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Hello ladies,

It's almost 4:30 am east coast time and I can't sleep. I am so excited because of the big step my wife took today on our journey together to discover Danielle. My wife is accepting working towards full support and I am so happy with each step we take. Today she bought me a chemise to wear for her to see "me", Danielle, in. Something pretty which she bought for me. A big step getting to the simple pleasures Allison Neu mentioned in her post. One day I will be able to enjoy these simple pleasures of painting my nails, fingers and toes, pick out what I will wear underdressed the next day, and what I will change into for around the house after work. You see, my wife is still scared that I will want to transition to a woman. At this moment I do not think that is what I want or need to do. I cannot say what I will feel sometime in the future and she is too smart not to know this so she is scared. It is the journey not the destination that matters most in our lives. Roses are meant to be the center of attention both in smell and beauty. We, transgenders, and crossdressers, will be roses too, just like the GGs in this world. I am on this journey but I am not alone and that makes me so happy.

My wife asked me today a key question and I was stunned and couldn't answer her, for a moment that felt like an eternity, as I thought of the aspect of what she really asked me. "When you get home you say you are going to go change clothes, what do you really want to change into?" Do I want to change into my feminine things is what she was asking me.......I snapped out of the pink mist enough to tell her that yes I would love to be able to change into Danielle's things, my things, when I get home from work. But I cannot do that.........she must have seen the look in my eyes because she shushed me before I could go any further. Her next words were huge in where we are in our relationship. "I know you can't every day right now." What she meant and I understood is that her son, my stepson, is home from college for the summer so I will need to wait until he is back in college this fall. But to change into my feminine things will be possible and will happen which is one huge hurdle for us to get over.

We must have chatted while lying in bed for about 2 hours talking about us, Danielle, our future together, how we felt about each other, how I felt about the chemise, and how she felt about me wearing the chemise she bought for me! Pillow talk just has to be the best way to discuss deep personal feelings and fears. We had probably the best talk in our 6 years of marriage and it was deeply personal for me and fearful for her. But she was also very happy to see me so happy. That is love right there! She loves me! All of me! I am so lucky and I have told her this before but I think she now realizes that I love her so much I was able to share my deepest desire and fear, to express my feminine side, my female side, as Danielle.

Not the easiest thing to accept in this world with it's judgments and perceptions of what some people consider perverted. But as I sit here in my beautiful chemise and think of who I am at heart I know that the world and it's judgement is wrong. If I could change the world the one part I would change is perception, truth of what is wrongly perceived, and judgmental attitudes of narrow minded hypocrites who think they know how we feel and what the public believes. But as the world changes so do perceptions and we as ladies can help change a part of those perceptions and make allies with GGs who see us as sisters. The proof is in acceptance. Every time one person, whether male or female, accepts who we are without judgment, then we have taken a step forward. So, ladies, as I make my journey I know I will be presentable as a GG and I will change perceptions, one person at a time, because it all starts with our loved ones who journey with us. Change a mind and you affect the future of our country. Change enough minds and you affect the future of our world.

I do apologize for the length, I am tired now, and it is very early in the morning. Thank you for reading this rambling mish mash of thoughts but it all started with a simple gift of a chemise, from a woman, to a woman who is on a journey of self discovery. TTFN


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Reputable Member     Ft Lauderdale , Florida, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago


I am so happy for you. To have the support and understanding of your wife is incredible. You are a very lucky girl indeed. I wish you both only happiness and peace as you travel this new path together.

Hugs, Elise

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I'm happy for you 😃


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Noble Member     Brighton, Michigan, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago


Do not apologize about the length. Your growth with you wife is wonderful, and should be celebrated. Your are in the correct frame of kind. My journey with my wife is similar. It is a struggle, but if the love is true, it will be worth it. Stay true to who you are and the wonderful and beautiful love that you share with your blessed wife.

MacKenzie Alexandra

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Danielle.......thank you sweetie for pouring out your heart. Your wife is a wonderful girl......the two of you are blessed. It is not often that I read/see such compassion for each other. Bless you both on your journey together thru life. I am honored to know you. Great big Bear Hugs for you both!

Dame Veronica

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Danielle…….thank you sweetie for pouring out your heart. Your wife is a wonderful girl……the two of you are blessed. It is not often that I read/see such compassion for each other. Bless you both on your journey together thru life. I am honored to know you. Great big Bear Hugs for you both!

Dame Veronica

Hi Dame Veronica,

Thank you so much for your kind words. I think she is amazing and a very sensitive woman who knows what she wants in life. It is my honor to know you and be a part of this wonderful group of beautiful ladies here. I have been shown such wonderful acceptance and love here and that makes it so much easier to put what is in my heart into words. Hugs to you and thank you again. TTFN


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Estimable Member     Oklahoma, United States of America
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Such an inspirational and aspirational post!

Happiness and love!

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Such an inspirational and aspirational post!

Happiness and love!

Hi Lauren,

Thanks so much for the lovely comment. I had such a wonderful day with my wife I had to share. I pray that some day in the future everyone will have similar days with their SOs and even be able to go out in public with no judgements or other comments whatsoever. That’s my dream of a new world. TTFN



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