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Featured "The good, the bad and downright... dangerous"!

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Joined: 7 years ago

Hello to all the lovely ladies on CDH.

We read and enjoy everyone's stories about how things go well, when we are out and about as our femme selves

Here's a few that are well... not quite the same


1/,. I did a daylight drive in the late 90’s from Sophie’s Dressing Service  in Plymouth down to Cornwall planning to stay at a very scary B and B near Mousle??? Why was it scary??? Cos I booked it through a TV mag at the time and was greeted by a very scary looking character in full BDSM gear. Black leather thigh boots, full black cape, the works. The “accommodation” was two rooms covered in all manner of BDSM stuff.

I lasted one night there and hightailed to to a “normal” hotel.

2/.  Back here in Oz, (Sydney actually), again in the 90’s “stuuped me” took herself to a “different Dressing Service”. All was going very.. very.. well until some joker with a knife came rushing into the room and demanded money. Now as a security thing, I never took my normal wallet and ID to such establishments, so when he demanded money from me, I just gave him my spare wallet with the $$ for the night and he took off out of the room.

 I quickly got rid of the make up and the clothes they had provided and found myself out on a very busy Sydney main road, no money, pitch dark and not a cab in sight. Luckily, one came not long after, so I ended up back at my hotel pleading with reception to let me back into my room, so I could pay the cab.

 I almost felt like I should hide under the blankets until morning. Cos I could have easily finished up as a witness in an armed robbery case and divorced!!

 3/.. Brisbane this time. I made “penfriends” with a rather “heavily built CD” and went to her house for “dressing and drinking.” I remember I dressed in my bridal gown

After about 3 hours, “heavily built” wanted to get “frisky”. So I packed up and went to leave. Got as far as my rental car and “frisky” sat herself in the “boot/trunk” and would not move.

 I got her out.. eventually, and of course never went back again.

 Last but not least… Back in my “scaredy cat CD” days, (aka terrified somehow I’d get “outed”), I used to buy a lot of Caty’s outer  clothes from upmarket recycle shops


 So I set myself to be in one,on a one morning in Sydney during a sales trip  on what I thought would be a quiet day for the shop. Of course I’m in the change room and two “cis ladies" came in and start  happily chatting to the owner, leaving me “stuck” in the change room. They left in just enough time for me to get out of the dress and the change room and make it on time for me to be at my client’s place.

These days, specially if I'm in Caty mode I just go about my business like any cis female would do so.

The last time I came close to being "outed" was buying some new bras at my favorite lingerie shop here in Melbourne. I'm good friends with the owner and when she suggested I try a bra on in her change room, I insisted on going out the back to the stock room to be fitted.

Mostly cos I was in drab at the time and did not want to cause a fuss if a "GG" wanted to use the room.

Sure enough a lady went in there for a fitting. Now If I'd have come out of that room, bare on top and jeans and sandals on below my waist she could have easily lost a sale. And a dent in her reputation in that suburb.

Happy dressing and "stay out of strife",




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Noble Member     Warner Robins, Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 1142


Oh,the trials we must endure while under the influence of the Pink Fog!

 So glad that you survived and thrived, Caty!

 Fran 🥰 


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Noble Member     California, United States of America
Posts: 1103

@ryanpaul Thank you for posting those stories. They are a great reminder to stay safe, watch our surroundings, and be calm and confident in any situation.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4018

@ryanpaul Remarkable stories, Caty!

I nearly burst out laughing at #1.

You reminded me about setting up a decoy wallet. I need to finish mine.

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Estimable Member     Indiana, United States of America
Posts: 47

@harriette Sad, we live in a world where decoy wallets are a reality.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4018

@lisadouglas It's not really important  where I live, even at its worse. I just want to make one - in case my world falls apart (unlikely).

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Estimable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Posts: 60

@ryanpaul Sorry to hear about your "less-than-quality" experiences, but thank you for opening up about them. Reassures me that I'm doing the right thing when I'm "risk-assessing" prior to all of my many excursions...

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Noble Member     Clearwater, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 624

@ryanpaul Wow Caty! You have had some girly time adventures.  Thanks for sharing.

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Reputable Member     Missoula, Montana, United States of America
Posts: 169

@ryanpaul WOW, how many times I just said WOW!

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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
Posts: 851

@ryanpaul I think there is a movie deal somewhere in all that.🫣🤭😃.  Before you get to famous , can I get an autographed picture?  👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩

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Estimable Member     Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 139

@ryanpaul - love these stories. If you ever fancy a new career as a stand-up, you've the bones of some good material here. 🤣

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Posts: 2037

@sunnyday Thank you Ali. Bit late for any career, I'm much closer to 80 than 70 and retired from my "proper job" over 20 years ago.

But given my career was in marketing and sales and I've been told many times I'm a good writer, I'll be content to live my retired life and spend too... much time on CDH.



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Duchess Annual
Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
Joined: 10 months ago

Hi Caty,

"Scaredy cat CD". Lol, now that's a term I'm not unfamiliar with. 

Thanks for the tales. 

Emma x

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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Truly remarkable reading, TY. Glad no irreparable harm was encountered. And, you live to tell the tale. 💚

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
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Nothing of the sort for me. Glad all worked out ok for you. Good idea about the decoy wallet. 

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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Head on a swivel, always🥰

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 5 months ago

Number 1 no lie and apologize was funny adventure lol I couldn’t imagine walking into something like this lol 😂 thankfully you survived number 2 that’s just insane the emotions and anxiety wow couldn’t even imagine let alone fear thankfully everything worked out for ya and gave you some wild memories TC and be safe out there ladys 

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Wow Caty that's some experiences but fortunately yu carried on and didn't slam the closet door shut locking it behind you.

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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I can't say I have had any negative experiences when out en femme. Maybe I need to get out more., or at least check in to some seedy motels.🤣🤪

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Baroness Annual
Estimable Member     Alabama, United States of America
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People ask me frequently about “issues” living here in Deep South, conservative Alabama. In 24 years I have never felt any dis-ease or fear for my safety. When I’m presenting as my authentic self, I “own the world.” Head up, shoulders back, smiles to all, and confident.

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Thank you for sharing these amazing stories Caty!



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