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Near epic fail / amazing high

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Trusted Member     Salem, Virginia, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

It has been 3 weeks since I spent 72 hours in full femme mode round the clock which turned out to be an absolutely amazing weekend!  I have been yearning for an opportunity to release my inner girl once again.  My wife was away this afternoon / evening for about 4-5 hours so I thought I'd get made up, dressed up and go do some shopping for fall clothing. Of course it took over an hour to shower, shave,  do my nails and makeup, iron a top, and try on my new wig.

After departing my neighborhood, I pulled to the side of the road, put my wig back on and added my lipstick. As I drove away, I was grinning ear to ear enjoying myself thoroughly as Emma, the woman I've become so fond of.

I had one stop to make to pick up new breast forms that arrived at an Amazon locker not far from the mall. I found an empty parking lot,  opened the package and inserted the forms in my bra even though a new bra was on my shopping list since I had realized the one I have is not the right size / too big.

I headed for Target since time was limited and I knew they probably had most of the items on my list and I might not be able to hit any other stores as the night was escaping me.

I made it as far as the shoe department before some boots caught my eye and I had to try them on. It was a bit of a struggle to get them out of the box and free of the inserts. As I was bending over fighting with the packaging,  I gasped in horror as one of my new breast forms slipped out of my top and dropped on the floor at my feet. O.... M.... G....!!!

Thankfully,  there was no one else in the aisle and I scooped it up and thrust it back in place. My first thought was thank God no one saw me but I looked up at the ceiling and saw multiple cameras monitoring every aisle. $h!t!  Oh well, nothing I can do about it now. I put the boots back and started to leave the department when an even more attractive boot caught my eye.  I HAD to try these on. I was being much more careful but these boots felt amazing and I kept stopping to look and had to buckle them all the way!!! At this point..... Repeat boob toss!  Is this REALLY happening???This time, I was really unnerved! How could I let this happen?!?! I was so flustered, I put the boots back and left the department quickly, determined to finish my shopping for the items on my list and get out of there ASAP.

Then the most amazing thing happened!  2 things on my list were tights and panty hose which were right beside each other in the hosiery area.  A woman was in the aisle browsing the panty hose and I was shaking and very intimidated! I circled the area and came in the other end of the aisle to  start looking at the tights.  After a few minutes of checking the various sizes, colors and deniers, I was making my final selection when the young woman down the aisle approached me and said "Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you, but I just have to say ... you have the cutest shoes." I managed to blurt out a "thank you" but was stunned. I love these sandals... they are sooo comfortable and simple.... and i was wishing i had been quicker to say so because she left immediately!  I was soooo grateful, she was soooo kind.... I'm still trying to figure out what happened! Does that ever happen??? Did she see me as another woman or just not care?

What a roller coaster day... nervous anticipation throughout the day leading up to the evening, euphoria of feeling fully femme once again, horror upon horror of wardrobe malfunctions, and kind complement / acceptance from another wonderful woman!

I was late returning home and had to stop at a rest area to pee! Ladies restroom was empty though someone came and went while I was in the stall trying to keep all my parts in place and not on the floor. Had to stop, remove makeup and change before returning home, but am very gratified with the evening as a whole! Only regret is I didn't get those boots! And I have determined, going forward, i will only purchase clothing and femme products dressed as Emma in the future as long as they are available locally! No more hiding! I have a feeling Emma will be shoe shopping again very soon!

Xoxox Emma


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This is one of those "stuff happens" stories, but I'm glad it turned out well for you. You might consider a pocket bra, which is made to hold breast forms. I have one from Glamour Boutique, which does hold the girls in place. Also, Lucky You! for being able to stay in full femme mode for an extended time. I haven't yet been able to do so, and when I can, it will be limited to hours instead of days.

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Trusted Member     Charleston , West Virginia, United States of America
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I actually gasped out loud when I read about your malfunction! I think I probably would have fainted! So awesome that you were able to go on!

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Trusted Member     Salem, Virginia, United States of America
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One of my purchases last night was a more properly sized bra.  I read the "how to fit your bra size" article on the breast form store website and realized I wasn't close to choosing the right size.  I tested the new bra with my forms and it appears to work well... I think I can stand on my head without losing them.  Thanks for your encouragement!

xoxox, Emma

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Trusted Member     Salem, Virginia, United States of America
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Yes, I think I was close to fainting.... if there had been someone else nearby in the same aisle, I would have DIED!!!

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Trusted Member     Salem, Virginia, United States of America
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I wish I could figure out how to upload an image / pic.  I can't figure out what is supposed to be in the Source field.

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On your personal page, you will see a tab called "photos". When you click it, you will have 2 ways to add a pic. The easiest, IMO, is to click "upload a photo." This SHOULD open a folder on your PC, tablet or phone which holds your .jpg files. Click on the one(s) you want. Try it, and PM me if you have trouble.

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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I suspect the "cute sandles" comment was as much a comment on its okay to wear what you want as it was a comment on the sandles.

Fashion faux pas happen, just roll with it since few if anybody really cares. I have had button  malfunctions that showed my bra off unknowingly. When I realized it, I fixed it and my life went on.

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Prominent Member     Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
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Emma, Thank you for sharing this rollercoaster of a story. I felt so bad for you upon reading the part where your insert slipped out twice. Although, I'm not at the stage of shopping en fem yet. I practice the habit of trying on any fem wardrobe item at home or in a dressing room before wearing it outside. This reduces the risk of malfunctions like that. I'm glad you had the poise to continue your shopping and your encounter in the hosiery aisle brought a much needed ray of sunshine. It's great that you're determined to store shop in full fem from now on. I can't wait to hear about your next shopping adventure. Never lose the joy of shopping.

Posts: 53
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Trusted Member     Salem, Virginia, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

I managed to post a pic of the sandals I was wearing in the public photos section of my profile.  Still  don't know how you use the "Insert/edit image" icon when replying to a post... has anyone figured that out?


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