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My story; Love, dressing up, divorce, and an amazing woman!

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Hello Ladies,

I feel that I can openly share my story of the early years before my first marriage. I feel the support and love of the ladies and ambassadors of this site that I can open up more than my last post labeled “Today”. This is a bit longer but it is me in a nutshell. Not as difficult as others have had it and not as supportive as others have had. Just a regular guy who happens to love his feminine self as much or more than his masculine self. Thanks for reading and any comments you wish to make. PM me if you have specific private questions and I will try my best to answer them, toodles.

The early years are most likely similar in nature to many here which includes the Playboys, lingerie, and learning about my body. Guilt was not evident at that young age because in the 60s as a child I never knew it was wrong for a boy to dress like a girl. I just knew other boys would laugh and joke if they saw me so it continued privately, unabated, into pre-teen years. In Washington state there is a lot of unpopulated areas on the coast in the 70s where I could explore my dressing and body without being found out.

I do remember one day especially well. I had gone to the city park just a block away from my house carrying a gym bag. Now in this gym bag were a few female clothing articles, panties, pantyhose, a bra, and a mini skirt. I had a wonderful day not 1/4 mile from the beach with sand dunes in front of me with a long stretch of sand until the evergreen trees at the edge of the park. I undressed and dressed up in what I had brought with me. I walked along the trails in my low rise Chuck Taylors in a bra, panties, pantyhose and skirt for hours. I explored how it felt to be alone dressed up as a girl and did with myself as I wanted. This was such an amazing time of freedom and exploration in my life that I am jealous of that then preteen and that it happened quite a few times over a summer is amazing!

It had taken a number of years to build up that stash which included panties, a bra, pantyhose, skirts, blouses, a wig, and my most cherished item - a pair of silk stockings and garter belt! One day I came home to find mom and dad in my room with my stash on my bed. My heart stopped and was in my throat pounding so hard that I could hear only my heart. This was devastating and along with that I expected to be dealt with rather harshly. But for reasons that I couldn’t fathom my parents were very reasonable and understanding.

This was the impetus which lead to my mom explaining to me that I almost had an older sister but she was stillborn. I was dumbstruck and asked questions but never asked the one very important question. Could this sister have been my twin instead of a year or so older? I will never know as both of my parents have passed. I only have conjecture and the feeling that I was missing something, and still am, but never realized it until recently when I dreamt of that day about a year ago. Maybe that gives my behavior some credibility as to why this started or why I have always felt like I was missing  something.

I noticed girls at a very young age and loved their pretty dresses but could never have one and also had my first sexual encounter with an older teenage girl when I was 12 and she was 15. But I still continued to dress up when I could. I graduated from High School in the late 70s and tried college but it was not a good fit. My grades were very good but I didn't attend class as much as I should have and after 1/2 a year I dropped out. I had a girlfriend who was still in High School and I dated. I got her pregnant and joined the military to provide for my family. Military life is very hard on a young wife and after almost 10 years we called it quits. I got out and we got divorced back home. One of my friends from the military had fallen for my wife and she for him. I was gone almost 75% of the time and loneliness set in! Sad story but a very common occurrence in the military. I met my second wife before I got out and divorced my first wife. We dated while she was in college and she knew I was separated from my wife at that time. Once I was divorced I called her up and eventually we married. I continued to dress in private as often as possible during both marriages. Neither of my first two wives knew that I was ancrossdresser. After my second marriage ended in divorce I told my second wife and that added up to about 30 years of marriage combined.

I lived alone for a year before I met my third wife. I told my third and current wife while dating and she was accepting with a limitation to panties, hose, and heels. The rest of my large wardrobe and accessories got purged, I was again devastated. But I wanted to make this marriage work so I sucked it up and lived her rules. After the dream of my mom telling me about my sister feelings have been building up for the pas year until I had another talk with my wife about a month ago. I couldn’t dress with those limitations because I needed more, I need to be Danielle and dress more often, she had thought I had given it up. She just never saw me dressed in what I was allowed to wear. After the next couple of weeks in silence and tears we discussed this further. I found out she read the articles I emailed her and she went to counseling. Well this past weekend she bought me a surprise. It was a chemise that is just beautiful, periwinkle, and fits! I may start going to counseling with her so we can be on the same page going forward.

Now all I need to do is convince her to let me buy clothes, a wig, makeup, and either grow my natural breasts (preferred and a C cup) or purchase breastforms and after all of go out as girlfriends. That’s only a minor obstacle though ...bwahahahahahahahaha! Yeah right! So I am just giddy right now that she bought me a chemise and I am going to wait a couple of weeks or months before I try to convince her that we need to be girlfriends. We had a quick chat about Danielle and her becoming girlfriends this past weekend which was so encouraging that I need to wait to see if it happens without a conversation, patience has been the key ingredient in a marriage even more so with a crossdresser in the marriage. Better late than never I guess. TTFN💋👠


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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago is quite a tale. I am pleased that everything has worked out for you. It sounds like the 3rd time is a charm...all the best to you both. I look forward to hearing more about you.

Dame Veronica

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Danielle….wow…that is quite a tale. I am pleased that everything has worked out for you. It sounds like the 3rd time is a charm…all the best to you both. I look forward to hearing more about you.

Dame Veronica

Hi Dame V,

I hope it’s okay to call you Dame V? Anyway, thanks for all of your encouragement 😁. TTFN💋👠


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Love your story. My wife recently has been more accepting of my dressing as well and even goes jewelry shopping with me now, even points out some that she thinks would look good on me. I’m very happy for you and I’m sure your new chemise looks beautiful on you!

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That was a beautiful comment. Thank you so much and I am glad your wife has become more accepting. That is a wonderful feeling is it not. To have the love and acceptance of your SO feels so amazing and there are many times where I find myself so overflowing with the love I feel in return that I get all teary eyed. TTFN💋👠



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