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My wife knows about my dressing. But there are many things she doesn't know about it... at least I don't think she knows... she's not nearly as nosy as me...
1) I go out dressed a few times a month, on lunch breaks. Easy to do since I work from home.
2) I have a collection of swimsuits and bikinis.
3) I wear pantiliners.
4) I've been lucky to get compliments from other women when I've been out dressed.
5) I made really good friends with sales people at several shoe stores and thrift stores over the years.
6) I have a collection of purses.
7) I have a lot of formal dresses and ethnic clothes all hidden in plain sight. I should have been a spy....lol.
8) I have a small nail polish collection.
9) I'm on CDH 🙂
10) And if she found out about these things, I wouldn't feel ashamed. This is me.
I'm trying to think but I'm not sure there is anything significant my wife doesn't know about me.
Oh, there is one thing. Years ago something very embarrassing happened (before we met) and I've never told anyone about it...
...and I'm not going to here, either.
There, I'll bet that's annoying
I have always been opened and honest with my SO regardless of what or when I usually tell her everything that’s new and what’s going on I even gave her all my log in info to here there was an incident that was hiding but she found out that was tuff times I made a commitment to her that I would never hide anything again so know I’m just opened and honest TC
I wonder if she has ten things you don't know about her Lea
No real secrets. Fully open. She's fully accepting.
I'm not allowed a name, so Cerys is just for online use, though I have mentioned to a couple of friends that it would be my name.
She doesn't know I'm on here. She knows that I used to be many years ago. She also joined for the SO section. My previous username is different.
Secrets cause stress. Secrets control you. When a secret is shared, it loses it's power.
My wife knows I dress and suspects (rightly) that dressing consumes me. She however is not aware that if i wasn't married i would transition in a heartbeat.
I was going to start a new topic but this thread ties in with something I was thinking today. My wife and a girlfriend were going shopping today as she needs a new holiday dress.
After they left I was pondering my good fortune to be married to her. This is my third marriage. #1, I was too young and immature. I still wanted to be with many women. #2, was my “opposites attract” marriage. After we got together we both agreed that we were total opposites. It was a physical thing. When that got old, we were never on the same page. Still, it went on for 13 years before she finally bailed. #3, was finding someone who I’m compatible with in 95% of things. We both like mostly the same stuff. From food, tv, politics, all the biggies. All my spouses knew and were okay with my crossdressing hobby, this one especially so. And we’re both retired and doing whatever we want nowadays.
When she returned from her shopping today, with a couple of new dresses, I asked as I always do: “Did you guys have fun?” Of course the answer’s yes. I was giving my opinion of the new purchases and she got to the one that was going back because “It makes me look huge. Maybe you want it?” No I said, same here, it’s too big for me. Then we discussed dresses for awhile and I realized that women’s clothes are just another thing that we’re both on the same page about. We both like buying and wearing them.
The realization hit me that this is an obvious argument if one is trying to incorporate their crossdressing hobby into their marriage. If you have a spouse you’re very compatible with, many similarities etc…just ask her: “You love shopping for new outfits and fashions, yes?” Well, so do I. My wife has had no trouble accepting and encouraging me after I put it to her so simply. We both like the same things.
We know just about everything about each other. Marg
I tell wifey everything - she even knows that I enjoy wearing gals clothes - Oh the humanity!! She even knows my CDH password. So much easier that way.
Happy Thanksgiving all... Staci...
When my wife was alive, like so many of you here, I never could come out to her. Crossdressing was something that I wanted to do, but loved my wife so much that I could never tell her. We were married 46 years. After she passed away, of course I knew I wanted to pursue my lifelong dressing very quickly and often enough to make up for lost time. It’s funny but when I read this, I knew that we didn’t keep any secrets from each other, but it was ok, I think, to keep just one big one in order to completely enjoy the life that we lived. I have complete respect for our members that won’t tell their wives for fear of ruining their marriage. I hope that they all do what they think is best for themselves and don’t necessarily follow advice to come out to their wives and ruin their marriage. But my other advice would be just make sure you aren’t discovered by your wife if you don’t plan on telling her, that would be even worse.
My wife is accepting of this side of me. We first “explored” gender role play on a dare over a game of billiards many years ago. We were discussing fantasies. At the time she didn’t realize that she opened Pandora’s box that night but would soon find out that this was a part of me that wasn’t going away. We have had many conversations over the years on CD topics and my dressing has progressed to full female presentation in front of her which she is now comfortable with. There were things I did purchase/hide from her in the development of my femme presentation (silicone prosthetics for example) . I eventually showed them to her and felt embarrassed/ashamed to reveal them. She was both surprised yet intrigued that there were items like that. She understands why I wear them though. Our relationship started as besties before we dated and eventually married and we have a lot in common. She always thought it was a bit strange that I loved to shop (even before the CDing came into our lives)
We are at a point now where we give each other fashion advice and share fem things, buy each other items. I am truly blessed to have the support.
My wife is accepting and supportive. She has recognized that this part of me has brought me much happiness and I'm a more well adjusted person because of it. Still there are secrets. I desire her approval on my clothing choices, so I am very upfront with my purchases that I know she would like and even wear herself. I do however hide my more risque side that would include more revealing, overtly sexy attire and photos of same. I keep those things to myself at present, at least until I feel the time is right.
Hi Lea,
my wife knows and accepts. I know everyone has their comfort level with frequency, how much is revealed and what the SO actually tolerate/ accept. That said, my minor transgressions are that I do it more than I tell her. I also work from home most of the time and on slower days at work, I’ll dress up and only the dog knows lol. There was one time when I had a slow Friday and she was working and kids were at school until at least 4pm. I was dressed at 9am and was definitely in the pink fog, since I didn’t have any zoom or teams calls that day. I was caught up and completely dolled up, in a dress, heels, make up, wig. Well, we have a decent size house and have a drive up, and hidden by lots of trees. This was when ring first came out and I completely forgot about it. It was a nice day and decided to walk out front, literally to enjoy heel clicks and just enjoy being outside. Few minutes later I get a text… “I see a strange woman outside..”. Dang forgot the ring, you got me. She responded with “you call that working from home lol”. Yes that’s it. I think when I do she prefers to know about it and join in. However, other times when her and the kids are away longer, especially summer time, she fully knows I dress up on my own. Says that’s much safer I walk around in heels around the house than going out golfing or drinking with guy friends.