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Planning for my first time.

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I have a basic outfit planned out for my first time, and while I'll have to assemble my ensemble piece by piece, I'll be learning to size myself for potential future use of form building like bust sizing and hip enlargement. Still don't have the measurements down pat for all the clothing, but I know my style desired and I'll learn to size myself for each individual purchase. First, shoes. I'm planning on two pairs, a set of 3-4" heels in nude patent leather and a set of suede over-the-knee boots in burgundy. I think I'm a size 12 wide, but haven't measured my feet. Have tried printing up a foot sizer online, but it never prints up to a 1:1 scale for me. Next, hosiery/stockings. Nude, sheer and crotchless, reaching above the waist to help tone my stomach somewhat. I've heard how wearing nude colored hose and shoes give your legs a longer look. Mine are already long, I want them to look like they can wrap around a guy, twice. I am planning to go that way my first time in public BTW. Sounds slutty, but that's what I'm looking for my first time out. Next, dresses/skirts. I have two ideas for this. One is a skater dress in burgundy leather sitting at mid-thigh The other is a form-fitting sweater dress in forest green reaching down almost to the knees. The skirt will go well with either shoe choice, so I most likely opt for that first. I'll wear a white crop top shirt with the dress. There are a few options, I'm looking at and they are not too pricey, so I may just get all three and decide on the favorite. I'm also undecided between two wigs, both some shade of brunette, one is a shoulder length bob in a dark brown, the other is golden brown, wavy and goes past the shoulders. Either of those are affordable and will serve my purposes. I'm a very huge fan of deep, dark red, glossy lipstick and I  intend to make my lips one of the sexiest parts of my body. I just have no experience with any other makeup. Want to do something to set off my green eyes, but don't know what to wear or how much. As far as earrings and other jewelry go, I have not any idea where to go with those. If something reveals itself between now and d-day, I'll incorporate it. Otherwise, there's always a future.

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Estimable Member     Winter Haven, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Hi Brenda
It sounds like you are serious about going out dressed en.femme for the first time.
The outfits that you described sound like you've put a lot of thought into what you're going to be wearing.
Anyone of them sounds like they will transform you into a passable looking girl.
One thing that I would suggest is that if you have a girlfriend or someone who can help you with your makeup get them to help you with putting your makeup on
No matter how good you look in your outfit if you don't have a feminine looking face you aren't going to pass.
Makeup is the most important part of being able to pass
When I tried to make myself look presentable I looked like a clown.
I tried and tried but I didn't know what I was doing.
I finally went to a store in a mall that offers makeup lessons. I learned so much about how to apply it and how much to use as well as what to use
When I left the store I looked like I was one of the genetic girls in the mall
So trust me when I say that makeup is the most important part of passing.
Good luck on your first time out
From someone who knows

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Thank you for the advice, Janine! I'm thinking of highlighting gently around my eyes, but I will need help determining how much is necessary!

Posts: 129
Estimable Member     Winter Haven, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Hi again Brenda
Eyes are the first thing that people look at. Make sure that your eyes complement your face and don't overdo the mascara and eye liner
A little go's a long way to make your eyes look sexy
Good luck

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Estimable Member     Winter Haven, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Hi Brenda
I noticed that you're not on line but I really am interested in if you are planning on going out soon or waiting for the right time.
I'd like to hear from you about how it go's and the way that it made you feel to go out dressed en.femme.
It was scary for me the first time but the adrenaline rush made it worth it.
Nothing I've done gave me a adrenaline rush like that did. From the first step I took outside of my room I was so excited and nervous at the same time but the feeling of the warm summer breeze blowing under my skirt and through my hair was invigorating to say the least
Two of the things that I didn't expect to happen were happening to me.
As I was walking towards my car in the parking lot I didn't expect to see anyone but as soon as I turned around the corner of the building there were people everywhere between me and my car
There was no turning back so I smiled my best smile and walked past them to where my car was parked
Brenda I swear nobody paid any attention to me other than one lady who smiled at me and said hello.
Apparently she must have thought that I was just a young woman going to my car.
I was so releaved when I got in my car that I was shaking.
I did what I always do
I fastened my seat belt and started my car then drove away.
It was then that I realized that my seat belt was touching my left breast making it uncomfortable for me to drive like that
I adjusted it so it didn't cross my breast and it felt better after I did it.
I drove to a mall away from where I live and found a parking place.
I touched up my lipstick and lip gloss then brushed my hair.
I got out of my car and started walking towards the entrance to the mall
As I got closer to the entrance there were some construction workers working on the sidewalk
There wasn't much that I could do except walk past them and hope that they didn't notice me.
I should have known better because I was wearing a mini skirt with 3 inch heels.
They noticed me alright. Everyone of them stopping working to look at me when I walked past them.
I went into the mall and walked around window shopping and went into a few stores that had clothing for women
I ended up at Forever 21 and bought a new dress with my debit card at a self service cash register.
I went back out to my car past the construction workers and again they stopped working to look at me.
I smiled at them and went to my car then returned back to the motel where I was staying.
I got out and took my new dress inside of my room and tried it on
It suprised me how well it fit me and how good I looked wearing it
I hope that your first time out will be as memorable as mine was
Good luck
I know that your going to enjoy it
A friend

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I really loved reading your post to me just now. Oh yes. I've had every intention of getting into the public eye as quickly as possible, no matter the level of discomfort. I wasn't sure if doing so would be possible before some time well into the next year, but a couple recent developments over the last couple days make a month's deadline some a very reasonable goal. I have health issues to address due to years of major self-neglect and heavy alcoholism/substance abuse issues. One of the major neglects has been my teeth. Every single tooth in my head requires extraction and I'll be forced to wear full dentures the remainder of my life. This has been known to me over the past year, but due to another health issue, haven't been able to get this done. Lack of platelletes in my blood. A major amount of extraction could cause me to bleed to death. I have insurance for now, but that'll be going away in January. This dental work will be costing $4,500+. On the 19th of this month, I have everything I need lined up in order to accomplish this procedure, from a prescribed steroid to temporarily boost my platelettes to alternate funding for what insurance won't cover. This is one of the two major obstacles holding me back from being supermodel hot. I'm MOVING ON THIS!

The other obstacle holding me back from being what I want to be is finances. I used to be a reliable, hard worker through most of my adult life even with my alcoholism/hard substance issues, but about 10 years ago, something happened propel me on my course of self-destruction I so thoroughly accomplished. I burned lots of bridges with potential future employers with a very spotty work history and I pretty much shut myself away from everyone. The only reason I have a roof over my head and the use of a vehicle is due to family charity. That was wearing thin with them; it was all about to disappear a couple months ago, so I had to reveal to them my deepest darkest secret. I have AIDS. They have relented and have allowed me to stay at the level I'm at now, but they're not helping with additional cash. Last night, I was going through old containers and found a couple items dating from the middle 19th century. I researched these online and found they have much value monetarily, enough so to put lots of things right and totally fund all clothing, makeups ans accessories I'll be needing to transform into the supermodel I want to look like. In the next few hours, I'll be going to see what amount I could sell these items for. If I get a good price, I'll start building on my women's wardrobe and makeup kits I think I may need this very day! I'm SO EXCITED by this possibility. I'm going through all my online wish list soon and forming up my price and to-order cart purchases. I hope to be able to post a pic on here of my transformed self by sometime next week. No toothy smiles yet, but damn it, this just feels like Providence to me.


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