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I'm one of the many office workers who have benefitted from the WFH practice brought about by the pandemic. And, like a lot of others, I stay in touch with my colleagues by Teams. It's mainly done through texting in group chat rooms, but once a week we have a telekit.
Normally my wife is at home on my telekit day, but a couple of weeks ago she was required at an extra part-time job she does from time to time. Once she was safely out of the house I got dressed and sat down to do my day job.
Telekit time duly rolled around, and I connected with my team colleagues. There are 11 of us altogether, located in various parts of the north of England. As usual it was an audio-only meeting, due to some colleagues having bandwidth issues at home; this is quite handy when at least one member of the team is a crossdresser.
So, there I was as full Jacqueline, chatting (audio only, remember) with my supervisor and my colleagues about work-related matters. Halfway through the 30 minute meeting I moved my mouse to switch off my microphone, and suddenly I was looking at myself on video! Registering the look of shock and horror on my face I ducked out of sight, desperately hoping that none of my workmates had spotted this familiar stranger in their midst.
I held my breath. The conversation seemed to be carrying on as normal; no one was asking any questions about my appearance. Heaving a silent sigh of relief I reached over and waggled my mouse to turn off the mic. It was then that I realised that all I'd done was activate the camera's preview mode. I hadn't actually switched it on, so none of my colleagues had seen me after all. But wow, was my heart thumping!
Afterwards I couldn't help but wonder what the reactions of my colleagues would have been if I had pushed the button...
Oh yes, this brings back quite a memory of that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach!
In my department we also all work from home and have online meetings every now and then. One time last summer, I'd not long taken delivery of a lot of Fiona's first wardrobe items and I was taking every opportunity to wear them to find out what even fitted well enough, let alone worked as an outfit. So my clothing style was not only femme, but all over the place!
The meeting was me, my team leader and my line manager. Audio-only, all fine so far. Then we needed to do a screen-share of my screen. Still all good, I know that doesn't use the camera. Then when we were done with the screen, I ended the share, and realised the blue light on my camera was on ... aaaaaggggghhhhhh! 😱 😳
Luckily I got away with it, as there was still no video in the meeting, just the boxes for each of us with our avatars. But since that day I've kept my camera disconnected unless I'm prepared for it to be a video meeting. If anyone says 'right, cameras on lads' and I'm not prepared, my camera is suddenly going to be "at my OH's place" 🤥
Of course, "being prepared" can include being in drab on top, and having a miniskirt on over stockings and heels underneath the desk ... just like the TV newsreaders used to be able to get away with 😉
I can imagine your reaction at seeing that blue light!
In my case, even though I quickly realised it was only the video preview, I was still worried enough to wonder whether I'd be getting a private call from my supervisor asking what on earth they'd just seen...
Oh my! These close calls have my heart racing. I'm glad it worked out OK for all of you.
I too work from home predominantly, but I'm hardly ever home alone. I think if I had the opportunity, I might try Fiona's approach with some fun clothes underneath the desk AND the camera disconnected. But I think I might still be too nervous. 😊 But one never knows...
I am not the best at technology and have had to quite a few Zoom and team meetings and ensure being properly attired as some are work related and it is as Angela, the rest are as the other person. However there is a thing on the phone called Whatsap. I was in a call with a friend and he turned on his camera to show me something. Like an idiot I switched mine on thinking I had to and realised what I had done. I quickly rectified it but he said,'Nice hair' and continued as if nothing had happened and hasn't mentioned anything since. I am sure he realised but so far......
Girl - camera covers are a thing! 😉
I have, on occasion kept my nails on from a previous day's/night's event and done video calls. However I always have to remember to keep my hands down which is no easy task as I'm ½ Italian and so quite the gesticulator!
I use a desktop computer which has no integrated camera. I used to have an external camera permanently connected but since starting cross-dressing, I unplug it and put it in a drawer. The only time I use it is when I WhatsApp video call with my son and while at some point I might 'come out' to him I'd rather it was in a face-to-face conversation, preferably when he's had a few beers. Years ago, he outed himself to me as gay and I was fine with that so he owes me one really. When he actually told me, I just said 'I know' and when he asked me how I knew, I told him his mother (my, by then, ex-wife) had told me but that even if she hadn't, both I and my new SO thought he was gay two years before he finally came out. The look on his face, priceless, I think he thought he'd kept it hidden so well.
I WFH several days a week and get the chance to be Lauren fairly often when the workload is light. Most of the meetings don't require camera so I'm fine as long as I check, double check, and then triple check that the camera is off and the lens blocked. I wonder if I'll slip up one of these days.
I agree. Sometimes I feel like I want to be seen as Lauren. Maybe the neighbors have seen me. I don't get too upset about it.
I'm fairly sure at least one of my neighbours has seen me. Nothing's been said so far, however.
Some.of these accounts make me chuckle. A few years back I worked for a business that sent us all around the world and I worked from home 75% of the remaining time. For technical reasons we stuck with audio team meetings, no video.
That was fantastic and meant that I was happily dressed as the perfect office worker for a lot of the time. The only time I nearly got caught out was when the boss commented there was a distracting noise on the line . To be fair it stopped when I moved my extravagant dangling ear rings away from the headset earpiece 😂
On a slight side note , I reckon my productivity and phone manner was much much better as happy Kay 💕