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My Emma activities are extremely limited right now but I have a few weeks where my wife has a commitment on Thursday nights that has her away from home from 430 till 9 pm. This gives me a small window to dress up, do makeup and nails and go for a short shopping trip and meal out. Life got in the way last week and I had to skip it which was a major disappointment. I planned carefully this week and avoided any issues. Painted my toe nails yesterday to get ahead of things and kept them hidden from my wife and guys at the gym. Arrived homme shortly after my wife departed and spent 90 minutes ironing a top, doing makeup and getting dressed just right. The hip pads I purchased really perfected the hourglass figure we all crave and as I checked out my appearance in the mirror I could feel the pink fog descending around me. Oh how I had missed this . The trip to Target where I had seen some shoes I was interested in was quick and I was surprised how relaxed and comfortable I was getting around in public. I avoided getting too much in others personal space but couldn't avoid a couple of young gals in the aisle with face cleansing products; not much I could do so I stayed focused on what I wad looking for and they finished their business and left without incident. I went to the shoe department, found a couple of pair to try on and proceeded to walk around, check them out in the mirrors and get a good feel for them. The experience was very scintillating and I descended deeper into the fog enjoying myself immensely. I found a nice top for running in cooler weather, but couldn't find a casual skirt to wear during the fall instead of jeans or a dress. (Dont girls wear skirts anymore?) This forced me to head to the mall and I switched into my new pumps outside in the car. I really needed to relieve myself and the area outside the ladies room at the mall was deserted. I proceeded into the ladies restroom and found an empty stall, I had a few layers to remove and when i finally pulled down my gaff, i found I was very moist, apparently from the excitement and arousal of the shopping experience. I was really surprised how much I was affected by this femme experience on multiple levels.
I hit TJ Maxx, Kohls, and Bell but the only skirt I found was black leather... not exactly what I wanted. But I was finding myself navigating my way around numerous other shoppers and store employees without any negative reactions.
I finished my night with a late meal at McDonald's and the gal who brought my food called me sweetie multiple times which was adorable! As I lingered over my food, I knew that the clock was about to strike 12 on Cinderemma and that it was time to start removing wig, makeup, nail polish, pads, bra, shoes, and clothing. The hardest was the nail polish because it's such a visual, stimulant reminder of the lady within! After returning home, chatting with and saying good night to my wife, I've moved to a quiet place, slipped into a silky nightie, poured myself a glass of pink rose, removed the polish from my toes, and enjoyed the last vestiges of pink fog as they drift off into the night. Until next time.....
Shopping is a real turn-on, isn't it? I haven't yet gone out en femme (waiting for my makeover before I do it), but I have reached the point where I am comfortable shopping in guy mode or androgynous. I, too, have been looking for skirts in the stores, and like you, don't find anything I can use. I have noticed that other than very young girls and very old ladies, everyone is wearing jeans, capris or shorts. This holds true, even in church, except for about 10% who wear regular dresses. It seems to be the defining fashion trend of the era. Denim skirts are common, if you like them - and fortunately for me, I do - but pickings are slim, otherwise. My wife finds my dressing acceptable, and we are both long-since retired, so Bettylou is mostly free to move about - for which I am most thankful.
Congrats Emma on a great night out. I am impressed at the speed you moved to accomplish all you did. I bet you slept like a baby girl!
Hello Emma; Thank you for sharing this story. Shopping is always fun. Sorry to hear you couldn't find a skirt that appealed to you, at least you ended up with some nice shoes. It also sounded as if you had an enjoyable wind-down after you got home, just dreamy.
Those shoes will be a constant reminder of that lovely shopping trip - I bet they'll be your favourites for the next year or so!
I love getting new shoes - I've just added a new activity to my list of things to do next time en femme.
Thanks for sharing this story!
Love Laura