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Out to Golf Buddy

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Reputable Member     The Villages, Florida, United States of America
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I play golf pretty often both with other guys and with couples. A couple weeks ago one of the husbands from our couples group was exercise walking by our house and decided to stop bye to be friendly/neighborly. I was totally dressed en femme. I saw him on the ring doorbell thingy and thought - what ta heck! So, deep breath, and opened the door.  Awkward, then he giggled. I invited him in like always, offered beer, and a seat. We sat and exchanged salutations as per usual. In a few moments I told him I had crossdressed all my life but was aware it is not socially acceptable so kinda keep it to myself, plus wife doesn't want me to go out of the house. He said that actually he would like to wear lady clothes also but never had the courage.

What is important to me is the he and I are 180 degrees apart politically, spiritually, culturally, yet we were able to have a civil conversation about a controversial issue. I didn't ask him to keep my secret. Actually I hope he has told all our mutual friends. Haven't had any negative feedback from anyone yet. Not sure how it'll turn out.

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That took some courage, Elaine, but you were true to yourself.  Good for you!  I could see myself hesitating to answer that door, should I or shouldn't I? 

A few years ago my truck broke down with me driving it crossdressed.  I rode with the auto club tow truck driver to my mechanic, who was aghast, when he saw me crossdressed but eventually settled down.  Nothing more was ever mentioned again about the incident. 

I do believe crossdressing transcends politics.  I am an old fashion 1950s girl, so I let the men argue politics, while we girls talk about more important things like pretty dresses, makeup, and getting our hair done.  

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Reputable Member     The Villages, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 314

@catgurl the few times I have been out I was amazed by how little people care.

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Noble Member     Florida, United States of America
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Wow, Elaine, what a giant step.  I’m not sure I’d ever have the courage to reveal myself to any of my circle of friends, because of being outed and becoming a social out cast.  One thing I love about your post is that he said that he always wanted to try dressing as the opposite sex and never did.  Do you think he’s one of us already?  And then there is the comment about how you are completely different politically, which just shows that CDing transcends political beliefs, we’re all the same!  Thanks for the post.

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Reputable Member     The Villages, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 314

@jennconn thanks Jennifer. I think you have me say I am semi-closeted for the wife sake. I wonder if my friend will tell his wife (probably) then someday she will talk with my wife.

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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
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Wow… that took some courage Elaine. Good job hun, i have telling a male friend on my list of ““to do’s”. And he happens to be someone I golf with as well.  

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Reputable Member     The Villages, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 314

@cdashley you can tell allot about person by how they act on the golf course. So I had a hunch he would be okay despite our differences.

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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 1489

@elguapo I do have a feeling he will be ok with it but still haven’t found the right time to explain it to him. And besides I won’t hold it against him if he doesn’t agree or ends out friendship over it as it isn’t for everyone to like what I enjoy.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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@elguapo *Laughs* What sort of on-course golfing behaviour would have caused you to say 'Oh my God, it's BOB - I am definitely NOT opening the door dressed like this?'

Ellie x

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Reputable Member     Walla Walla, Washington, United States of America
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If they are truly friends you should have no problems.

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Reputable Member     The Villages, Florida, United States of America
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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Well Elaine you both have a secret then. The last group of friends I came out to were buddies known for over forty years. Bizzarly most of the wives knew but decided I shouldn't tell until a couple of years ago. It couldn't have gone better and at  a yearly gathering they were introduced and it was great. I often wonder what would have happened if I came out forty years ago? However it shows the strength of friendship.

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Reputable Member     The Villages, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 314

@ab123 I too have a 40+ year friend I shared Elaine with a couple years ago. She is my biggest supporter. Who knows where I would be today if I had talked with her back then.

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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The reality of it all is that crossdressing isan't really a big deal in the general scope of life. Most people are opposed to it because they think they should be, but when confronted as your friend was it isn't an issue once one stops to think about it.

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Reputable Member     The Villages, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 314

@jjandme Good point. I think you are right. Like most hot button issues, once it happens to someone you care your perspective changes.

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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
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That's awesome. I am sure you were surprised when he revealed he would like to dress up as well.  I don't think I would have the courage to answer the door to a known person dressed up.  I do wonder how I would handle if I was in an accident or car broke down or needed assistance or was pulled over how that would go down...

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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What is slightly surprising is that he admitted that he wanted to try dressing. The reality is most men have thought about it, and a large number have tried it but won't admit it. 

As for breaking down or getting pulled over, you just roll with it. Just like shopping or just going out en femme, you just do it and find out nobody cares. I got pulled over once while en femme except my wig was in the passenger seat. The cop asked if that was a wig and I said yes, and that was the end of big deal.


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