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I was wondering how everyone's relationship changed with your Mom or other family when they came out? My Mom discovered my CD when I was about 13yo when she came home early and saw me doing a Jane Fonda workout in one of her leotards. For about three years nothing was said till I was busted again and it put a strain on a close relationship we had. Finally, one day she said something, I forget what specifically. However, I pointed out that A. She goes to the gym and had been on local television in very revealing outfits leotards, and bikinis! B. She was and and still is today a submission mat wrestler and wrestled in bikinis and less and I'm supposed to be okay with that?? She paused and said that I was 100% and she was being a hypocrite. The next day I got to workout with her while dressed in a leotard. I have to say in the long run by coming out it has brought us closer together much more than a mother son or mother daughter relationship.
Geoff AKA Lady G The Leotard Queen
From what my mother told me, I was three years old, when she found me in her makeup, trying to apply it to myself.
From that point on, she was supportive of my CD activities.
My sister knows I am a crossdresser and she loves it,always jokes with me about how high some of my heels are.My younger brother{the youngest of us 3 children} does not know and would not understand.He is in for a surprise if and when,he comes to my house.No sweat,no problem.
I was invisible to my family most of my life, so they don't get to know me now even if they were interested in doing so. My mom is advanced in age and struggling with the early signs of dementia and coming out to her would just be confusing. Dad passed during the pandemic, but I never could have told him, he would never accept or understand. That said, MY family (wife, daughter, close friends) knows, accepts, and supports me and that's enough.