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Shopping at the mall en femme!

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Eminent Member     Colorado, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi everyone! Brittany here, just wanted to share an amazing shopping experience I had with all you wonderful ladies! Apologies up front if this is too long...

So my goal for the day was to get as femmed up as I could and make a trip to Walmart to buy some stockings. I tore the only ones I had the night before so I figured basic lingerie/hosiery shopping was a good excuse to get outside in public during the day.

Thrift stores are the best place to find clothes without spending too much money (I love Goodwill!) and I can usually try on a few dresses without too many weird looks. It will start getting cold soon, so I started looking for a jacket but I also found these cute faux-leather boots too (and they were even in my size!) so I just couldn’t help myself. I carried this pink/wine colored jacket and the boots right up to the counter still dressed in my normal “boy mode” and smiled proud when she complimented the boots I handed her. I know, right! Cute boots are cute boots. So I took everything home and got all dolled up, awkward makeup and curly brunette wig and fake nails and everything, but I made sure to keep the way I dressed nice and casual with simple black jeggings so I wouldn’t stand out too much.

And nothing too exciting at Walmart. No one really notices anything if you keep to yourself, so I tried my best to smile and say hi when the women at the dressing room looked over at me picking out the stockings I needed. Here’s a picture of me posing in front of a mirror in the store as proof! ( ) So then I forced myself to brave the long checkout line instead of rushing through self-checkout so I could take my time enjoying being out in public some more, and after I paid I was feeling good about everything so I said what the hell and drove a few miles to the mall to see how well I would do around more people.

Nothing too life-changing at the mall, though I felt so great just walking around in front of so many people. I did make an uneventful lap around Victoria’s Secret but it was pretty crowded and I was feeling nervous so I walked over to Spencer’s Gifts instead. I didn’t realize they had such a great lingerie section! And I found an amazing little teddy/corset to go with my stockings I had just bought, and it was even pretty close to the same color as my new jacket! It was up on a higher rack so I had to do this embarrassing little half-jump in my heels, and there I was in the back of the store just reaching out for the cutest little thing I could get my hands on!

So I grabbed it off the rack and went to the sales girl to pay, and I got so nervous all of a sudden, and I realized I hadn’t actually talked to anyone in my full makeup all dressed up like this before, but I did my best and she was so sweet! She complimented the color and said it was her favorite one (even she noticed that it kind of matched my jacket!) and as I was paying she even complimented my nails and said how cute they were! I awkwardly thanked her and told her they were press-ons, and she just reached out and grabbed my fingers as she was handing me my change and told me they looked great either way!

I swear she was taking extra long talking to me pointing out the return policy on the receipt and explaining their customer survey and telling me how to get store credit if anything doesn’t fit. I’m not entirely sure and maybe it was just in my head since I was feeling so confident by this point, but I swear she flashed me this cute little “knowing” smile as she was folding everything and putting it in a bag for me. As she handed me the bag she told me she thought I would look cute in it and she hopes I enjoy! Oh my god, seriously. Floating on a cloud. I thanked her and walked back to my car so happy and reassured and admittedly a little awkwardly turned on by her kindness.

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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Brittany

Things like that kinda day make us feel great and encourage more outings. A shopping we will go!

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Honorable Member     Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Great outfit! Sounds like a great day!

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Trusted Member     Salem, Virginia, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

That's a very cool story! The voice thing is a huge obstacle! Wish there was a "press on nails" like solution for that one!

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Estimable Member     Central PA, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Sooo happy that you had a great time.  I just love hearing stories like this.

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Awesome story. Regardless whether I'm shopping en femme or in guy mode, I've often found that the younger girls (20's and 30's age group) are the most TG friendly. Even with the "knowing" smile, they go out of their way to help us.

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Prominent Member     Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hello Brittany; By the way, great name choice. Thank you for sharing your shopping story. It's great that you had such positive interactions at the stores you shopped at.


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