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One very short trip outside

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Trusted Member     California, United States of America
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I have been out in public a few times over the years when I thought no one else was around. Most of the time I was right but not this time. I didn't try to look feminine I was just enjoying the time wearing my clothes. I was spending the day inside dressed in a short-sleeved button-up blouse and knee-length skirt with nude pantyhose and black heels. I thought I should try to go outside. So I stood by my front door trying to get up enough courage to open it. Finally, I did but I didn't get far, I made it down the stairs almost to the mailbox then from around the corner the mailman came, we both looked at each other and didn't say anything, I was terrified. We both turned around and went back the way we came. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it.

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 379

@ga4851 congratulations Grace, you did it. Everyone of us has had to take that first step out the door, whether we were ready or not, and we go from there. I second J J’s remark.

I was reminded of my own misadventures with the postman. I was working at home in a pink skirt with pink tights and a blindingly bright yellow blouse, no make up, no wig when the knock came. I opened the door, signed for the package and he was actually pretty chill despite my getup. I can only imagine letter carriers see a slice of life that most of us could never imagine. 

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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@leainvancouver Your reply made me laugh 😃. I am a 30 year letter carrier, I remember twice a college girl who answered her door twice wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her.

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Active Member     Ontario, Canada
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@ga4851 One will naturally be "hyperaware" of their surroundings when engaging in this for the first time. It happened to me almost one year ago when I went out cross-dressed in public for the first time (in a department store - wearing a blouse, leggings, and flats but no wig/makeup). I was afraid people would stare at me and I would be ridiculed/yelled at but thankfully none of that happened. But still I did not feel totally comfortable. Now I definitely feel better than one year ago!

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @ga4851

then from around the corner the mailman came, we both looked at each other and didn't say anything, I was terrified. We both turned around and went back the way we came.

I find this fascinating. Why would the mailman retreat? He has a job to do.


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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Well done, Grace. I think a lot of us will be able to relate to your 'Front Door Dither' moments. I know I've had plenty of them!

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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 When I got my own place at 18, I did some serious upgrading of my wardrobe. I first went out when I was 17. My look was like Daisy Duke. I went out a lot with that look. I walked among a lot of people, went into stores, walked around,  browsed femme clothes, rode escalators to give those behind me a great view of my sexy legs in pantyhose. What a thrill I got from that.

Back then,  my big and bold adventure was buying pantyhose while wearing pantyhose and showing off a lot of leg in my little Daisy Duke shorts. I thought that would be a ridiculously insane thrill. It was, and was every time I did it. Then what I considered even bolder was shopping for and buying shoes while in Daisy mode. I tried on shoes, walked around, got looks and interactions with other customers. I posed for them, put on a show and got their approval on my choices.

That was my first interactions with others while out femme. I began doing a lot of pantyhose and shoes shopping in my Daisy look. I got complimented on having nice legs, got asked about my pantyhose, was politely told I had a run and got compliments on my shoes.

When I got my own place, I could dress freely. If I decided to go out I would be free to come and go as I pleased, without having to hide my femme items, or had to cover them us as I was coming or going.

My look upgrade I envisioned was dressing Daisy up, Daisy in a dress. I bought some fabulous, very short and sexy dresses. I was amazed at how incredibly sexy I looked and how amazing I felt when wearing them. I got a couple of pairs of stiletto heels. I could barely stand in them, but they made my legs look oh so sexy. With my wig on I looked so beautiful and sexy. I have to go out in this. This was my own place. I didn't have to hide. I could go and return anytime I wanted.

I had to walk from my place to the parking area. It was maybe 200 feet. I grabbed my purse and open the door slowly. As I began to leave, I heard a noise. I quickly retreated back inside. After a few more attempts, it seemed quiet. Time to go. I shut the door and began my walk to the car. The cool breeze on my legs and under my dress felt heavenly. The sound of my heels clicking on the pavement was mesmerizing. Looking down at my legs as I walked, I was so happy. I'm so beautiful and sexy. I was in a total, euphoric pink fog.

That all came to a sudden end when I nearly walked into a guy walking his dog. Oh no! My first time out at my new place and I nearly walk into someone. And I'm dressed so sexy. I was in a panic. I felt like running back to the house, but the car was closer. I'll just walk quickly to the car and get in. Maybe he didn't notice me.

I got to the car and opened the door. The interior lights shined on my legs. For a moment I thought, "WOW! Amazing. I quickly got in the car with my heart pounding. I needed to calm down before I could drive or even walk back to the house. After a few minutes, I began to reflect on what happened. That actually was pretty exciting.

I started the car and began to drive.  I noticed the guy and dog. I waved as I passed them. I drove around a while, got out in a few places and returned home. As I got out of the car, I had no concern or worries about being seen again. In fact, I was dressed to impress and draw attention. t I was hoping there would be others who would see  me.

For the next year or so, I would dress often at home in things I really loved. I went out often, just confidentially walking from the house to the car and back. I didn't wait until the coast was clear. If  I was near someone, I would smile, say hello or wave.

I wonder if the neighbors thought there was a girl and a guy living in my apartment of if they realized the girl and guy who lived there was the same person.


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Reputable Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
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Trust me, Grace, the first time IS the most difficult...."baby steps"...slowly and eventually, the terror goes and confident builds and takes it place, but be careful to pick "the right times" too...and always have an "escape plan", for these exact moments when a confrontation is not exactly what you're ready for.   I must say, it does make it easier IF, you DO want to "look feminine"....for me, my goal was never to be "a guy in a dress" and draw too much negative attention;  it was much better to blend in with the public, and be THAT woman that lived inside me; so I didn't venture outside the safety of my home until that time...but when I did, and my confidence grew, my desire was to get out for more adventures as often as I could...and even then, it was NEVER enough.  Such wonderful memories of drives around town and strolling the shopping malls, I will cherish these forever.  I hope you can eventually start building memories like this...GOOD LUCK to you, the pleasure that comes from being out in pubic is priceless...!!!

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Isn't that the way when you finally take that step out the door. It took me quite a few attempts to do the same and when it happened it was all fine. Hope fully it won't put you off at all. 

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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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A journey of 1,000 miles, girl 😉 Good job!

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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...and you lived to tell about it. 

I doubt it was a first for your mail carrier,  so no need to worry, but a neighbor could have just as easily been out, or looking through a window.


The world does not end if we are seen en femme, and as time goes by and we get out more and more we realize nobody cares, so enjoy your outings. 


I was out in my backyard in a bikini and was likely seen by my neighbor. He has never said anything, and why should he?

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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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Congratulations, Grace. I haven't done it yet, but I already have plans.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Looking forward to reading about it when it happens, Gisela!

Duchess Annual
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Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
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I remember my first time going out dressed to a private appointment all dressed up.  I thought everyone was looking at me and they could tell I was a man in a dress.  I was cautious to make sure I did not stop next to another car or stay next to another car as we drove.    I have now done this about 10+ times, it does get easier but still nerve racking !!  But enjoy getting ready and realizing that no one is really paying attention to anybody driving in their cars.  At some point, I may stop for gas or ?  but not ready for that as of yet

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Reputable Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
Posts: 205

@leah63 OMG, Leah...stopping for gas at a self-serve, always in a dress or skirt, was another one of my favorite outings..."the thrill" of drawing some attention, yet not too know....seeing someone, seeing YOU...???  unfortunately never got that chance to interact directly, but always hoped I might..."good luck" to you, I hope you get to enjoy this experience, soon...!!!

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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
Posts: 812

@tinytinkerbell  Well , I am thinking about it,  thought about it twice today as I passed a gas station..but totally filled at the pumps  so passed for today.   Maybe at some point

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

For me, the first and biggest step was not to care if somebody notices I am a man in a dress. Once I got over that hurdle I have been out more and more and realize few people actually notice, and those who do don't care. I know up close I don't fool anyone, and I don't care. I have a moderately deep voice, so that is a giveaway, and if I am purchasing something use my CC which has my anon-ambiguous make name on it. 

I still like the little things, like getting gas since it shows how little people pay attention to such things. I have made quick trips for gas or to grab a bite at McDonald's on a drive and nobody notices.


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