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I'm fortunate to be out as "April" a good portion of the week including my business. I have been in a few "situations" where I feel a bit dishonest due to certain circumstances. For example, I'm part of the "girls in the office" areas such as the "general space" areas such as the lunch room, open workspaces and....the lady's restroom. Women talk with me all the time in the lady's room, as we have become friends at work.
Recently, a woman friend of mine at the office was talking with me in the lady's room as we were at the sink area both washing our hands. As I was washing my hands, I looked up at the big mirror and could see her blouse was open, her bra lower as she was adjusting one bra shoulder strap while continuing the conversation with me. She was standing right next to me. Well, I just put my head back down, looked toward the paper towel machine, and by the time I looked back she was all "buttoned" back up as we continued talking about the working world. I felt a bit dishonest. We both left the lady's washroom at the same time.
In another situation, I was trying on a new blouse at White House - Black Market. One of the saleswomen recommended a new blouse style that had just arrived and recommended I try it on. I was over in that long dressing area with the big mirror(these stores all appear to be configured the same so you might know what I mean) and she was behind me looking at how the blouse "fit". It looked a bit baggy on the sides and she came up behind me and said "you are not tucked in all the way in the back" where she proceeded to tuck in my blouse all the way down. I could feel her hand on my panties and butt. Again, I felt a little sheepish.
What do you think? It has only occurred a few times. however, can this be avoided when out in public?
Wow some very interesting things has happened unfortunately I wish I could be some help but unfortunately I never been out I feel as if I was in your spot take the wins and learn and gain form them I say but like I said never been in these situations
Perhaps you need to 'think' like a woman as it seems you have been accepted into their world. Your embarrassment is a typically male reaction and I am sure that you wouldn't reciprocate the same way in the same situation.
I have been in the same workplace of women and some of the conversation would make any man flush. Being party to that conversation is also part of that acceptance so there is no shying away, you get involved. The longer you are in that group the more you are attuned to the vibe and learn too. I have been in restrooms where conversation carries on even when I am in a cubicle, it's normal. Like you I have that modesty mode but have to think differently.
I am sure they know you well and are comfortable so there is no dishonesty. In an area where there are women you do not know when out and about it is different, different rules apply especially if you are alone, modesty and care need to be taken.
Hi April
The way I look at it you haven't done anything wrong. It is a compliment to you and the way you conduct yourself while you are April that in the case of these two ladies they were totally comfortable with you to act and treat you as they would any other woman. You didn't force yourself into those situations. I think you did do the right and respectful thing to put your head back down when she was adjusting her bra. I agree with Angela there is no dishonesty here but I can understand why you felt there could have been. I think for other women to be treating you as one of their own you are doing something right not wrong or dishonest.
April -
Like Angela I worked in an environment that was mostly women. This was before I acknowledged being a CD so I was totally drab(it was actually unisex as I'm a nurse and we all wore scrubs). That didn't stop the conversations though and I was part of the girls chit chat.
I understand your feelings but I wouldn't call it dishonesty. The woman at work knows you and was comfortable enough to adjust her clothing in your presence, cudos to you for looking away. As to the salesgirl, I can see her adjusting the clothing to make it look good on you and wouldn't read anything into it. I went to a boutique with my wife once and the SA was very particular in how the garments were draped and fit when my wife tried them on. Nothing untoward about it, just trying to make a sale.
That feeling of being truly accepted as a woman must be magical