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I was going to post this on the 'Today I ...' thread, but I think it's bigger than that. This morning, I went out of my front door for the first time in full Fiona mode - hair, makeup, the works! 😊 It's unseasonably mild here at the moment, even some nice sunshine to go with it, so no coat on, just my new long-sleeved denim fit-&-flare dress (comes to above the knee), thick black tights and the black ankle-boots that I bought a couple of weeks ago.
It was the nice weather falling on my weekly full-Fiona day that gave me the impetus really. I thought, if there's an order waiting in the online shop that I run for the car club I belong to, I'm damn well going to go and post it off en femme. My neighbours both sides and opposite are home, but to hell with them seeing me - that's always been going to happen eventually, ever since I got serious enough to progress from lingerie. If today's the day, then so be it.
Shutting my front door behind me wasn't without its internal butterflies, but before I knew it I was down my driveway, off the gravel and listening to the heels of my boots on the pavement. A jogger emerged from a side footpath right in front of me! ... but I don't think he even looked at all before carrying on in the direction I was going. I'm about 250 yards down a cul-de-sac with pavement on one side only, and the postbox is on the opposite side at the entrance, right next to a main road junction with traffic lights. Having enjoyed every step of the way, I was about to cross over to the postbox when a red car turned in and slowed down as it reached me! I carried on, crossed behind it and posted the packet in full view of the queueing traffic at the junction. As I turned back, the red car was just finishing backing onto the driveway of one of the nearby houses. I crossed back over to the pavement and walked across right in front of the car as the door opened! The rest of the walk back was uneventful, but that's the whole point - there were no shouted comments, no hoots from the cars that passed or at the junction. If anyone noticed, I don't know them, and what they made of seeing me as Fiona is theirs to deal with.
Aside from the euphoria of today's achievement, it's so nice even just to want to go and enjoy being dressed outside in the daylight again. I've missed that feeling since last year. Back then it was mainly just in my back garden, and just the clothes, as I still had a beard. It seems that as Fiona, my spirit responds more to the weather than it does as my drab self, so today I'm filled with hope for the coming Spring and Summer 🙂
Edit: I've just taken and submitted a photo of what I presented to the world this morning (with indoor flats instead of ankle boots). It'll be in my public photos once it's been through moderation.
Wonderful Fiona and what an eventful uneventful event. You did it in style and if any one did see or didn't it matters not as it is obvious this isn't a one off. Whatever will happen in the future you should be able to deal with.
You go girl, put those big girl panties on Fiona and let the sun shine down on you. I'm sure what you felt when that car backed into the driveway, was nothing less than a thrill and a boost of confidence for you, too feel so right as you walked the rest of the way home.
Good on ya, girl! The first steps in an assuredly long journey! 🙂
Super cute look, too!
Congrats and well done going out the front door for the first time.
The first time I tried to go out the front door during the day-time was about 6 years ago, I bottled out. I faffed about and changed my outfit; then I tried again - awful jitters but I got outside and by the time I'd walked about 100yds down the road I felt fine. Since then it just got easier and easier, now I don't think about and just do it.
Again, congratulations as I still get those feelings even though I have been out with public many times, my favorite place to go is church for Sunday mass, I guess it makes me feel like just another lady, and, since I haven’t gotten any stares or comments, I just love doing it, sort of a normal thing to do, shopping center is another place. I just hope to find a close friend to not have to do it alone, keep enjoying, you really looked wonderful.
Way to go Fiona, those first steps are the toughest to take. You proved to your self you can do this. I can relate to how hard this step was to take and despite all the times I have been out I am still very cautious but this site has helped hugely with my confidence. Onward upwards now Fiona, you know now you can do this. Well Done!
From one Fiona to another, congratulations! You are about to embark on an extremely thrilling and fulfilling part of your dressing journey. Enjoy!
Fiona -
What a wonderful experience for you, hope you have many more like it in the future.
I haven't had the opportunity to do that yet but hopefully one day it will come.
I knew I'd be having a full Fiona day today, and that I would have another order to post off. It was a lovely sunny morning so I thought I'd repeat the little outing from a couple of weeks ago 😎 Finally, after getting my outfit and makeup on (while keeping an eye on work of course 😉 ) it was time for the wig to go on. Let's brush it out first ... but where's the hairbrush?
Cue much searching of everywhere that I store any of Fiona's stuff, then the rest of the house - no joy whatsoever. Can't think where I've put it down, but I just can't find it anywhere. "Right then my girl", I think to myself, "the outfit's not too stand-out. We'll see your trip to the post-box, and raise you a trip into town to buy a new hairbrush!" 😲
So, before I could chicken out, I was in the car, stopping at the end of the road to post the packet, and then on to one of the supermarkets right in the middle of town, where I know the location of the haircare and cosmetic supplies. By now it was 1pm and nicer than ever. It took a bit of a deeper breath to get me out of the car, but then ... off we go down the carpark, over the crossing, smile and thank the car that stopped, up to the door and we're inside!
Although I knew the aisle I wanted would be relatively quiet, it was a fair way in and, being lunchtime, it was pretty busy, especially down at the checkout end. But I heard no comments, I don't think I was even getting any looks, although once in the aisle I definitely got a thankyou from one lady for standing back from where I could see to search the shelves, for her to pass. However, I couldn't find any hairbrushes. Not round the end into the next aisle, either.
The hairbrushes turned out to be on the end of a completely different aisle, right in the busy bit opposite the checkouts. On a wave of optimism from the experience so far, I took a few moments to choose from a couple of different styles, I even did the bend-down-sideways-with-legs-together to look at one on a lower level. Picked up some hair bands too. Then standing back up, I noticed the queue for the self-service tills ... OMG that might be a step too far for my confidence just yet! 😱
So I went to a nearby checkout staffed by a lady of around my age, who was smiling and polite as she served the customer in front, who was already down the other end loading her trolley. My turn came, not a flicker as she scanned my items and we did loyalty card, payment, receipt. On the way out I seemed to be swimming against a tide of incoming people, but still no looks that I noticed. I got back to the car with a big smile on my face 😀
When I arrived back home, I was still smiling, riding on such a wave of adrenaline. So for good measure, seeing that the bin-men had been while I was out, I wheeled my neighbours' bins back down their drive and put them against their fence, in full view of their lounge window - with no net curtain, I could see Mrs inside watching TV!
There's no mention in this little tale of any feelings of femininity or freedom of expression. There was too much adrenaline and excitement going on be able to take a step back and experience it on that level really. If I'd had longer, I would have loved to have made a full excursion of it, taking in a cafe and some charity shops and making time to relax and feel the moment properly. That's got to be for next time now ... and I'm sure there will be a next time 🙂
There are two more good outcomes from today's adventure. For one, I should absolutely be able to do the post-office run en femme now. And two, I've definitely now earned the handbag I've been promising myself for going out 'properly' 😍
PS: I've uploaded the outfit to my public photos. And now there's a third good outcome, I'm going to have to upgrade to a paid subscription because I've got no more slots left!