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Hi gals...
I just feel a need to tell you about this other day.
So i've been Crossdressing since February, so i'm still fairly new in this universe.
Me and my wife have talked about it , and she was weirded out about it, but tried her best not to be to conservative, and she was okay, as long as she didn't have to have anything to do with this new part of me.
And me, i didn't really know how to be around either to be honest.. So i found a good solution.
I am an old timer Streamer on twitch, but haven't streamed in many years, so i thought.. HEY let's re-Brand my self as Davina, because then i have an extra excuse to dress up and be Davina.
So that's what i did. and then it would feel a bit bit more natural, because.. it's a "brand"
So i was streaming the other day. and just as i was about to finish up, my wife walked in on me, because she needed help with some computer stuff, not knowing i was dressed or streaming.
So i finished up the stream, she was sitting and waiting, and when i was done i helped her, and we talked and talked about random life stuff.
And then slowly i started to undress to get my "normal" outfit on and look maskuline again and remove makeup and such.
I was still talking with her about random stuff.
When i was done and a "man" again.
It suddenly hit me..
She is talking to me like nothing is changed, like i'm still just me.. She has gotten SOOOOO far.
So i naturally complimented her, and told her how much this reliefs my heart and how happy it makes me. it really means a lot.
and typical her: "Well i'm trying baby, i'm doing my best".. i smiled and kissed her and she went to bed after that.,
She is just such a sweetheart and i love her. And again.. she is really trying.., and i was thinking it was going to take a LONG while before she would get more accepting.
I don't know how to end this story haha .
I hope you gals enjoy the story.
Lovez & Hugz to you all
That’s just such a beautiful story to hear, Davina, just thinking of what you said warms my heart.
Great story Davina, you and I are amongst the few lucky ones with accepting partners. When I met my present wife I told her about my alternate wardrobe and she was okay with it. I "dress" every evening and when I wear something over the top such as short skirts with nylons and visible garter straps she will politely ask me to tone it down a bit. Until recently going out dressed and wearing makeup were out of the question, but to my surprise she suggested that I try getting made up and go to our local pride group's events. One big rule is that I keep it from the neighbors and her two daughters. She is a bit uneasy about it and at this time does not want to go with me, but I am hoping that will also change. She is an awesome woman!
I love your story, Davina, and I predict a happy ending. Love will prevail. Your wife is in the right track for you as she is willing to try. I'm glad for you.
A lovely simple story of acceptance from a wonderful partner. Everything was said, no ending required.
What a great story. Love it!
That's a great story and it's fantastic that she's as open to you as you describe, given it's only a short time since February!
Wishing you much happiness as things evolve further X
.Davina -
What a lovely story, thank you for sharing.
It can take some time for our SO's to come around. It took some time for my wife to accept Suzanne but she did eventually. There are limitations but that is to be expected, as time goes by they are becoming less. I always take my lead from her as to what is acceptable and it is working so far.
Davina, having an SO join you on your journey is unmeasurable really and their support should be greatly acknowledged. Those of us who have their respective partners support are most fortunate in not only the advice regards with clothing and makeup, which will significantly boost your confidence when the time comes to venturing out in public.
Like you, I've only recently discovered this aspect of my personality....it all started with a desire i shared with my SO regards to wearing heels...the rest is history, as they say.
When femme, I'm a much calmer person in that i am more content.... this helped significantly when stepping out in public. Not having to go alone, i know i would not have achieved so much in a relatively short time, is all thanks to her.
So, for those of us who have the support of their SOs, a BIG THANK YOU, the least we can do is to repay them with honesty and respect.