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Active Member     Cleveland , Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago
  1. I think if I remember the first I actually tried to crossdress was in jr high
  2. My mom and sister went out for the night and weren't gonna be back into morning
  3. <li style="text-align: left;">So I went into my sister's room to borrow a book when I noticed she left her clothes on the floor. When I went to pick it up I got a strange urge

  4. Before I knew it, I put on a simple denim skirt a white blouse and a pair of black pumps with straps. I looked at myself in the mirror it didn't feel right
  5. Then without thinking I put on her lingerie, I pulled my hair back into a pony tail and for a moment I thought I saw my sister

<p style="text-align: left;">Ever since then I've into wearing women's clothes</p>

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Alianna and welcome to CDH/TGH web-sites. Feel free to explore and any questions or guidence, feel free to ask any of us girls.....we all love to help were needed.  Look forward to hearing from you........

Dame Veronica




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