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Two firsts in one day

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Eminent Member     Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I know this is probably no big deal for lots of gurls on this site, but I've only dresssed about a total of a dozen times, and primarily in a "lazy crossdresser" kind of way (book by the same name was my guide when I first started doing this about 10 years ago give or take), preferring heels and hose the most.

In any case yesterday I went to a brunch hosted by my local cross-dressers' meetup, and did two things for the first time:

  1. Shaved my legs! I think the reason I didn't look completely terrible in hose in the past was that a) I'm not extremely hairy by any means and b) I prefer fishnets.  In any case, nicked up my knees a bit, will get better with practice I'm sure, and/or I'm considering using a Nair-like product particularly for complete man-scaping
  2. Driving in heels!  I think this helped alleviate my lead-foot somewhat 😉
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Reputable Member     Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
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In any case, nicked up my knees a bit, will get better with practice I’m sure, and/or I’m considering using a Nair-like product particularly for complete man-scaping

I use an electric shaver - no nicking.

(And don't go all femme and get a girly pink leg-shaver. You can get some good, beefy industrial-strength male body shavers that do a far better job.)

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Noble Member     New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America
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Ya gotta start somewhere... I will say I do love shaving my legs.

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Estimable Member     Baytown, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I use to nick my legs up a lot. I do use female razors and shaving cream. The more you shave the better you'll get at it.

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Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Shaving does get easier over time, and wow does it feel good!

Bravo for you!


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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Congratulations!!  I think the shaving does get better, I find knees can still be a bother.  And as for driving in heels, awesome. I have not tried but after watching my SO do it,  I have lots of respect for those who do.


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Eminent Member     Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Great idea as to the electric razor!  I have one that is sufficient for my beard when in boi mode as I'm lightly bearded, but it's really not good enough for when I want go get into gurl mode with makeup, for which I use a regular old razor.  So now I'll have a good use for my electric shaver too, may try it out tomorrow before going out in the evening to yet another of our local cross-dressers meetups.

By the way, another first for me today: got my ears pierced!

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Estimable Member     Baytown, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Driving in heels can be difficult especially in a tight pencil skirt, I now take a pair of wedges to drive in just to be safe.

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Noble Member     Ocala, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Sounds like a fun day! I have to say, shaving my legs is one of the things I enjoy most. It does take practice. Learning the topography of your legs, especially knees, is a bit tricky. The reward is worth the effort. Shaved legs, lotion, and a new pair of stockings is a feeling that’s hard to beat.

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Wonderful day if firsts for you , hopefully more to come , I love slipping into a pair of heels to drive in 😊

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

There is nothing better then heels and hose with shaved legs. I've used chemical hair removers in the past. They work very well but take a long time, smell bad and sometimes leave burns. I find shaving my legs with a slightly dull razor that doesn't work well on my face anymore works great. I shave them in the shower. It's fast, easy and neat. I rarely cut myself, and since I shave them every time I take a shower they are always nice and hair free.

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Reputable Member     orillia, Ontario, Canada
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I find that Nair and Veet both work very well. I follow up with Jergen's silky smooth lotion. So soft and silky.

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Be careful driving in heels!

I've tried a few times, but flats give much better control.

I've tried Veet, and will try again, as there's loads left, but it didn't seem to shift much... I left it for the full time - maybe I should leave it longer, given the coarseness of my hair?

Any tips?

Love Laura

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Prominent Member     Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hello D; Thank you for sharing your story. True, shaving our legs is a common activity. However, shaving your legs for the first time is a special moment. There's not another feeling like it and some ladies get that feeling everytime. Skin nicks are part of the learning process. The more you shave, the less likely you are to get them. However, they can still happen. You learn the areas of your legs that are more prone to nicks and you lighten the pressure you put on the razor in those areas. Taking shorter razor strokes also reduces the chance of nicks. Enjoy shaving and being a lady.


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