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The time you did something you probably should not have

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Reputable Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

I was leaving the house this morning fully dressed at 6:30 am (still dark) and I was in the car before opening the garage door.  At best anyone up might see a slight silhouette in the car as I would drive out.  But I was returning in daylight so I thought I would take off the wig and maybe the makeup.  I started to leave the neighborhood, but i forgot the makeup remover so I drove back and had not noticed any light on at all or anyone out so I just pulled the car in front of my front door, headlights still on, got out and went in the house and then came back out with the makeup wipes and left.

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Estimable Member     Winter Haven, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

One day I was dressed en.femme and was wearing a prosthetic vagina under my skirt without any panties on.
I was in a restaurant having dinner by myself and as I was getting up to leave I dropped my purse on the floor spilling out everything that was in it.
I squatted down and began to pick up everything that I had spilled keeping my knees together as I was doing it.
My wallet had fallen futher away from everything else and I had to shift my feet so that I could reach it
When I shifted my feet my knees came apart and I inadvertently spread my legs giving the people at the other table a clear view of my vagina.
I stood up as quickly as I could completely embarrassed by what I had done
To add insult to the situation one of the girls who had seen me squatted down said
You should be more careful about what you are doing if you aren't wearing panties under your skirt. I turned beet red and smiling at her saying I'm sorry if I offended you then walked out of the restaurant completely mortified

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Reputable Member     Long Island , New York, United States of America
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My 1st time going out was in 1978 or 9. Over the years i did a few things when out enfemme that i regretted, just like i did when i wasn't enfemme. We all make errors in judgment.  The thing to do is remember them and learn by them.


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Noble Member     Long Island,, New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

OMG!! I feel for you in your most embarrassing moment .. I also commend you for sharing your experience with us ... Thank you

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Noble Member     California, United States of America
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I love to wear flats in guy mode, or sometimes heels, when running errands or just being out/about.

A few times, though, I had a second thought and decided not to wear anything feminine, then ended up running into someone I knew and realized how lucky I had been to avoid a potentially embarrassing or misunderstood situation.

There are also the times I did run into someone while wearing subtle flats and tried to make my flats less noticeable by changing how I was standing so that they would be less obvious.

Then there are the times where I ventured out in what I thought was a cute outfit only to realize the fashion mistake I had committed, like forgetting to wear a slip or tank top under translucent top or skirt, or realizing how uncoordinated my outfite ended up looking.

I try to be careful though about safety and security, but I know that going out dressed anytime, even just wearing flats, trying on heels in a store, or trying on a dress in a store could all get the wrong kind of attention. I've learned, always be aware of your surroundings even if you're in the pink fog.

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Reputable Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

I had to let the neighbors dogs out this weekend at about 11 pm so I wore heels and pants.  I really wanted to wear a skirt but decided against it.  No one could have seen the heels well unless they were close to me.  But once I was outside and heard the click click click I got a bit nervous even though no one was out.

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<p style="text-align: left;">I has some camo flats I would wear all the time till the souls went bad.  I still wear 5$ canvas shoe's from Walmart.</p>

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New Member     Cape May , New Jersey, United States of America
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<p style="text-align: left;">Okay, I still can't believe I did this.  So, the weather has been less than desirable and after sleeping in. I finally decided to get moving.  After a long shower and some personal time in the bathroom I figured on just staying in and doing nothing.  So I put on bra (38-C ) fresh panties, my black leggings and my big turtleneck sweater, fat socks with my blue tennis shoes.  So after some breakfast I spent some much needed time with the plants and after a few hours of that I heard the mailtruck pull away. Now you probably should now that I'm not a full time dresser, only because I have all the usual hang ups.  Mostly my job. And the only few times I ever dressed full time was when I would  take my two weeks vacation  up in Canada. ( safest place I could come up with. And so much fun if your a that's another story for another rainy day. So, back to the mailtruck.  I'm thinking "oh nice, maybe my wish order is here?" So, I put everything away walk down the stairs, out the front door,  down the driveway to the mailbox.  I waved to the two older guys across the street who seem to always  be there and really could careless about me but waved back like it was a big effort . And then after looking through the mail I give the bitch two houses next door a Dirty look and slam the mailbox door shut and walked back up the driveway and into the house.  Well I walked into the kitchen and started to sit down and saw myself in the hall mirror. Now I'm eather starting to get comfortable with where I am or really complacent.  Because I just realized what just happened and said out loud. (HOLY SHIT!!! What did I just do?? And in the middle of the afternoon too.. and without makeup.) I really don't think anyone noticed what I was wearing... But still.  I was so overwhelmed I thought I was going to pass out. Almost like the first time I bought my first bra and panties set. (I was 19 and in the Army.) guess I'll just have to try harder next time... yeah rite...</p>

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Estimable Member     Texas, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

This is a long one, but I want to share my experience.

In my early days of dressing, I stayed in a locally owned drive up motel to enjoy some Helena alone time for the evening. I requested to have a room I could pull up to so that I could go directly to my car and back to the room if need be. I liked this motel because it had lawn chairs just outside the room you that could sit in, and it was perfect to allow me to sit outside at night dressed and enjoy a smoke. I picked an evening where I knew the motel would not be as busy, and it helped that it was on the outskirts of town.

I remember it was well after midnight when I dressed up and went outside to sit in the chair. By then there were a few cars, but no one was outside. Perfect! I remember wearing an LBD and black pumps, my brunette wig and make up and I took my seat. I was trembling because I couldn't help it, but I didn't let that stop me. I fumbled lighting my cigarette and couldn't get the damn lighter to work. Ugh! I then remembered that I had a spare lighter in the glove compartment, but my keys were in the room. I got up to get them, trembling and heart pounding. I walked to the passenger side of my car, my hand shaking as I opened the door and leaned in to open the glove compartment to get the lighter. I have a bad habit of opening the car door, and then locking it immediately with the fob. As I got the lighter, I closed the door and realized to my horror that I left my car keys on the passenger seat!

I was not going to let that ruin what I had been looking forward to for weeks. I calmly took my seat on the chair, lit up my Virginia Slim and indulged the night. As I puffed, I couldn't help but worry how I was going to get my door open. I dreaded having to ask for a locksmith because I was not financially capable of paying for one. As I finished my smoke, I walked to the drivers side window and peered in to look at the keys one last time before going back inside. That's when a voice startled me from behind: "Lock your keys, Miss?"

It was the hotel clerk, and I think he was walking the grounds for security purposes because he had a flashlight with him. In my best feminine voice, I answered yes, but I was shaking pretty bad. I would not dare turn to face him! He came up close to me and I stepped aside as he peered in. "My brother can open it, but not until the morning. Is that okay?" I could only nod, but still could not look at him. He aimed his flashlight into the car and saw the keys. He said something in spanish and then told me not to worry and to get some rest. I thanked him as I turned to walk to the room door. He then said something that I couldn't make out but I was in my room quickly by then, deadbolt and latch fully in place!

I couldn't sleep, and when I eventually did, I had overslept! There was knock at the door but I dared not answer it. I peeked through the peephole on the door and saw a burly man walking away. God! I quickly took a shower and changed into drab clothes and prepared for embarrassment and humiliation. I opened the door, and there at the foot of the door was a bulky envelope with the room number on it. My keys!!!!

I grabbed it and fumbled it open. With the keys was a small note. It said no charge, but it also had the man's name and phone number. I was partly flattered, but I had no time. I aimed the fob at the car, opened it and got in quickly. I just drove off, a lump in my throat as I drove straight home.

I never did anything like that again! I now stick to interior hotels when the mood strikes.


Thank you all for listening!


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Things I shouldn’t have done... many! When staying at my sis in laws house I discovered her maternity wear in drawers and wardrobe. Had to try it on: floaty dresses, big knickers, nursing bra, hold up thigh highs! Heavenly!

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Honorable Member     South of Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
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In attempt to get to a lake to do a little night swimming in women's swimwear, I tried to drive my truck through some mud that was I found out the hard way. I had to call someone else to pull me out of it.  I discovered later that not even a jeep would have gotten through but he was fortunate enough that I was there to pull him out.

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Reputable Member     Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
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Not long after I emigrated to Australia I went to a CD/TG Christmas party up in Sydney, which was held in a nightclub on Oxford Street. I went up with a friend, and we stayed in a hotel a few km from the venue. We had a nice time at the club, but there came a point when my friend decided she'd had enough, and went back to the hotel. I said I'd stay on for a bit, and even went along to a different club with some girls I'd met.

Then I decided to head back to the hotel. It was about 1am. And realised that because I hadn't made the booking, nor drove there, that I didn't know the name of the hotel I was staying at. And with Sydney still being an unfamiliar city to me, I didn't even know where it was in relation to where I happened to be now. I didn't have a way of contacting my friend (we were still luddites when it came to using mobiles) and it was pre smart-phone, so I couldn't use the 'net to look up possible hotels.

There I was in a short sparkly clubbing dress, all femmed up and on my own in an unfamiliar city, with no idea how to get to where I was supposed to be, or even *where* I was supposed to be.

Fortunately I found a stranger in a late-night shop who was kindly let me use my phone to look up possible hotels, and with the aid of someone from the second club I'd been to I think we worked out the most likely candidate. Then I had to get a taxi. I'm afraid that a few drivers obviously saw the nature of their potential fare, and decided to decline, but eventually I got a taxi, gave him the name of teh hotel I thought I needed to get to, and away we went.

I'd like to say that there was more drama to come, but there wasn't. I'd found the right hotel, and I got there safely.

Strangely I don't remember panicking. I just assumed that somehow everything would work out OK. And it did. It's only afterwards, years later even, that I realised what a tricky situation I could have been in.

So, the moral is that you should always remember the name and address of any hotel you're staying in 🙂

And just so you can picture my predicament more easily, this is what I looked like:


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