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In 2019 my place had a slight house fire the part I lived in got the worst of it. The insurance took everything we had to clean and return including Brandie's stash. When they got returned they gave Brandie's clothes to the only woman of the house my mom. While we was sitting in the living room she mentioned she has some clothes she has never seen and was there anything you would like to tell me? I sat there stunned i started thinking how can I lie out of this. Then I thought just go ahead and admit to it now is your chance. Time to quit hiding time to stop sneaking. I took a deep breath and said to myself in for a penny in for a pound. My heart racing palms sweating Nerves on top of nerves. I finally said "Mom I am a crossdresser." With that short sentence the weigh of the world was lifted off my shoulders I instantly felt better. No more living a double life ,The movies makes it look easy its not, my mom finally spoke up. You feel better now? I have known for a long time and could tell something was bothering you. I waited for you to tell me but you never said anything. I started crying and im not a crier she hugged me and said come get your clothes.
Happy Mothers day to all the accepting mom out there.
Holy cow, Brandie! I didn't see that one coming.
What a relief, though.
Wonderful story, thanks for sharing @brandie. All the best to you and your mom 😊
A great heart warming Mothers day story.
Thanks for sharing.
Brandie, I'm sorry for your fire but the outcome is beautiful, a special Happy Mothers Day to your mom, she's up there with the best of them!
Out of the fire came the Phoenix......What a lovely coming out story.
Oh Brandie,
Girl, you made me cry and mess up my mascara!
Ms. Lauren M
Mothers seem to know all of our little secrets (and big ones to) but most mothers love us unconditionally. What a relief that must have been to get that secret off of your chest.