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Pushing the Button

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I'm one of the many office workers who have benefitted from the WFH practice brought about by the pandemic. And, like a lot of others, I stay in touch with my colleagues by Teams. It's mainly done through texting in group chat rooms, but once a week we have a telekit.

Normally my wife is at home on my telekit day, but a couple of weeks ago she was required at an extra part-time job she does from time to time. Once she was safely out of the house I got dressed and sat down to do my day job.

Telekit time duly rolled around, and I connected with my team colleagues. There are 11 of us altogether, located in various parts of the north of England. As usual it was an audio-only meeting, due to some colleagues having bandwidth issues at home; this is quite handy when at least one member of the team is a crossdresser.

So, there I was as full Jacqueline, chatting (audio only, remember) with my supervisor and my colleagues about work-related matters. Halfway through the 30 minute meeting I moved my mouse to switch off my microphone, and suddenly I was looking at myself on video! Registering the look of shock and horror on my face I ducked out of sight, desperately hoping that none of my workmates had spotted this familiar stranger in their midst.

I held my breath. The conversation seemed to be carrying on as normal; no one was asking any questions about my appearance. Heaving a silent sigh of relief I reached over and waggled my mouse to turn off the mic. It was then that I realised that all I'd done was activate the camera's preview mode. I hadn't actually switched it on, so none of my colleagues had seen me after all. But wow, was my heart thumping!

Afterwards I couldn't help but wonder what the reactions of my colleagues would have been if I had pushed the button...

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1005

@jacquelinelarkspur I love this! 
The exact same thing happened to me last year.
I actually ducked from my desk in blind panic before I realised that I’d also just turned on the camera preview.

My heart rate went through the roof 😅 

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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What a coincidence!  😉

Honestly, what are we like?

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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@jacquelinelarkspur Yep, two peas in a pod!

I was frantically moving the mouse to switch off the camera while in a crouch position. I felt such an idiot when I realised what I was doing, and that after 35 years in IT 🤦‍♀️

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I hope you were crouching in a befittingly ladylike manner. I wasn't, sadly.

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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@jacquelinelarkspur well y’know, heels, quite tight skirt, legs wide apart, what more can I say?

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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"Ooh, my knees"?

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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@jacquelinelarkspur I think they were speaking quite well for themselves

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During the lockdown periods I was very lucky in that, although several people close to me got ill (and I had two bouts of COVID myself) no-one in my life was seriously affected.

I absolutely know that for many of the girls here, the pandemic will have been a horrific time.

I'm saying all of this so that everyone is aware that what I write below is absolutely NOT making light of the whole thing. I would never do that.

So ...

As many of the girls on here will know, I'm a teacher. My school provided a very thorough programme of lessons throughout the UK lockdowns, and stuck rigidly to the existing timetable. It was hard work; each lesson took far longer to plan than it would have done to actually teach.

We used Google Classroom to construct each 50 minute lesson and had to upload instructions, explanations, worksheets, video clips, links to websites, scanned exam questions and so on in advance of each session  ... and then be online throughout to guide students through everything.

With six lessons a day, and then all the marking once students had submitted written work online, it was hugely exhausting.

So ... why is it that I was reluctant for lockdown to end? Well, for the first month there was no requirement for teachers to use Google Meets during the lessons. The lack of video meant that I was able to dress 24/7 every day. And even when the school started wanting us to use video links it was usually only for part of each lesson. Since I was only visible from the waist up I was able to stay dressed and just throw on a baggy sweatshirt to hide the incriminating evidence for 10-15 minutes every hour.

I carried out several Parents' Evening en femme (shirt and tie over whatever I was wearing). For these we used a program called 'Parent Booking', which gives each set of parents five minutes and automatically switches the camera on and off for each appointment. There's a minute break before the next appointment starts. I just had to make sure that I was sitting down each time the camera came back on, and not caught hastily scurrying back from a loo break and revealing skirt, tights and ankle boots.

Nail varnish, as I discovered on the one occasion that I forgot to remove it, can be surprisingly prominent on camera. I had to do a whole Parents' Evening with fists clenched; everyone must have thought that I had serious anger management issues.

Another big advantage of those Parents' Evenings was that I could sit openly sipping from a large glass of vodka and mango and everyone thought I was drinking orange juice.

It made the whole thing a lot more bearable.


Ellie x

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 You mean to say that you don’t drink vodka at every parent’s evening. Why ever not?

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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The Head tends to come and lurk at your shoulder on these occasions. I think she'd notice if we were drinking heavily.

I once wrote 'Any possibility of a staff bar?' on a piece of paper, removed all trace of fingerprints and DNA as best I was able, and put it in the school suggestion box.

Sadly, nothing ever came of it.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Because sometimes it's gin.

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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@jacquelinelarkspur of course, isn’t gin the drink that doesn’t smell on your breath? 
Perfect for undetected drinking at parents evening, until the slurring kicks in of course

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I didn't think teachers were meant to cast slurs on their students.

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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@jacquelinelarkspur Mine certainly did.

Maybe they’d been on the vodka/gin. 
That would explain a lot 

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Gin may not be detectable on your breath.  But alcohol is once enough gets into your bloodstream!  It's a delicate balancing act.  Maintaining a good, yet undetectable buzz!


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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Thanks for sharing, Ellie. Lockdown brought a whole host of changes, some good, some not so good. Adaptability was, and still is, vital for progress.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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In my case, vodka and mango proved to be a good way forward.

I feel I've grown as a person.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Quite right too. Fruit is very good for you.

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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@jacquelinelarkspur Yep I love fruit.

My particular favourites are apple pie and apple crumble 

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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With ice cream or custard? I am wanting.


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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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@jacquelinelarkspur With pie it would be ice cream, with crumble I would suggest custard.

In fact double cream also works well 😋

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Either way, it's one of your five-a-day!

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Posted by: @ellyd22

I feel I've grown as a person.

[says she between....hic....burps....and slurs....and....hic....long gazes at the floor]

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 I also grew during lockdown.

I’m currently running and riding a bike 4 times a week to reverse it….

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Is this post the catalyst for a poll listing all the ways you could inadvertently 'out' yourself on a Teams or Zoom call?  Any takers??  Not me.  I'm WAY too busy trying to outsmart Murphy!

Here's one real-life example committed by yours truly....a purported IT pro.

Early pandemic.  2021 I think.  WFH like everyone.  Zoom call.  Camera off but dressed androg....just in case.  Everything well under control.  Not really....

I shared my screen and opened my Edge browser.  A blank tab presented itself.  The Favorites bar....with links to CDH, TGH, and a few girly shopping sites disabled.....just in case.  I clicked the address bar and started to type the site I needed....which happened to begin with the letter 'C'.... 

BAM!  There for all to see was last night's CDH browse history!  Panic.  Frantic typing.  Evidence gone.  The longest second ever! 

Surely someone had to see.  But nothing.  Not a word from anyone.

The culprit is a setting called Show me suggestions from history, favorites and other data on this device using my typed characters, buried deep in the privacy, search, and services settings.  It will burn your ass if it's enabled.  Chrome and Firefox have equivalents.




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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I'm imagining lots of us now dashing to our computer browser settings!

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That would be a good idea if you're concerned about what someone else might see.  My incident was result of poor planning.  If my work laptop had been available none of that would've happened.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@emilyalt There's a lot to be said for having separate home and work PC's when you WFH 🙂  Mine are both linked to a KVM controller so I can hop between them at the press of a button.  My main problem is being on the wrong one too often 😉

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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@finallyfiona I tend to use an iPad to access CDH rather than the work laptop, but like you, the iPad probably gets slightly more attention that it really ought to……

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I forgot my work laptop the day before.  It was still connected to the mgmt port of the switch I'd gone in to fix.  Doh!  My personal laptop was the only option.


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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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@jacquelinelarkspur I know I'm late to this party, but I'd like to give you my story.

When the lockdown started, I was going for a walk every morning before starting work. On Thursdays there were also religious services that began at 8 AM. So I would have to get out by 7 to do my hour long "walk around the block" (although I could cut a few minutes off by taking a few shortcuts). Of course, I had been doing en femme. I started off by adding a sweatshirt on top just before launching the zoom meeting and getting myself ready with my prayer shawl and phylaceries.

I soon discovered that if the top was plain enough, my prayer shawl would cover the breast forms, and that I could also use my prayer book to cover any evidence. The old meme of nice top and pajama bottoms definitely wasn't me; the bottoms were usually a skirt.

Most of the time we did only audio meetings at work. The company actually asked us not to use video because of the bandwidth on the VPN. So dressing for work at home was not a problem.

Today we do an evening zoom service 6 days a week. We need faces to have a quarum in order to say the mourner's prayer at the end, so joining audio only isn't an option. There have been days I have been dressed most of the day, and sometimes with femme reading glasses (purple or yellow color). If I do forget, I have caught myself during the preview. But there have been a few occasions where I did not notice until after I joined that I have on the wrong glasses. I think I caught it quicly enough because no one had ever asked me about them. But I have definitely pushed the button too soon on occasions.

Other occasions I am wearing a dark top, and my camera is high enough not to show my chest, that I don't even bother to remove the forms or to change. When I have to stand up for certain prayers, I just make sure my prayer book blocks any view of my chest, particularly since I have a light right over me and it would cast a clear shadow of my breast forms.

So I have done it accidentally on a few occasions, but on purpose more often and just being careful with the camera sees.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Thanks for sharing, Alison. Sometimes the internet is less of a convenience for we crossdressers!

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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Oh yes, this brings back quite a memory of that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach!

In my department we also all work from home and have online meetings every now and then.  One time last summer, I'd not long taken delivery of a lot of Fiona's first wardrobe items and I was taking every opportunity to wear them to find out what even fitted well enough, let alone worked as an outfit.  So my clothing style was not only femme, but all over the place! 

The meeting was me, my team leader and my line manager.  Audio-only, all fine so far.  Then we needed to do a screen-share of my screen.  Still all good, I know that doesn't use the camera.  Then when we were done with the screen, I ended the share, and realised the blue light on my camera was on ... aaaaaggggghhhhhh!  😱 😳 

Luckily I got away with it, as there was still no video in the meeting, just the boxes for each of us with our avatars.  But since that day I've kept my camera disconnected unless I'm prepared for it to be a video meeting.  If anyone says 'right, cameras on lads' and I'm not prepared, my camera is suddenly going to be "at my OH's place" 🤥 

Of course, "being prepared" can include being in drab on top, and having a miniskirt on over stockings and heels underneath the desk ... just like the TV newsreaders used to be able to get away with 😉

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I can imagine your reaction at seeing that blue light!

In my case, even though I quickly realised it was only the video preview, I was still worried enough to wonder whether I'd be getting a private call from my supervisor asking what on earth they'd just seen...

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Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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Oh my! These close calls have my heart racing. I'm glad it worked out OK for all of you.
I too work from home predominantly, but I'm hardly ever home alone. I think if I had the opportunity, I might try Fiona's approach with some fun clothes underneath the desk AND the camera disconnected. But I think I might still be too nervous. 😊 But one never knows...

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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I actually have to be quite careful with the 'fun below the desk' approach too.  My study was originally a small bedroom, Fiona's wardrobe is behind me when I'm sat at my desk, and has full-length mirrored sliding doors.  I have to remember either to set the background to blurred, or to sit right in front of the camera and not turn to the side at all, or the reflection could be rather interesting!

There's no way that anyone else in the meeting could ever know if you're wearing perfume though 🙂

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We girls need to be alert at all times, don't we? I still think it's worth it.
Good point about the perfume. It is a great example of how just one little thing can give you that nice feeling 😊

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Perfume's the one thing I daren't use when dressing for a few hours at home alone. The scent is too difficult to get rid of when it's time to re-drab.

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Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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Great point Jacqueline! The pink fog impacted my thinking.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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They should invent something to mask the scent of perfume. They could call it Pink Fog.

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I've gone for fragrances marketed as 'unisex', such as CK1.

This was my sister's idea, so that I didn't raise pink flags when switching to drab.

I think many of them smell very feminine, but so far no one has questioned the fact that I'm actually applying perfume on a day-to-day basis.

On the contrary, in the case of CK1 a female work colleague actually asked me what I was wearing so she could buy it for her husband.


Ellie x


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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I hear they've almost perfected smellyvision...

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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You can always pop a piece of paper over the camera. If anyone asks, you can just say it's a software issue...


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I am now up to 3 contingency plans! A few more and I might feel comfortable attempting some feminine WFH time.😉

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I love it when a contingency plan comes together!

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I am not the best at technology and have had to quite a few Zoom and team meetings and ensure being properly attired as some are work related and it is as Angela, the rest are as the other person. However there is a thing on the phone called Whatsap. I was in a call with a friend and he turned on his camera to show me something. Like an idiot I switched mine on thinking I had to and realised what I had done. I quickly rectified it but he said,'Nice hair' and continued as if nothing had happened and hasn't mentioned anything since. I am sure he realised but so far......

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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These things are easily done in the heat of the moment. At least he was enough of a gentleman to pay you a nice compliment.

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Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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What else could he say? I bet you looked lovely.😊

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Girl - camera covers are a thing! 😉

I have, on occasion kept my nails on from a previous day's/night's event and done video calls. However I always  have to remember to keep my hands down which is no easy task as I'm ½ Italian and so quite the gesticulator!

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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That sounds like a real challenge!

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I use a desktop computer which has no integrated camera. I used to have an external camera permanently connected but since starting cross-dressing, I unplug it and put it in a drawer. The only time I use it is when I WhatsApp video call with my son and while at some point I might 'come out' to him I'd rather it was in a face-to-face conversation, preferably when he's had a few beers. Years ago, he outed himself to me as gay and I was fine with that so he owes me one really. When he actually told me, I just said 'I know' and when he asked me how I knew, I told him his mother (my, by then, ex-wife) had told me but that even if she hadn't, both I and my new SO thought he was gay two years before he finally came out. The look on his face, priceless, I think he thought he'd kept it hidden so well.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I firmly believe our children think their parents (ie us) wander through life with our eyes closed. To be fair, we in turn probably thought the same about our parents.

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I WFH several days a week and get the chance to be Lauren fairly often when the workload is light.  Most of the meetings don't require camera so I'm fine as long as I check, double check, and then triple check that the camera is off and the lens blocked.  I wonder if I'll slip up one of these days.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I suspect that, deep down, we want to slip up!

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I agree. Sometimes I feel like I want to be seen as Lauren.  Maybe the neighbors have seen me.  I don't get too upset about it.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I'm fairly sure at least one of my neighbours has seen me. Nothing's been said so far, however.

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(@Anonymous 91593)
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Some.of these accounts make me chuckle. A few years back I worked for a business that sent us all around the world and I worked from home 75% of the remaining time. For technical reasons we stuck with audio team meetings, no video. 

That was fantastic and meant that I was happily dressed as the perfect office worker for a lot of the time. The only time I nearly got caught out was when the boss commented there was a distracting noise on the line . To be fair it stopped when I moved my extravagant dangling ear rings away from the headset earpiece 😂

On a slight side note , I reckon my productivity and phone manner was much much better as happy Kay 💕

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@kayt I've wondered sometimes if my dangly earrings moving around can be heard by my microphone.  Also sometimes my long chunky necklace and my bracelets make noise against each other or the desk.  I have to remember to keep my feet quite still if I'm in heels too!

I think Fiona would have been happier in the role I was doing 15-20 years ago, predominantly as technical support rather than as a developer.  The logic gets a little boring at times and I miss the interaction and building friendships with the people I'd deal with amongst our customers' end-users.  Being able to help them to sort out their problems with our software always did tick all the right boxes for me.

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@finallyfiona there were never any other comments . What I didn't say on my original post was we all checked headphones plugged in properly etc apart from me who'd worked it out and moving the earphone (one of those slimline sets) and twisting the mic boom out of the way got rid of the  "strange noise " and the meeting continued 😂

Have to say on that and other occasions interacting with customers and colleagues whilst en femme ie the real me was a wonderful feeling . The lipstick on my coffee cup , the heels against the chair , the smell of perfume .....I could go on lol 


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