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Been home with my SO for the last 4 months. She had a kidney stone that was impervious to being shattered then became stuck and had to be extracted surgically. Then a horrible UTI put us in the Hospital for 5 days over Thanksgiving as Sepsis set in. All is better now and she is getting back her strength.
Had to cancel a couple of trips to stay and look after her. Dressing has been almost impossible. Had a little time on the water last weekend. That was great but not nearly enough for some reason.
I had an eye doctor appointment this morning and an appointment to get my brows cleaned up a bit at ULTA. I just couldn't help myself. I pulled on a a Bralette and my Hip Pads along with a pair of Gloria Vanderbilt Slim jeans. Pulled on an LSU long sleeve t-shirt and a sweat shirt over that and ran all of my errands. Even stopped at Belk and picked up 4 more pairs of GV jeans for myself. I couldn't resist them at $25. a pair.
Has anyone had to deal with an irresistible force compelling them to dress.
Sorry to hear about your SO Roberta. I once had a large kidney stone that luckily passed so I have an idea how painful it must have been. Such an awful period for her, and you as well. I'm glad to hear that things are on the upswing.
I wish you both a Happy and Healthy New Year.
First, I am happy tto hear your wife is well and good onya for helping her through it all. It is a real challenge.
I never has a burning desiree to dress, but just enjoy dressing when I do. My wife is fully aware, so there really is no time I can't dress if I wanted to. I also dress to various levels when ever I wish, maybe just underdressed with forms, or a pair of yoga pants. I also wear subtle nail polish or lipstick often and that keeps my needs satisfied as well.
Roberta -
Sorry to hear bout your wife's health issue, it's never easy. Glad to hear that she is on the mend and everything is resolved.
I can relate to your dilemma. It is not easy, especially in stressful situations, not being able to dress. Hopefully you'll have an opportunity soon.
Glad to hear that your wife is doing better. That had to be a tough four months for both of you.
I am the caregiver for my wife so I don’t get much alone time to dress so I find myself in a constant state of pink fog.
Yes yes all the time