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Here’s a new one…(for me anyway). In the midst of a dressing session today I changed into what I thought was going to be a sure-fire fave dress of mine. Lo and behold, it was terrible! First, it was too low cut and I own no strapless bras. Second, what I thought was a cute flowery spring-ish print, turns out to look like someone’s old fitted mattress sheet that they threw away in the junk pile. Just God-awful on every level. Nevertheless, I’m bound and determined to salvage a few pics out of the experience. Anyone relate to this? The good news is that I buy all my dresses pretty much from the GW so I’m only out $6. Still, it takes time and effort in trying to look pretty - so I’m pretty much irritated by the whole experience as I sit here in the soon to be discarded rag. Sipping tea and venting to my sympathetic sisters here on CDH🥰
It ain’t easy being a girl!
Hi Grace,
I think we all have episodes like that now and again we buy a dress and think it looks nice until we try it on and then it knocks us back because it looks awful, you know what they say try before you buy, good luck with your next purchase i hope you get a really stunning dress,
Hugs Roz X
We have all been there Grace. I buy a lot of things on the net but no longer dresses. I learned early on dresses have to be tried on before purchase. The good news is that it got me into the women's dressing rooms now and have grown accustom to it
Sorry about your dress, On the bright side you get to go shopping for another dress!!!
A girl can visit a dozen shops to try and find the dress she wants and then go back to the first shop and the first dress she saw 🤣
Where possible, I try stuff on in the shops. Most of Cerys' clothes come from charity shops, and not all charity shops have changing rooms. I've brought home a few "This is stunning" dresses, only to find that look awful. With charity shop purchases, I tend to donate them back, so it's all for a good cause 🙂
My wife and I hit the sales yesterday. There was a dress that I saw before christmas that I loved. It was £75. In the sale yesterday it as £30. Less than half price. There was only one in my size. My wife agreed that I would be daft not to buy it. I went to try it on, but there was a queue for the changing rooms. £30 is a lot of money for me, but it was a stunning dress. I decided to buy it without trying it. When we got home I tried it on..... Monday morning, I'm on the bus back into town to take it back..... It looks horrendous on me. It's baggy, in some places and tight in others. The arms are awful. Long arms, but bat winged.... I see now why it was less than half price!!!!!. Thankfully the shop we bought it from has a "changed your mind" returns policy, even on sales items, so I can get my money back.... the down side is..... I'll be back in town. A town full of shops with sales on!!!!!! 🙂
Kind of an opposite thing happened to me earlier this year. My wife came home with three different dresses for me that she found on the clearance rack at Walmart of all places. She paid $1 each. I first thought they were hideous and certainly didn't see what she saw in them for me. But she asked me to trust her and whe she was through putting them together with all the accessories I was amazed at the final product and I actually felt really pretty in them. I've actually worn all three of them out at different times this year and may change up the accessories and give them a second wearing next year.
Grace, during the last of my ridiculously rare dressing weeks in June 2023 I ordered two dresses. One was lovely but the other was hideous. Horrible rough material, and the colour and floral pattern looked nothing like what I thought I ordered. Didn't even try it on. Got straight on the Internet and ordered another from the same supplier as the first one. You win some, you lose some xx.
I ordered a cute skirt off the internet, I don’t know how they made it look that cute on the model, because a potatoe sack is cuter and more feminine then the skirt I received… it was horrible… oh well live and learn!!
Hey Grace,
You’re right, it ain’t easy being a girl!
I'm fairly confident about my size and what styles I like, so I do pretty well buying off the rack or ordering online..But I do have a few misfires in my stash. Just part of the process, I figure. A lot of my best (and worst) picks come from Savers, which is kind of like GW. So I'm only out a few bucks on my "duds".
I don't get too worked up about it. I just go back to the stuff I like that seems to like me. And if I do get down in the dumps, I know the solution:
I just put 4 pics of “This dress sucks!” in Private Photos and on my wall. For points of reference ladies. That’s my take on a “what was she thinking?” moment…🤣
I have a few dresses like that. I bought them thinking they were lovely, wore them a few times and now just don't like the look on me. I really need to spend a day going through all my clothes and just get rid of what I no longer love.
This is one reason I stopped shopping in drab. I would find something I loved in the store either on the rack or the mannequin only to bring it home, hate it and have to return it.
definitely not easy myself has experience many times that I so wanted a dress and when i received I was so disappointed bad part about ordering off line learned the hard way what petite means lol 😂
I had that phase in my formulative years when buying dresses where it was more about what I thought would look good and buying without trying led to some horrors, my charity shop re gifting was at another level. Now knowing my style I can look at a dress and know it is for me, returns zero, wardrobe collapsing. Oh and who doesn't love a bargain as clearout/sale rails are all year round.