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[Solved] Paula sneaks into Dr office, Leaves Boldly

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Estimable Member     western part of state, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Some of you have heard me talking about my last trip to San Antonio in the chat, sorry for the repeat but I just had such a great time I have to share with everyone.

A couple of weeks ago I had a doctor appointment in San Antonio.  I could not decide how I wanted to go dressed, when talking to the office by phone I had ask them about me showing up presenting as Paula, they said it would be no big deal.  I had gone back and forth on just under-dressing or going as full Paula.

I went back and forth, chatted with the lovely ladies in the chat room but until the morning of the appointment I could not decide.  I had work that I had to do that morning before the appointment but I did get dressed for breakfast at the hotel, matching red bra and panties, pantyhose, heels, black skirt and blue blouse along with my wig. Came back to room and did the work I needed to do. 

Then as the time to leave loomed near, I finally decided,(chicken heart) I would put on a mini skirt almost a micro mini skirt but just long enough to keep everything covered walking and sitting, and a blouse that could be hidden under HH(HandsomHusband)'s drab slacks and shirt, along with my heels I headed out to my appointment. The drive was uneventful just took a few more minutes that Waze had predicted.

Upon arrival I checked in on the kiosk, and waited for HH to be called to the window to make copay, and misc paper work. Then back to the chairs to wait to be called back.  Finally I was called back and the nurse dropped me in a room and I quickly got out of HH's  things and then went about the appointment.  As we moved to the next room the Nurse complemented me on my outfit. She took me to my room.  She said she had to go help someone else and would be back to do my vitals and interview.  When she came back we had a nice chat, she told me about the only time she wore heels, prompted my my 3.5 to 4 inch heels of the day.

The doctor came she was great, we took care of business to my surprise she did not do an exam, did not hurt my feelings. Got scrip and scheduled followup.  They both agreed that nothing about my presentation would be documented.  So now the decision do I put HH drab stuff back on or do I woman up and ask for a bag to carry them out in. 

Well I stood up and walked out of the room and to the desk and ask the nurse for a bag to put his things in so I could walk back to the car.  She found me one, I went back to room and put his stuff in my new bag made sure the car keys and ID were out to where I could get to them when and if needed.  I walked out of the room checked out with the desk, they were great both times and headed out of the office.  I walked about the campus not taking the same route that I had arrived by, it was nice to be out and about even without my wig. 

So it looks like that I will be seeing that doctor more often as Paula than HH.




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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
Posts: 5217


It's always so wonderful to read things like this.

I find these sorts of things really uplifting.

They're everyday victories, and they deserve to be shared and celebrated 🙂

Thank you!


Ellie x

Joined: 10 months ago

New Member     San Antonio, Texas, United States of America
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Five Star woman!

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Reputable Member     Bromley, London, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Paula

Hope this reply finds you well.

What a brilliant article, it is wonderful to read that you were accepted so easily and with open arms from everyone.

To be complemented on your outfit as well, is another small win but must have meant the world to you.

Thank you for sharing.


Samantha x x

Posts: 1118
Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
Joined: 7 years ago

It moves me to read these stories. Thanks for sharing, Paula. 


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Active Member     crestview, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 10 months ago

way to go!  I hope some day I can do the same, small steps....


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Estimable Member     western part of state, Texas, United States of America
Posts: 144

@melina27 Yes, take small steps when you are ready.  Sometimes it is scary but each step makes the step next easier.  In order of memory not order they were done, some of my early outings were: just driving around after dark, getting gas and paying a pump, then later going in the convenience store, ordering fast food at the drive thru, walking around hotel in the wee hours of the morning.  As you do more and more you will notice that most people are so into what they are doing unless you trip them they will not notice you, if they do most of the time they just move on.  I have never had a bad experience while I was out as Paula, but I try to stay aware of things and not end up in the middle of a bunch of any people who I see who might be a threat.

Posts: 1118
Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
Joined: 7 years ago

Curiously, I was always scared by the first small steps and after so many years my first female outing was to a group dinner. I had a good time. But I don't dare to do it alone in my homeland. My ghosts still haunt me here.


Posts: 812
Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Always great to read and hear about such a successful story of being  out dressed and so accepted!  thank you for sharing

Posts: 55
Trusted Member     isle of wight, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom
Joined: 4 years ago

It’s always lovely to hear of these adventures happening, to me it sends a warm message that there are so many people and places that accept and welcome you what ever the situation might be. 


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