on one of my mother’s bras I found in the laundry hamper. I would do that relatively frequently, until I was caught by her one day. Although I was very embarrassed at the time, I don’t remember her making a big deal out of it as I suspect she knew what I had been doing all along.
I first wore mom's panties at about age 5 and shortly after that tried her bra as well.
Hi Marie,
I was 11 or 12 and my mom worked so I had an opportunity to look in her dresser. After several years I outgrew hers and decided to buy my own.
My mothers at about age12. A couple of years later I had a "thing" about strapless bras and cut the straps of a blue one of hers. She did not say much but I got "the rounds of the kitchen" from my Dad.
He later told me, (the paragon of 1960's Australian "male culture" that he was), that if I kept on wanting to dress in women's clothes, "the boys in the pub would call me a queen". aka homosexual.
Back then, given "pub culture" was at its paramount, at least in his eyes, there was no worse fate that could come your way.
Obviously a/. It did not work b/. thankfully the above no longer applies and c/. other than lunches, I rarely "drink" in pubs anyway.
I should explain, my dear old Dad's way of remembering "Charlie from Bill" was to ask "where does he drink"
I was also about 11 or 12 when I first tried on my mother's bra and panties. It didn't take long before I also tried on her garter belt and stockings as well as one of her dresses. It felt wonderful wearing her things even though it was for short periods of time. I never got caught, or if she noticed she never said anything. A few years ago I came out to my wife and I now have my own femme wardrobe and truly enjoy being my femme self even though it is only at home.
I was at about the same age. I had been trying my sisters clothes for years and when I saw them wearing training bras followed the trend using a little padding. Shall we say things'developed' from there.....
Bras, I have mixed feeling about them. Mostly from the opinions of the women that I have been around all my life. I was raised by women, married a woman and none of them (including many of my female friends) really have never spoken highly about their bras.
Having been "tainted" I have tried a bra a few times and have mixed feeling. They are fun to wear on occasion, but I can see the gals thoughts about having to wear one all the time.
An additional detractor is wifey, she knows I crossdress but draws the line at me wearing a bra, at least for now. And I will try and respect her wishes.
Have fun... Staci...
Most of the setails are lost in the fog of time. I do not recall in great desire to rry things on. As I recall one day I just decided to wear all of mom's thi gs and dressed head to toe, so a bra was included. It was fun and I thi k I did it one other time and that was it. For a good ten years I ne er thought about wearing anythi g femme, though I always liked nice lingerie on my girlfriends.
I don’t recall wearing a bra until I got married. I had enjoyed other under garments like pantyhose. Loved them. But I don’t recall bras up to that point.She was at least a D cup . Her chest size fit me perfect. I would stuff those babies full of something. I so enjoyed how I looked. It gave me such a feminine figure.
Now I wear bras all weekend.
Hi Marie. I started wearing my sisters and mothers clothes when I was 12. I am not sure who's bra I wore first. But I do remember the first Bra I bought. I was a 34 A cup with a cute bow in the middle that i bought from Sears when I was 16