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I was driving to one of my local CD meetup events last night when a motorcycle driver wiped out 3 cars in front of me and was laying on the pavement badly hurt (he hit his head and wasn't wearing a helmet). The people in the 2 cars in front of me got out to help and I also did what any girl would do: took off my heels and ran out there to see how I could assist. They were already on the phone with 911 and the only thing I was able to help with was to help specify the exact location so the caller could tell the dispatcher.
I didn't see the accident but the caller did, and told me that the car in front of the motorcycle "brake checked" the rider behind him -- slammed on the brakes so that the motorcycle behind would slam into the back of his car. And the despicable piece of scum just drove away, and nobody really had any information about that car or driver, we were too concerned about the poor man lying in the street.
But justice may be served after all. After they took the motorcyclist away in an ambulance and they let the traffic through, maybe 50-75 yards in front of the accident around a minor curve in the road, there was one of those police observation towers in a parking lot and I notice it had a camera pointed in the correct general direction. Even if because of the minor curve in the road it did not film the accident per se, it certainly would have filmed the cars passing at the precise and for instance noticed that at one point no cars were passing as we had stopped at the scene of the accident.
Before going out my wife reminded me not to get confrontational when out dressed, I tend to sometimes get angry at other drivers and flip them off, sometimes for good cause but just as often not, I know I have anger issues 🙁 But I wound up doing precisely what Lori asked me not to. As we'd been sitting in the traffic backup for about 5 or 10 minutes, some callous jerk was trying to pull up and squeeze his vehicle between the injured man on the pavement and the car stopped next to him, and I started yelling at him. He eventually drove over the curb and the median to go the other direction, but not before getting dressed down by a cross-dresser.
I hope they catch the sub-human who did this I'd like to go to the trial and encourage the judge to lock him (or her, but I doubt it) for the maximum sentence for attempted murder
I was out at a lake by myself to enjoy some time in the water in a one piece swimsuit. A storm was coming in, so that lowered the possibility that anyone else would show up. I made the decision to leave far too late. On the drive home, I had to stop on the side of the road because of extremely heavy wind and so much rain that I couldn't see.
Long story short: while I waited in my truck for that bit of weather to pass...while still wearing a swimsuit...I nearly got blasted away by a tornado.
Being followed for 20 miles by a State Trooper. I was so scarred I almost wet myself!!!