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As some of you know, I came out to my daughter about a week ago and it went very well. I knew there were still some challenges ahead (for me mostly), even if her acceptance was a joyous relief. Her seeing me dressed was going to be almost as challenging as telling her in the first place. Well, on Saturday night I ripped off the bandage. We were going out with friends to the local goth/industrial dance club that night, and after doing my makeup (extra glitter!) and dressing in an above the knee Victorian style black dress, pvc underbust corset, sheer black tights (with black dots), and tall boots with a 3 inch heel, I texted her from the next room and said "we going out tonight and I'm am as dressed as I ever get. Do you want to see? Ok to say no." She did want to see! So, I stepped into her room in all my goth-ish glory. She happily exclaimed "omigod, you look so pretty! I love the corset, and even in this dim light that glitter pops..." It was a great moment! My wife could hear everything from the next room and just gave me the biggest hug after. Then we went dancing! This is at a private club, and you have to be a guest of a member and there's a dress code, so everyone let's their freak flag fly and it keeps out the bad elements. There were many other crossdressers there, and some outfits that I wouldn't wear outside the bedroom! I went with my wife and her bestie, who is a great ally, and a male friend (so I'm making some progress in being out to male friends, a growth area for me). I felt absolutely amazing and danced all night. Can't wait to do it again!
Wow, such a fun time and a great confidence builder.
It is great your daughter was not only accepting but gave you such nice comments. I mentioned many times, that the younger generation is so much better about this which gives me great hope for the future.