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How do you know when your wife is fully accepting?
We have a number of large sacks full of clothes that we have to get rid of. Some of these are going to charity, some are going on Vinted.
Tonight my wife brings down some of these bags for us to go through. It's also time to be sure that we are happy to be rid of these clothes.
After just a few items, we found that the only way to be sure of what was going was to try stuff on.
So how do I know that my wife is fully accepting? We both sat in the living room in our bras and panties trying stuff on. My wife will try something, if she doesn't like it, she she throws it to me for me to try. An hour or two sat in our undies trying clothes on.... I know it's nothing amazing, but whilst we were doing this, I remembered back to the days when this was only a dream. Now it's reality! I very special moment indeed!
Another positive, of the 4 bags full of clothes, we only rescued about 6 items between us 🙂
i always say it would be nice to be someone's girlfriend and their boyfriend too. that would be a dream.
Cerys -
What a wonderful time for you. I agree that that is a pretty big sign of acceptance. There have been times a new dress has arrived and my wife will have me try it on so she can make sure it fits. Quite a few times wen she cleans out her closet she will ask me "would Suzanne like this", or "try this on". Of course I do and we have a little fashion show. It is fun and exhilerating when that happens.
It beats watching the telly for sure Cerys, and only six items from four bags! Does that mean more space for new clothes?
Good for you guys! I have received some hand me down clothes and make up advice from my SO, but sitting around trying stuff on would really be great!
We've bought dresses a few times, got them on and taken it in turns to decide who's it is. At a Christmas party my wife wore one of MY dresses.