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Had a wonderful weekend visit from one of my boys. When he left I got changed back to Mikayla mode. Just my cute cut off denim shorts and a top very simular to a t shirt. Now relaxing on this beautiful peaceful Sunday afternoon there's a knock on the door and in walks my cousin and his overly observant wife . I noticed she was looking at me inqusitivly then said,, are you wearing your sisters shirt.. Hesitantly I looked at her then said yea. Nothing more was said but pretty sure she has or will figure out my secret.. She has almost caught me a couple of times before . All I can do now is wait and see what happens next . Part of me is freaking out but the other side is saying F it. Time will tell I guess All my best Mikayla
Hey Mikayla, don't sweat it. I've just got to the point in life, if you don't like it, don't look. Take care Heather.
Yey Girls!!!! I too am of the opinion.....don't like it....don't look and MYOB!
Judgemental people are my baine in life. I have been known to "judge people back with my fingers upon their nose"
Dame Veronica
I'm somewhat calm about it but the HE side of me is loosing his mind. Lol Have to Wait and see what she says /does next. I actually considered coming out to her before but have serious trust issues. Last year She observed me wearing nylons but never said a word which made me feel like maybe I could, . Now I get to wait in high anxiety till I get to see where it goes. Mikayla
Hi Mikayla Shoot being Fem is making life interesting , hope things work out good For you
Rhonda xoxo
Hi Rhonda. Interesting OR Terifing, remains to be seen. Lol. Mikayla
Things like that sometimes turn out to be for the best. don't worry too much.
I'm not sure what way this will go. I have a lot of cousins, some probably won't care, but there's a couple that I I might have to go a few rounds with. My only real concern is my boys. Not sure how they would react. I think/hope she can keep this between us. . If she really starts adding things up then no doubt she will figure it out. I see my sister once a year and just happened to be here 2 weeks ago so it was a good cover, maybe. Mikayla
Wow that's so unpleasant :O, im so paranoid I always lock the door so It would never happen lol
I got caught or should I say spotted once. I was at home alone late one night dressed in a pleated skirt white blouse with hair down to mid-back, drinking hard lemonade. My dog slipped out of the yard and was running around in the alley yapping. Had to get him before something happens, so I ran out to grab him. There was thick fog, and wouldn't you know it, a car drives slowly through the alley and I am dressed! I turn away as he slowly passes. He says "nice dog...……". in a tone that made me nervous, so I nodded and got the heck away from him.
I quite often do lock the door but wasn't expecting anyone. Kind of let my guard down, but I suppose it was only a matter of time being dressed most of the time.
I always lock my doors and make it look like no one is home when I want to get girly at home. Of course you have to be set up to enjoy your privacy. Darkening curtains, blinds, and locks on the doors. You can enjoy being feminine and girly without spilling the beans to people who don't need to know, it is your right to deny them access to your inner desires. If I were single, I would make one room in the house off limits to all my visitors, paint it pink, and make it my girly "she place" to be feminine and store all my fun girly things. Just some food for thought!
Hello Candice
What a beautiful idea that would be. My favourite colour is hot pink. Unfortunately I live in a 3 bedroom cabin and have 2 boys that visit. I also have a sister and 2 nieces that visit as well. Damn now you have me fantasizing about that idea..Lol
All my best. Mikayla
I've had a close call too, as you've said f it. I'll deal with it when it happens. I have always made it clear to family and friends to let me know ahead of a visit, drop ins are frowned upon. All my clothes and stuff are kept in my SO's 'other' room for times when my family stays over or comes when I'm not home. I know that can't work for alot of you but it's pretty convenient for me.
Hi Mikayla,
This is a tough one. I'm always "worried" about this. My daughter who lives close by, has seen me in my gurl jeans, not sure she realizes they are, and in my booties, that look like any pair of boots, but not recently in my femme loafers.
When I get home I put on my jeans and lately my new pumps to get walking practice in, and always make sure I have a "regular" pair of shoes close by to quickly slip out of the pumps at least, if I have to.
Can't cover all the bases. At some point we will be seen, and we just have to figure it out, let others be uncomfortable if they will be, and continue doing what makes us feel good.
I know, easier said than done, for me too!