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To 'bottle it': In case it's not a phrase Americans know, it means to back out, lose one's nerve.
My wife and I were going to go out to the city with me dressed this morning but I got the distinct impression that she was not comfortable, there was just something about her demeanour. I hadn't actually got dressed at the time but I had had a good shave and done my legs before we had the conversation. Fortunately we do talk about things and no, she was not comfortable and, to be honest, neither was I. She felt it was too 'odd', she hadn't got used to it all and that it would take more time, although she was fine with me dressing at home. I felt that if she wasn't going to be happy and comfortable then I didn't want the responsibility of making her unhappy, so we called it a day before it started. We've decided that for now, if I want to go out dressed then I will and if she decides she wants to come along then that's fine, if not, it's also not a problem; that way, there is no pressure on either of us. It's quite a relief really as I can now go out dressed if I want, on my own, with only me having to accept the ramifications (in the unlikely event there are any) and not having to worry about anyone else. It's a shame but it's better to know in advance. We've been out together once and for now, that will have to do.
Heigh ho, onward and upward.
Interesting. In Australia the term means to bottle things up... not to talk about the issue.
A good and sensible compromise Becca. I am sure that your wife is still thinking things through and needs time. At least she is not stopping you going out and perhaps she will rejoin you when she is ready.
Becca -
That is wonderful that you could feel your wife being uncomfortable and had a conversation with her. Better to hold off until she is comfortable rather than to upset the apple cart and ruin any chances in the future. I try to detect my wife's feelings when I'm dressed and if I feel she is uncomfortable I'll change. There are times I've done that and she says she's okay but I can tell she's not. Open communication is best. I usually let her start any conversations regarding my dressing as I don't want to assume she is okay discussing it or cause her to shut down. When we do talk the conversations are open and honest.
Enjoy what time you have and at some point thins may change.