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The woman in the mirror

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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Sometimes when I have dressed fully and look in the mirror I feel like two people in one. I am still me of course, but I am also the woman in the mirror as well. If I have done what I think is a particularly good job, I feel like I have in part created my own "dream woman" and she is me. I know there is an element of narcissism here in the sense that I almost "love" the alter image of myself as a woman. It is almost as if I am both the admirer as well as the admired. A very unusual and erotic combination in the sense of creating my own girlfriend from myself.

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@maureen76 I get it Maureen, I think thats why we’re all about the pics. I totally love looking at little Grace and posing her this way and that. It’s a vanity project dripping in narcissism is it not? When I get it right I think to myself, yeah, I’d go out with her🥰.

I liken it to having an affair - only I’m not cheating. Or am I? Emotionally? Some women would probably think so! (At least some women I have known!) Maybe that’s why some of the spouses have a problem with us coming out to them? Maybe it’s a good reason not to? Never really considered that since it’s preposterous to me. But maybe not to everyone.

I once read a quote from a Crossdresser who said - “When I get all dolled up I look so good I want to do myself!” I understood what he was talking about. Is it self confidence? Narcissism? Bits of both?


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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@gracepal Great response----I love this part "When I get it right I think to myself, yeah, I’d go out with her🥰." ---- You totally understand what I was saying and that's great. I wasn't sure how many others here had the same experience. Now I know there is at least one. But I have to believe many more. Also like this quote which is similar to yurs if a little more graphic but still true "“When I get all dolled up I look so good I want to do myself!” ---which is a succinct way of saying what I spent more time saying---LOL

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@maureen76 Maureen, it occurred to me early on when I resumed my Grace-ful ways that I would only choose the stuff I liked. (Since it’s all about us, yeah?)

So shorter blonde hair, cute haircut, glasses,  medium makeup, small bosom and leggy looks with pantyhose. Check, check, and check.

Not only would I go out with Grace, I’d probably marry her!!!🤣😂🤣

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As a guy I never found myself attractive, like some people look in the mirror and are confident they are gods gift to the opposite sex. Its so intoxicating looking at yourself and feeling wow thats me !!   Would I date myself well probably not makeup can do amazing things but I would not want to wake up in the morning and roll over and see this mug sleeping next to me lol my wife is a saint . Lol   Cheers RC

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@river LOL---River

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@maureen76 The first time I saw myself fully femme in a mirror, I was totally shocked, stunned, amazed and thrilled beyond belief. That sexy girl looking back at me was me. And this is the girl i'm going to show off to others when I take her out in public. Just thinking that was incredible exciting.

Ever since then, checking myself out in the mirror at home has been part of my regular routine. And when I go out, I usually look for glass or mirrors to see my reflection. I enjoy seeing I'm a girl out in the world.

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Unlike drab me, Cerys has to be perfect. I look in the mirror, and if it's not right, I change. She has to be perfect. When I see the finished article, it makes me proud. I have achieved something. I see Cerys as a creation, maybe not quite a work of art, but a creation. Every morning I create Cerys. I have a different outfit every day. Every day is a new creation.

Whilst, it's not an erotic experience for me (it used to be decades ago), I do try to emulate the look of attractive people I have seen. When I see an attractive lady pass by, I first see her as an attractive lady, then I look at what she is wearing. If it's a particularly nice outfit, I will try to emulate it. When I look in the mirror. I see this attractive woman (in my minds eye) looking back at me, and I get a great sense of achievement at what I have created.
I see Cerys as the other me. She's my superhero. Cerys is strong, confident, and sure of herself. Male me hasn't felt like that for many years.


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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@dazzler ----" When I see the finished article, it makes me proud. I have achieved something. I see Cerys as a creation, maybe not quite a work of art, but a creation. "----I agree, by dressing as a female we are creating a work of art or at least attempting to depending on the success of our efforts

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@dazzler Cerys - Opposite for me, I’m empowered by Grace. Just think of all the cool stuff that so-called “macho men” do…play sports, get a cool job, make a lot of money, marry a nice girl, buy a nice house…all well and good. But have they ever tried dressing up like a pretty lady? Probably not! But I have. Many times. Very successfully! So if I can crossdress, I figure I can pretty much do any of that easy stuff now.


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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@gracepal amen Grace----you go girl!!

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Honorable Member     California, United States of America
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Natalie is definitely based on a woman I would be fiercely attracted to as a man. Always loved long legged women with dark hair. Most of my style choices I would be thrilled to see a girlfriend wear


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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@coloradog1 yes---we often dress like we wish our girlfriends would

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Honorable Member     California, United States of America
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@maureen76 for sure !

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Estimable Member     Manchester, GreaterManchester, United Kingdom
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@maureen76 - Have to agree with you there Maureen.

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@coloradog1 Natalie you’re echoing my thoughts girl! As women’s fashion has been going down the tubes for many years now, I’ve found extra pleasure in being Grace. Because “If those other girls won’t wear it, Grace will.”

IMHO it’s us girls right now keeping the pantyhose industry in business🤣


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My former male self would be very attracted to Fiona. When you spend a lot of time and effort to look like an attractive woman, it's not surprising that sometimes there can be an attraction to who emerges.

In order to get the necessary degree of confidence to live comfortably as a woman, you almost have to love yourself to some degree. If we can't love ourselves then how can we expect others to love us.

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@d44 " Well said---I totally agree

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Noble Member     Florida, United States of America
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Maureen, I’ve certainly looked in the mirror and been completely attracted to the girl there.  But as I look, I keep thinking that that girl looks too good to want me, so I’ll just have to move on.  What an ego boost to my female self!

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@jennconn---amen to that

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Maureen -

Another interesting topic.

I look at Suzanne as my alter ego. I am able to dress for he mood I'm in. It can be sultry or casual or dressy. Depending on the amount fo time I have depends on what I'm able to do. Most days my make up consists of lipstick as I don't have the time to apply my face and remove it, other days I am able to glam up. As Suzanne I am more bold in my colors and patterns than my drab self (although I'm starting to expand my drab wardrobe a bit). I'm also taking better care of myself as far as my skin, nails and hair is concerned. 

I do feel a difference in my attitude when dressed. It helps me deal with stress and acts as an escape. I am noticing that as my drab self I am becoming gentler and softer, guess you could read that as more femme. Even some of my mannerisms are changing a bit. I feel so much better.


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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@cdsue Yes,---the amount of time we have to dress definitely affects how we dress----because it is time consuming to put our full girl on in the best way we can---so less time means less girly

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(@Anonymous 97944)
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So, taking the step in taking selfies for examination and reflection could be a giant step forward psychologically?

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@danikiss22 Indeed it could, unfortunately selfies tend to not "look as good" as our perception of our reflection in the mirror

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Reputable Member     GreaterManchester, United Kingdom
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I totally get this as Lizzy everything has to be perfect make up, hair etc.. and is certainly more stylish and glam than male me so makes me feel very empowered and feminine. I also tend to wear lighter colours as Lizzy (reds, blues and greens) whereas in drab its always black T-shirts and hoodies and blue jeans.

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@lizzy89 sounds like female Lizzy is much more fashionable than male Lizzy

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Reputable Member     GreaterManchester, United Kingdom
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@maureen76 let's just say male Lizzy is the least stylish person I know LOL

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@lizzy89 same here for male Maureen

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The more she stares back at me the less I see of him and the less I want to see of him. It's getting very difficult to do the change.

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@cherylt sounds like you are headed towards full time Cheryl

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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@maureen76 Not just yet. There are still family responsibilities and such that prohibit that. At home it's pretty close, especially in winter since we live in a rural area and things really slow down.

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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Love looking in the mirror at the lady looking back checking my curves out and hair leads to a lot of pics tho lol then you all have to see them 🤗 definitely a fun moment tho 

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@erinb Indeed it is

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The first time i saw a woman looking back at me in the mirror, was a day i felt like i found myself. I will never forget the feeling that it gave me.

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@robertaf amen--like being transported to another world

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Reputable Member     Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom
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During one of my earliest experiences dressing when I was a teenager, I looked in the mirror ...I looked and thought ..

Am I a girl who had just been dressing a boy, or a boy who is dressing as a girl ?

I looked into the mirror as deeply as I could and tried to figure out the answer. Logically I was a boy dressing as girl, but I felt I was also a girl. 

Fifty years on from that experience, I think I have a better more rounded answer to the question -  I see myself as a person, whose ground of being is genderless; I am physically male but my gender expression includes both male and female aspects - in some ways I am both.  When I dress the outward form of my female aspect is realised and I can see a woman in the mirror.



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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@ajthairms Interesting thought on the subject


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