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Thanks CDH and members "I've come out " how do we convert more men become like u

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Should men be educated and helped to become a cross dresser.

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Deborah I don’t believe you can educate someone to make them a cross dresser. Within our own community we can’t agree if we are cd, tg, ts, gender fluid, etc...  I have a good friend who is quite apathetic about what others do and has no qualms with any of the various lifestyles as long as they don’t push their views on him. He is the quintessential mans man and does not want to change who he is any more than you want to change who you are. I think the only useful education we could give the world is that we are just normal folks like anyone else and just want to live our lives in peace.


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I agree even though I started topic just interesting about what members think. Deborah

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Voting "no" on this.  There is too much to consider, namely geography.  Where in the US you are plays a big role here.

Most important from my perspective here is the word "converteed". It implies you are doing something against ones will.  Educated perhaps yes, but being made to convert would hurt our community, in my view.

With respect and appreciation for the post,



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Yep get you on that .but in the question as is.  "converted" is not in the question its educated with the option of help to becoming. So I think educated and option of help strike me as a good thing. There was a stigma about this sort of thing when I was younger years ago but I believe it should be at least as freely talked about and discussed to help remove any stigma still attached to it. Would be interesting to have a sense of country by country views on it.

Deborah. United kingdom.

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Estimable Member     Terre Haute, INDIANA, United States of America
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I don't think it's about education , more like enticement the bait is out there waiting for someone to take , once taken  then it's welcome to CDH

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Reputable Member     Middlesex, New Jersey, United States of America
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I wouldn't wish the need to crossdress on any man considering what I had to go through life with my crossdressing needs. Just to convert more men to be like us isn't right. To become a crossdresser is a personal decision.

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I agree with you just wondered what the general  feeling was and you have a very good point personnel decision. Sorry if question may of caused upset but I was just thinking may be where in society cross dressing stood. Deborah x

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Good honest question implying education and help if someone decided for his self to try it out. Yes I believe in educating anyone about CDing and that it is a need not a want. We are not deviants and through education maybe most can understand that we are regular people who have a need to dress or present as female. Not some psychological diagnosis which can be cured but a genetic (possibly) difference which gives us this need to dress as a woman. Some because they are transgender and others are not. But the need is still there to dress feminine. This is difficult for all of us and if education can make life a bit easier for any of us then I am for it. Love ❤️ and hugs 🤗


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Hi thanks Danielle for your comment though I do think that it should be taunt to all at a lower level thus allowing people to formulate there own ideas and if they want to take it further. One person I told when I first came out as a cross dresser said wouldn't it be better if women were in charge this was said when I mentioned I thought I was changing my view on things because of my cross dressing. Deborah

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Estimable Member     Long island, New York, United States of America
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I don't think it is a matter of education or conversion. Let's assume 1% of men are closeted crossdressers. (I don't think that is an outrageously high number) If there are 100 million adult men in the US, then that translates to a million crossdressers. If they all wore feminine attire in public, it would become a norm within the acceptable range of attire. The problem is who goes first. I know I don't have the courage. But if there were a critical mass that did crossdress in public, I know I would join them.

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Hi thanks for your comment one of my views is, is this aspect of sexuality taught that there are "crossdreser's" in schools in u.k wear I live in the subject of sex education. Or what is covered in the same subject in other counties or that they actually have a sex education. Deborah


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