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I had to go into town today to pick a few things up. I parked the car in a multi storey car park, and crossed the busy road to the main shopping street. I'm in Cerys mode. Boots, tights leather mini skirt, black jumper, and a long grey coat.... My confidence is high, as it has been for the past couple of days.... I'm about 500 yards up this street when I hear someone loudly say "you're not fooling anyone, mate".
My first thought was "f*** Him", then I thought what the heck. I know that I don't fool many people. I slightly turned to see who made this remark. it was a man on his phone.... He carried on his sentence "I know you're lying to me, you said this two weeks ago"...... His "you're not fooling anyone, mate" was not aimed at me ,but the chap he was speaking to on the phone 🙂 This brought a smile to my face. What made me happy was how I reacted to what I though was a direct negative comment. it just bounced off. Having been a bit lacking in confidence lately, I thought that a negative comment would send me spiralling downwards. It didn't! I think the old me is back!
Great story Cerys. I'm so glad your confidence is back xx.
WTG Cerys!
Cerys -
Thanks for sharing, it's funny how we assume one thing then find out we were wrong.
first most glad to hear it wasn’t directed to ya but as I was reading and in your spot at first i probably would have s**t myself lol 😂 lest ya keep ya head high and continue your adventure very lovely and indeed was a good laugh thanks for sharing with use