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I have been out in public a few times over the years when I thought no one else was around. Most of the time I was right but not this time. I didn't try to look feminine I was just enjoying the time wearing my clothes. I was spending the day inside dressed in a short-sleeved button-up blouse and knee-length skirt with nude pantyhose and black heels. I thought I should try to go outside. So I stood by my front door trying to get up enough courage to open it. Finally, I did but I didn't get far, I made it down the stairs almost to the mailbox then from around the corner the mailman came, we both looked at each other and didn't say anything, I was terrified. We both turned around and went back the way we came. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it.
Trust me, Grace, the first time IS the most difficult...."baby steps"...slowly and eventually, the terror goes and confident builds and takes it place, but be careful to pick "the right times" too...and always have an "escape plan", for these exact moments when a confrontation is not exactly what you're ready for. I must say, it does make it easier IF, you DO want to "look feminine"....for me, my goal was never to be "a guy in a dress" and draw too much negative attention; it was much better to blend in with the public, and be THAT woman that lived inside me; so I didn't venture outside the safety of my home until that time...but when I did, and my confidence grew, my desire was to get out for more adventures as often as I could...and even then, it was NEVER enough. Such wonderful memories of drives around town and strolling the shopping malls, I will cherish these forever. I hope you can eventually start building memories like this...GOOD LUCK to you, the pleasure that comes from being out in pubic is priceless...!!!
Isn't that the way when you finally take that step out the door. It took me quite a few attempts to do the same and when it happened it was all fine. Hope fully it won't put you off at all.
A journey of 1,000 miles, girl 😉 Good job!
...and you lived to tell about it.
I doubt it was a first for your mail carrier, so no need to worry, but a neighbor could have just as easily been out, or looking through a window.
The world does not end if we are seen en femme, and as time goes by and we get out more and more we realize nobody cares, so enjoy your outings.
I was out in my backyard in a bikini and was likely seen by my neighbor. He has never said anything, and why should he?
Congratulations, Grace. I haven't done it yet, but I already have plans.
I remember my first time going out dressed to a private appointment all dressed up. I thought everyone was looking at me and they could tell I was a man in a dress. I was cautious to make sure I did not stop next to another car or stay next to another car as we drove. I have now done this about 10+ times, it does get easier but still nerve racking !! But enjoy getting ready and realizing that no one is really paying attention to anybody driving in their cars. At some point, I may stop for gas or ? but not ready for that as of yet
For me, the first and biggest step was not to care if somebody notices I am a man in a dress. Once I got over that hurdle I have been out more and more and realize few people actually notice, and those who do don't care. I know up close I don't fool anyone, and I don't care. I have a moderately deep voice, so that is a giveaway, and if I am purchasing something use my CC which has my anon-ambiguous make name on it.
I still like the little things, like getting gas since it shows how little people pay attention to such things. I have made quick trips for gas or to grab a bite at McDonald's on a drive and nobody notices.