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After my open heart surgery I had to get some walking in. That involved the nurses helps me 3x a day to walk around the ward. Those walks involved small talk, One time the nurse said so Jason tell me about yourself. I said "I was born a poor black child." the nurse said I do not like where this is going. The other said I just watched that movie!!!On one of the walk I was talking about hobbies I mentioned cosplaying. They did not know what it was and I explained it and told them I crossdress as Supergirl. Told them when I get back to my room I will show them the pictures. When we got back I showed her the pics of my Supergirl and Wonder Woman. They said NO that does not look like you you look great! Rest of my stay the nurses would come to check then say I was told to ask about Supergirl. They all loved the pics and could not believe it was me.
Brandie -
Sorry to hear about your health issue, wishing you a speedy recovery. That is wonderful that you had that experience and that you got the reaction you did.
You are indeed a Supergirl Brandie and I hope the recovery is good so you can fly again.
You seem to have a knack for turning a rough situation into a fun time! I'm glad you are recovering well and in good spirits!
Great to hear you are recovering and the supergirl strength you have after surgery. Very scary surgery, as I know of a few friends who have had similar surgeries (valve replacement). Anyhow, keep up the walking and building up your strength. We never know how long we have on this earth. Hugs, -Traci
Great to hear you are recovering and the supergirl strength you have after surgery. Very scary surgery, as I know of a few friends who have had similar surgeries (valve replacement). Anyhow, keep up the walking and building up your strength. We never know how long we have on this earth. Hugs, -Traci
Hi Brandie,
Sounds like your recovery is progressing well. Hope you are released soon from the hospital and are back in costume soon.