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Hi girls, These days, if I am going to be wearing panties all day (especially in warm weather) I wear stretch cotton panties for "breathability" and moisture control. I find that if I wear nylon panties (or any material other than cotton) that it helps to wear a panty liner. Sometimes wearing a liner also makes me feel more feminine because this (like a bra) is something purely feminine to wear. What do you think?
wow---I hear crickets---
more crickets
Cricket here...I agree that cotton is great for breathability and moisture control. I wear a pad when out and tucked as I seem to sweat a bit more down there like that.
And yes, it is a purely feminine item.
I will wear cotton panties when doing outside work as it helps to absorb the sweat. I've worn my microfiber panties when mowing the lawn and they don't work as well as the cotton.
As to pads, I have to disagree about them being purely feminine. There are pads for men, both light and heavy ones, which I wear. I would love to wear female pads but my wife would not be comfortable with me doing that and the coverage isn't the same as the male pads (I have leakage issues thus the need for pads). Either way they do help to smooth the front
I am so lucky to live on two acres at the end of a dirt road with only two neighbors who accept that I wear only panties when I work in the yard. I always wear nylon or polyester and since I do not have to cover them up I don't have a problem with sweat. I have tried my wife's cotton panties but they just don't feel as feminine. Any material is better than the old y-fronts!
Yes, I always wear a pad when wearing panties, it helps keep them clean. The act of setting the pad in the panty feels so affirming and womanly.
Dear, you remind me with this matter of feminine hygiene products, of the times of youth when I saw the advertisements on TV about these products and I thought about what it would be like to use them and more importantly when I could use them, well a long time passed until I could feel that experience for myself and since then I have continued using them regularly, always at home as a precaution but with the pleasure of feeling them in my V zone, their discomfort and privacy like any woman, thank you for your publication and kisses to all my sisters in this forum
Yes Maureen, I'm a full time girl, after finding out I was intersex after having a serious urinary tract infection due to my unique anatomy, the lady doctor said I need to make sure I'm always wearing a feminine pad in my panties. Always brand extra long panty liners.