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Saturday I went shopping to find an outfit to go with some boots i have. I just carried them with me in a bag. After looking around, i picked up a couple dresses and went to the sales lady at counter. She asked if i would like to try them on.I asked her opinion on them as far matching my boots . She agreed with one of them. So i went to dressing room tried them on . While i was dressing the lady knocked and said she found some other dresses to try on. So after deciding on one ,i changed back but decided to leave my boots on. I was waiting nervously to open the door not knowing whom else was outside. So finally i went for it. I proceeded to counter to pay. I did get a strange look from one lady but i just smiled and turned away. The sales lady was awesome, she asked if i wanted to look around some more so i did, not to long though. Then i checked out ,thanked her for all her help then headed outside. The walk across the parking lot was interesting , alot longer walk than my last time wearing these boots but i made it to the car. After getting home my wife and daughter decided to go pick up lunch and stop by a little park ,so i decided to go along . I did change to a more feminine looking top though before heading out. I did ask my wife if it was fine with what i was wearing, she was ok with it. I was so happy she didn't mind and also happy that there wasn't too many people at this park. It was a great feeling being dressed and being out in the daylight compared to being dressed and hanging out on the deck at night.
I love reaffirming stories such as yours. I hope you inspire more members to go out normally, too.
Lovely story Ricki 🙂 Shop assistants are the best, aren't they? Hope you get more femme time in daylight soon, especially with your wonderful wife and daughter.
So far I've been lucky with nice store keepers.
Ricki -
What a wonderful experience for you