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Hello Ladies. Is it normal for straight male to feel more confident, empowered and happy dressed as a woman? I’m married and my wife inspired me to dress up. She even bought all my panties, bras and clothes. She gets super turned on and excited when I’m Cali. I feel like I supposed to be dressed as Cali.
<p style="text-align: left;">Hi Cali</p>
I'm a stright heterosexual male who likes to be dressed en.femme. When I am dressed I feel like you do. It feels like I'm supposed to look like I'm a girl and have the feeling of being a girl. So Cali .You're not alone in the way that you feel .There's a lot of us who feel the same way
A friend
you are a lucky Cali if your wide is buying you lingerie and being supportive and encouraging you to dress up... and as an added Bonus...she gets turned on by it...Go buy a lottery ticket
Cali, as Janine stated I too am a heterosexual male who like to dress as Michelle. I am not sure exactly why, but I do know that it feels right and I love to express myself as Michelle. I like the total package, clothes, wig and makeup when I dress. Again, you are not alone with your feelings.
At home she’s the Master, she even has me pleasure her strap on
You are among the lucky ones as I, to have A wife that understands and supports us, My wife is also very understanding my love for lovely women's clothing maybe because she grew up not having nice clothes to wear, that all ended when we married she now has all the lovely things she never had growing up. It breaks my heart so many women will not accept their men to wear silky undies and cause them so much hurt and compels them to hide it from her.
No it's definitely not normal but I believe for girls like us it is normal I believe we were born this way I feel normal every time I put on my panties and pantyhose that's my normal I have felt like dressing up as a woman my whole life
No it’s not normal, it’s extraordinary, fantastic, empowering, like the x men, we are evolving into something... more !
I am absolutely less shy and much more confident with many things now that Olivia has shown herself.
Just what is normal these days ? Seems like our values are changing every day