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We are all unique. I dress for the sheer pleasure of the sensation. No wish to be a real girl but love to those who do. I guess I’m what is known, though I don’t really like labels, as a fetish dresser. Now in my early sixties, I’ve been dressing since I was about 12. Documented elsewhere in this site. I sometimes feel a little alone in merely enjoying, in a purely sexual way, the joy of dressing and subsequent release from feeling, looking and touching in a dress or skirt. I am lucky to have a supportive Wife who allows many dressing diversions (pm for details) but I also dress alone on many occasions because I enjoy the release while wearing women’s clothing. I get confused....
Hi Jade,
Sometimes I do this, dress, "release", then change back . Nothing wrong with that, but I do like venturing out as well. My SO is not supportive, so I have to play it safe in that respect. I'm near your age as well, same story as many I'm sure.
Enjoy what you want, and like!
Dressing has become such a natural high for me that I rarely if ever feel the need to seek a release anymore. Being wrapped up in a lovely piece of lingerie and pantyhose under the covers of my warm bed is so much more fulfilling and lasts the whole night. The fact that there’s no...mess...is just a bonus. It has helped me mature and evolve into dresses and outfits now that the sexual element has all but disappeared.
There is always ‘mess ‘ for me I’m afraid!
Hi Jade........there are many variations of cross dresser/Transgender. You do what you do because you like what you do....no need to justify yourself. Be happy, be kind to others, be kind to yourself and enjoy your life....you only get one kick at the cat, so to speak....no offense to kitties intended.
Be all that you can be........
Hugs, my sister........
Dame Veronica
I’d never pass, the only venturing out has been along the beach on holiday along a secluded beach wearing a long dress with lace bra and boobs and silk knickers beneath. It felt so divine! How can it be that a man enjoys this sensation? A lifetime of confusion! I love women, don’t love men but absolutely love being en femme when the urge takes over. Aargh!!! If I don’t understand myself then how can I expect others to understand? As I said, a lifetime of confusion. The older I get, and the more lingerie, skirts and dresses I wear, the worse it gets. Would welcome pm to discuss.
Jade, I'm tired of trying to understand. I guess I think that if I understand then it can be real and clear and then it's "not my fault." Without understanding, it seems like it's just a choice. But I've come to see that accepting does not require understanding. Something I learned long ago, without the context of cding; "I accept myself, and I love myself, even when I don't understand myself." My divine destiny is to allow my spirit to express this unique experience.
And I've decided I can't ever expect anyone else to understand. Just accept me. Or not. Not my problem.
I understand that completely. I'm exactly the same way.
Hj Jade
When you start feeling confused just stop and think that you were conceived in A women's body where you spent nine months in her womb upon birth you were raised and nurtured by the same women most of your jeans and other cells in your body are shared by both male and female. So when they wrap you in A blue blanket and your dad slaps A football in your crib does that all of sudden make you A guy, I don't think so. We are all different we don't come out of the same mold. I was lucky to have An abundance of female hormones and enjoy all the pretty soft silky things women take for granite and so should you.